"Secretary Bai Xiao, let me be the first person to draw the lot."

Kaiya walked slowly forward and came in front of Bai Xiao.

At this moment,

Bai Xiao handed the lottery box forward, showed a professional smile and said:"Mr. Kaiya, then~ please"


Kaiya reached into the lottery box without thinking.

After a few seconds...

Kaiya pulled his hand back, along with the lottery number in his hand.

He looked closely and saw a big number 4 written on the lottery number!

Bai Xiao also saw the number in Kaiya's hand, and she immediately explained with a smile:

"Mr. Kaia, the number you drew is 4, which means your team will compete with the team that drew number 3 in the second round."

Sixteen people form eight teams, which means the first round will be divided into four matches.

For example, the team that draws number 1 will compete with the team that draws number 2, and the team that draws number 3 will compete with the team that draws number 4.

Kaia immediately understood the rules, which means that it is hard to say whether this lot is good or bad.

"Okay, thank you Secretary Bai Xiao for your explanation.

After handing the signature code back to Bai Xiao, he slowly stepped back and returned to his original position.

"So next……"

When Bai Xiao indicated who would draw next...

Keli could not wait to run over here.

"Me, me, me! Sister Bai Xiao, Klee wants to draw!"

As a teammate, Yan Fei encouraged her:"Come on, Klee!"

As a child... sometimes simple things are attractive and exciting to Klee.

Seeing Klee impatient, Bai Xiao squatted down and handed the lottery box to Klee at a height she could reach.

"Then, little friend Keli, please draw."

"Thank you, sister."

Keli licked her lips and muttered something.

"Klee needs to get a good draw and not let Sister Yanfei down……"

After that, it was obvious that Klee's eyes had changed a little, as if she had made a decision.

She immediately took out the lottery number...

No. 1!

Looking at the number 1 on the lottery number, Klee suddenly became energetic and said excitedly

"Wow, K-Klee got first place!"

""Klee is awesome."

Seeing the number Klee drew, Yan Fei burst into laughter.

You know, in the next two rounds, contestants are not allowed to give Pokémon medicine to adjust their status.

So, before the second round, the earlier the contestants enter the game, the more time they can rest.

Klee drew the best number.

Of course, we can't be too happy now, in case Ningguang or Keqing draws number 2.

Then... at this moment, Keqing suddenly stepped forward slowly:"Secretary Baixiao, let me draw this time."

There is no doubt that Keqing attracted all the attention as soon as she stepped forward.

The audience was excited.

And all the contestants were more or less nervous...

Especially Yan Fei, who had just been happy because Klee drew a good number, was praying now.

"Don’t draw number 2, don’t draw number 2."

At the same time,

Bai Xiao had handed the lottery box to Keqing.

"Lord Keqing, please"

""Thank you for your help."

Keqing fumbled in the lottery box and took out the lottery number in her hand.

Compared with the others who were cautious, she was just casual.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were fixed on the lottery number she drew.

And on it was……

"Number 3?"

Keqing looked at the number and then returned it to Bai Xiao with a smile.

At this moment, Yan Fei breathed a sigh of relief.

"Great, it’s not number 2, Klee, that’s great!"

"Hehehe, Keli doesn't understand, but Sister Yanfei, you're happy."

Although Keli didn't know that Yanfei was relieved, she also knew that she didn't disappoint her.

For Keli, this was the best result.

However... at this time, there was someone else with an ugly face.

"She, she drew number 3, 3?!"

Don't forget, Kaeya was the first person to draw the lot, and he just drew number 4.

In other words... he will meet Keqing at the beginning?!

Then, he turned to look at Diluk and forced a smile.

"Mr. Lu, you won’t blame me, right?"


Diluk didn't even look at Kaeya, but said,"Although I expected your luck to be bad, I don't mind fighting against the Liyue Seven Stars."


Kaeya rubbed the back of his head helplessly, then slowly shifted his gaze to Keqing.……

"Yes, it is really exciting to be able to fight against Liyue's hottest player."

At the same time...

After Keqing returned to her position, Yunjin and Xiangling had already discussed

"Yunjin, go and smoke."


Like everyone else, when Yun Jin came to Bai Xiao, she moved the lottery box forward.

"Mr. Yun, please."

After a while...

Yun Jin had already drawn a number 6 from the box.

"Thank you."

Just after Yun Jin left, Xinghuo of Qianyan Army came forward to draw.

