"Lek Cat, use [Bite] to attack Hayok!"

Yan Fei pointed directly at Hayok who fell after hitting the light wall and gave the Lek Cat an order.

But... just as the Lek Cat was about to bite Hayok, an I-beam suddenly lay in front of Hayok.

Once again, the Ironbone Man saved Hayok.

Not only that……

""Ironbone Earthman, gradually break it down!"

When Lekemao's attack was blocked, Xinghuo began to counterattack. As a member of the Qianyan Army, he also had his own understanding of combat. The

Ironbone Earthman grabbed the I-beam in his hand and slammed it on Lekemao, like a slap in the face to send him flying... and landed in front of Yanfei.

""Luke cat!!!"

Yan Fei immediately expressed her concern with a nervous look on her face.

Fortunately, this was the first time that the Leke cat had been attacked. The

Leke cat fell to the ground and quickly climbed up, then shook its head and roared to the sky.


Seeing this, Yan Fei breathed a sigh of relief and patted his chest.

"Fortunately, fortunately you are okay."

Just now, it was because she underestimated her opponent. She thought that Hayok had lost his mobility and could cause fatal damage to the opponent.

That's why she let Luke Cat attack rashly...

But, this is a doubles match, and what is needed more is cooperation.

Just like the cooperation with Klee at the beginning, they both had the upper hand.

"Sorry, Lekemao, I won't let you attack me recklessly again."

Because Yan Fei was blaming herself at the moment, she didn't even notice that Lekemao's roar had changed after he got up from the ground.

Until this moment... someone in the distance suddenly shouted in surprise.

"Hey, hey, Luke Cat is going to evolve!"


Yan Fei suddenly raised her head and her eyes fell on Leke Cat.

The next second,

Yan Fei's original worries disappeared, and she was replaced by surprise, joy, and extreme excitement.

"Great, Leke Cat is finally going to evolve!!!"

Sure enough...

At this time, Leke Cat's whole body was shining with colorful light. Yes, this is a sign of evolution.

In fact, when Leke Cat was sent to the stage by Yan Fei, his level was already 29.

This is why Su Yan suddenly said before that Yan Fei and Klee were very lucky.

In addition to drawing the best lot, he also found that Leke Cat was only a hair's breadth away from the final evolution.

And... it's not just Yan Fei's elf.

As for being beaten away by the Iron Bone Earthman just now, it undoubtedly aroused Leke Cat's anger, so he broke through the level 30 mark.

At this moment.

Everyone's eyes fell on the seven-color evolution light on the ring...

The light gradually became stronger.

Although it was wrapped in a colorful ball of light, no one could see Leke Cat's current situation, but it was vaguely discernible that its size had become larger.



In the seven-color evolution light, there was another roar of a ferocious beast...


The seven-color evolution light instantly dissipated.

A figure about one meter and four meters tall slowly showed its elegant figure.

Compared with the previous feline appearance of the Leke cat, the evolved one is like a black and blue lion.

Its two pupils glowed with golden light, and then swept across the elves, people, and everything present.

In those unfathomable eyes, it seemed to be able to see through everything.

The little cat monster that Yan Fei bought from Su Yan, that is, the Leke cat, is currently owned by her only in Liyue.

Not to mention the evolved form of the Leke cat...

Yan Fei hurriedly opened the elf encyclopedia and then pressed the query button.

No, it's not just Yan Fei. Almost everyone at the scene who had an elf encyclopedia took it out and made the same move.

【Roentgen cat】

【Gender: Female】

【Attribute: Electricity】

【Features: Intimidation】

【Level: 30】

【Skills: impact, glare, electric shock, charging, electrical field, bite, lightning, roar, lightning flash (inherited), electric shock wave (inherited), lightning fang (inherited), freezing fang (inherited), flame fang (inherited)...etc.】

【Roentgen cats are famous for their eyes that can see through everything. When they activate this ability, their eyes will flash with golden light.

