Boom, boom... Boom!

Four Poké Balls landed at the same time.

With a clang, four red beams of light bloomed and turned into four Pokémon facing each other. The one sent by Klee was undoubtedly Thunderbolt.

Ever since she got this bomb from Su Yan, she couldn't let it go.

The Pokémon sent by the Thousand Rocks Army, Starfire, was a fighting-type Ironbone Earthman.

It was a Pokémon holding an I-beam, and it was known for its powerful attacks.

Look at Starfire's teammates...

The Pokémon sent by Zhou Ping was a puppy Pokémon with star-shaped fluff on its face.


Woof, Woof!!!

Hayok just ran out of the Poké Ball and barked at Klee's Thunderbolt and Yanfei's Pokémon.

The vicious momentum immediately made Klee and Yanfei's Pokémon look a little timid.

This is Hayok's characteristic of intimidation!

It can scare the opponent's Pokémon and reduce their attack power.

"Good job!"

Seeing this, Xinghuo quickly winked at Zhou Ping.

The reason why he chose to be a teammate with Zhou Ping was that he knew that Hayok had this characteristic...


The smiles on their faces had not yet fully relaxed...

Roar!"Zero three three"!!!

Yan Fei's Pokémon suddenly roared, even more violently than Hayok's roar.

Speaking of which...

Yan Fei's Pokémon was also drawn from Su Yan.

It was a cat Pokémon about 90 centimeters long.

Its head and the front half of its body were blue, and around its head, and the back half of its body were covered with Full of black mane, and a tail in the shape of a four-pointed star.


Like Klee's Thunderbolt, it is an electric Pokémon.

Yanfei's Lukecat also has the characteristic of intimidation.

After Hayok's roar, Lukecat also responded with a roar.

And the momentum was huge, even stronger than Hayok's.

This is not...


In the roar of Lukecat, the Ironbone Earthman and Hayok couldn't help but retreat again and again.

Their faces showed fear and terror...

At the same time.

The smiles of Xinghuo and Zhou Ping have long disappeared.

"What, what should I do? They also have Pokémon with the intimidation attribute."

"Don't be nervous, we are just back to the same starting line now, we haven't lost yet." Yes.

All four Pokémon were affected by the Intimidation attribute, but no one benefited from it.


"Hayok, we go first!"

Zhou Ping immediately pointed at Klee's Thunderbolt Ball.

"Use a bite attack!"

In his opinion, Yan Fei's Leke Cat must be difficult to deal with, while Klee's Thunderbolt Ball is inconvenient to move, making it the best target.

It would be much easier to deal with Leke Cat together after taking care of one.

However, Yan Fei would naturally not give the other party this opportunity.

""Keli, I'll cover you. Luke Cat, use lightning to attack Hayok!"

Two voices fell one after another.

When Hayok rushed towards the thunder ball less than ten meters away, Luke Cat turned into lightning and flew towards him.

"Thank you, Sister Yanfei."

The attack from the opposite side was sudden, and Klee just reacted now.

To be honest, after Klee got the Thunderbolt, she just played with it frequently, but she didn't actually experience many battles.

Moreover, Klee and Yanfei had already discussed that she had her own way of fighting.

In terms of reaction to attack and defense in battle... she was not even as good as Xinghuo and Zhou Ping.

Just as the Lukecat had just turned into lightning and pounced on her, Xinghuo quickly signaled his Pokémon


Iron - boned earthmen, use falling rocks to stop the Lekcat and protect Hayok!


The Iron-bone Man immediately stabbed the I-beam in his hand into the ground, and then... he lifted the steel column in his hand and suddenly lifted it towards the Leke Cat that turned into lightning.

In an instant, the pried open floor, under the lifting of the Iron-bone Man, smashed several huge stones at the Leke Cat.


Luke Cat was obviously caught off guard by the sudden attack.

But Yan Fei had already seen through that the other party would definitely stop her.

She shouted calmly:"Luke Cat, focus on Hayok, ignore him!"


After hearing the command from his trainer, the Luke cat immediately put aside his hesitation and moved forward, the lightning flashing more and more intensely.……

""High-speed star!"

This was the voice from Klee.

Then... a star-shaped energy body smashed the falling rocks that were attacking the Lukecat into pieces!


Xinghuo looked at the source of the star-shaped energy body in astonishment.

That was the attack from Klee's Thunderbolt Ball.

At the same time!

The Luke Cat had rushed ahead of Hayok and collided with him.

In an instant!

Before Hayok could bite the Luke Cat, he was knocked away by the faster Luke Cat.

The Luke Cat landed steadily, with crackling golden arcs on his body.


Of course, although Hayok was knocked out, it still held back its momentum, using its powerful limbs to reduce resistance on the ground, and finally stopped its momentum.