Don't say... the four ordinary people were more or less uncomfortable in this game.

After all, except for the four of them, the others were all owners of the Eye of God, and they were just ordinary people and soldiers.

Fortunately, this game only shows the power of Pokémon.

Otherwise... the four of them would not have even a little hope.

What else is there to compete for?

At this moment.

Xinghuo also drew the lottery number. (To read the exciting novel, just go to Faloo Novel Network!)

However, this lottery number also allowed him to determine his opponent...

No. 2!

That's right, Xinghuo's team drew the first match, and the opponent was Klee who had just drawn No. 1.

Although it is a bit embarrassing for Xinghuo's team to say it.

But there is no doubt���…They are the weakest among all the contestants.[]

"Great! He drew number 2!"

No wonder Yan Fei relaxed.

She even shook Keli's hand and said excitedly:"Keli, your luck is amazing. Not only did you draw the best number, but your opponent was also the best choice."

"Hehe, as long as Sister Yanfei is happy."

After waiting for Keli to respond to Yanfei,

Beidou decided to draw the prize for her.

"Miss Beidou, please make sure to draw number 5. If you draw any other number, we will have a 50% chance of meeting Ningguang and the others."

"Number 5?"

Beidou blinked, and was a little confused at first.

But after thinking carefully, if she drew number 5, her opponent would definitely be Xiangling and Yunjin.

But if she drew number 7 and 8... then her opponent would be either Ningguang or Wanyou.

However, Beidou didn't mind these at all, because luck was unpredictable.……

"I'll try my best." She came to Bai Xiao and immediately reached into the lottery box.

There were only three lots left.

Beidou picked one at random and took it out.


"Hehe, did you draw number 8?"

Beidou was not disappointed. In fact, with her personality, she would not care about these things at all.


On the other hand, Xingqiu lowered his head and covered half of his face.

After all, he had considered more than Beidou, and number 8 was undoubtedly the worst.

Why do I say that...

Because now only Wanyou and Ningguang have not drawn lots, and in fact, as long as one more group draws, the opponents of the game can be determined.

So Ningguang, who is ranked last, doesn't need to draw lots at all.

And at this moment, Wanyou has also drawn a signature from Baixiao.

Sure enough...

No. 5!

In other words, Beidou and Xingqiu, who drew number 8, will definitely face Ningguang.

But with Beidou's personality, there is no retreat, and she even rubbed Xingqiu's hair hard.

"Hahaha, that's great. I can get back the shame of being crushed by Ningguang in the past today."

""Okay, okay, but please stop rubbing my hair, okay?"

At this point, Xingqiu would not back down.

Besides... he did not think that his combination with Beidou would necessarily lose to Ningguang and Ganyu.

At this moment, the order of everyone's battle and their opponents had been determined.

At this point, Su Yan slowly stepped forward and said

"Ladies and Gentlemen, since the order has been decided, please ask Klee, Ms. Yanfei, Mr. Xinghuo and Mr. Zhou Ping to stay. The rest of the contestants please wait on the side and do not disrupt the competition."


At Su Yan's signal, the contestants who were originally standing in the main ring stepped aside.

Only the two groups of contestants who drew numbers 1 and 2 were left.


Su Yan spoke again and signaled:"You two teams stand on each side. Remember, this is just a fair fight of Pokémon. Trainers can only command and cannot take action. If you break the rules, you will be eliminated directly."


In response to���After that, Klee and Yanfei walked to the left side of the ring, less than two meters apart.

As for Xinghuo and Zhou Ping, they nodded to each other and also came to the right side of the ring.

This largest ring has an area of about 1,000 square meters. It is not big, but it is not small.

But for the Pokémon of the current contestants, the venue for the competition is just right.

If it is bigger, it will look too empty.

"Both parties please prepare."

At this time, Su Yan raised his right hand.

At the same time...

Klee and Yan Fei almost took the Poké Ball in their hands.

The other side's Xinghuo and Zhou Ping did the same.

They already knew these rules in the first game.

Not to mention...

In Su Yan's view, they already looked like trainers.

After only a slight smile, Su Yan's hand suddenly fell.

""Begin!" As soon as the words fell, the four of them threw the Poké Balls far away...

Boom boom boom!

The moment the four Poké Balls landed at the same time, four red beams suddenly flashed, transforming into four Pokémon of different shapes. One month of popular science.

One month of training...

Now it's time for Su Yan to accept the results!.

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