This was just the first move of their fight... (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

At the beginning, Zhou Ping wanted to quickly deal with the Thunderbolt Ball, but Yanfei let the Luke Cat attack in order to cover Klee's Pokémon.

Xinghuo wanted to stop the Luke Cat again, but the attack of the Ironbone Earthman was interrupted by Klee's Thunderbolt Ball.

As soon as the two sides fought, their targets kept changing, which was amazing to watch, and the changes in the offense and defense were even more exciting.

"Wow, that’s awesome!"

"Too strong���Is this a two-player battle? Too exciting!"[]

"Who says it's not? The coordination between the four of them is so good. Although Xinghuo is slightly inferior, the attack conversion is so fast that I am dazzled."

The audience who appreciated this scene cheered.

The other contestants around them also saw the smoothness of Yanfei and Klee's attack and defense conversion, and they couldn't help but nod secretly.

Especially Ganyu and Lisa……

"If Yan Fei hadn't completely trusted Klee, if Leke Cat had been a step slower, he would have been bitten by Hayok, and Klee also cooperated well to defeat Xinghuo's surprise attack."

This cooperation looks wonderful.

But in fact, if you don't fully trust your teammates, Yan Fei and her team will be at a disadvantage in this confrontation.

Don't forget... they have only been a team for a week at most.

"Yes, compared to the first game, both of their Pokémon have improved a lot and their levels are also……"

Of course, let alone other people, even Su Yan couldn't help but nod his head in appreciation during this confrontation.

"It seems that Yanfei and Klee are really lucky. As long as they win this round, anyone who meets them in the second round will be in trouble, even Keqing and Ningguang.....



"Great, Klee, you stay behind to support Lekemao, I'll be in charge of the attack!"

The first battle went well, and Yan Fei knew that it was right to team up with Klee.

Besides... they still had their special moves that they hadn't used yet.

But it was not necessary to do so against Xinghuo and Zhou Ping now.

Klee was very happy to be praised.

And in this arena, no matter what she did, she would not be locked up.

"Sister Yanfei, Klee will support you well."

"Okay, let's continue!"

While the other party was still in a daze, Yan Fei immediately pointed at Hayok.

""Luke Cat, use electric shock attack!"

As soon as the words fell,

Leuke Cat's electrified body suddenly emitted a golden arc.

It aimed in the direction of Hayok.


Dozens of electric currents suddenly rushed out of the Leke cat like flying snakes.

"Want to defeat Hayok first? It's not that easy!"

Xinghuo knew what the other party was thinking when he saw this. He also wanted to get rid of Zhou Ping first.

In this case, they would definitely lose if they were fighting one against two!

""Ironbone Earthman, use Rock Slide to help Hayok avoid the attack!" As soon as the words fell, the Ironbone Earthman immediately swung the I-beam in his hand and hit the rock that had just been lifted up. Just when Leke Cat's lightning snake was about to pounce on Hayok...


The huge rock suddenly fell in front of Hayok, blocking all the electric lightning snakes.

Thus, Hayok was saved.

Seeing this, Yan Fei raised her eyebrows:"Damn... a little slow."

A little disappointed...

If it weren't for the Ironbone Earthman's obstruction, the electric shock just now would be enough to give Hayok another heavy blow.

But at this moment!

""Hayok, now, use the bite attack on the Lek Cat!"

Zhou Ping's order suddenly sounded from behind the huge rock.


Hayok had already jumped on the rock, and with his sharp fangs bared, he pounced on the Lek Cat from midair.

Not to mention...the huge rock that the Ironbone Earthman had just knocked away not only saved Hayok, but also blocked Yan Fei's sight during this attack. By the time she reacted...

Hayok's sharp fangs were about to fall on the Lek Cat.

""It's bad!!"

Yan Fei knew very well that it was too late for Lekemao to dodge now.

But, at this moment!

"Thunderbolt Ball, please!"

Klee's voice sounded from the other side.

Immediately afterwards... an invisible wall suddenly rose in front of the Lek Cat.


Hayok, who was about to bite the Lek Cat, suddenly hit the invisible wall, allowing the Lek Cat to avoid the attack.

Yan Fei was overjoyed.

When she looked at Klee's Thunderbolt Ball again, she saw that the eyes of the red and white ball were flashing with the brilliance of willpower.

"Bare wall?!"

"You did a great job, Klee!"

In order to cooperate with each other, Klee and Yanfei both shared their secrets and knew each other's Pokémon's moves.

Although Klee's Thunderbolt Ball was not very convenient to move, it had many auxiliary skills and moves.

This was also the combat method they agreed on in advance.

One attack and one auxiliary!

But now is not the time to relax, and coupled with her carelessness just now, she almost got the Luke Cat injured.

Seeing Hayok hit the invisible wall...

How could Yanfei miss this opportunity!


It's time to decide the winner!".

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