I still remember why Yan Fei chose the little cat monster from Su Yan.

Because Su Yan told her at that time……

"Miss Yan Fei, I remember that you are a legal consultant and you often help people in Liyue collect evidence. When the little cat monster evolves into a xenon cat, its perspective ability will definitely help you a lot."

And now... the Leke cat has finally evolved, no wonder Yan Fei is so excited.

On the battlefield, the evolved Pokémon will be much stronger, and at work, the xenon cat can also help you collect evidence.

What else can be more suitable for you than a xenon cat?

Not to mention Yan Fei, even Klee's eyes sparkled after looking at the xenon cat.

"Great, Sister Yanfei, the Lukecat has evolved into a big cat, can Klee ride it?!"

"Hey, after we win this game, I'll let……"

Yan Fei wanted to agree to Ke Li's request, but when she got to this point, she quickly looked at the Roentgen cat, as if to ask for its opinion.

Although the Roentgen cat looked like a majestic lioness, it nodded very casually.


Yan Fei said immediately:"After we win the game, I will let the Roentgen cat carry you around, okay!"


Keli was immediately excited, riding the big cat and running around, looking so majestic!

Compared with Yanfei and Keli's mental state, Xinghuo and Zhou Ping were nervous.

"Oops, Miss Yan Fei's Pokémon has evolved."

Xinghuo's eyes kept changing. He had just hit the Lukecat and thought he would gain an advantage. But now... the situation is getting worse and worse, not to mention that he and Zhou Ping were at a disadvantage in the beginning.

But now it's still game time. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"We are going to attack, Roentgen Cat!"

Yan Fei was not impulsive this time, nor was she proud of Roentgen Cat's evolution.

The previous lesson made her understand that the more important thing in doubles is cooperation.

"Klee, please cooperate with me!"


In order to win the game and ride the big cat, Klee also took it seriously.

"Roentgen cat, use round pupils (genetic) on the Ironbone Earthman!"

In this confrontation, Yan Fei could have gotten rid of Hayok several times, but was interrupted by the Ironbone Earthman.

Now... she is no longer focused on dealing with Hayok, but needs to cooperate with Klee to weaken him and minimize the threat.

Previously, the Ironbone Earthman's attack had been reduced once by the intimidation feature, and now the round pupils can reduce the Ironbone Earthman's attack again.

The Roentgen cat's eyes were as big as those of a lion.

The golden eyes seemed to appear on its head, locking onto the Ironbone Earthman.

At this moment, the Ironbone Earthman who was being stared at subconsciously took a step back.

Xinghuo immediately realized that Yan Fei could not succeed.

"No, we can't let the other party reduce our attack power any more."

Just as the Ironbone Earthman was retreating in fear, Xinghuo shouted:"Ironbone Earthman, use your bodybuilding skills to improve your attack and defense power!" As soon as the words fell, the Ironbone Earthman stopped retreating and instead stabbed the I-beam in his hand into the ground.

His two fists were clenched tightly, and his whole body began to swell with a powerful momentum.


"Right now!"

Yan Fei had already guessed that once the round pupil was used, the opponent would definitely not let his spirit attack decrease again and again.

She was just waiting for this opportunity!

"Roentgen Cat, use Lightning Flash on Hayok!"


Mars realized that he had been tricked.

He looked at the Roentgen cat, which was already running towards Hayok at high speed.

Now it was too late for the Ironbone Earthman to pick up the I-beam weapon and rescue...

At this moment,

Starfire could only hope that his teammates could find a way to survive.

"Zhou Ping!"

Unfortunately, the lightning flash is a high-speed move.

Just as Xinghuo was about to remind his teammates, the Roentgen cat had already knocked Hayok out...

Seeing this, Zhou Ping hurriedly shouted

"Hayok, don't panic, keep steady!"

The power of the lightning flash is not strong, it is known for its high speed, so it is impossible to kill Hayok with one blow.

But... just as Hayok, who was knocked away, landed and stabilized his body.

Zhou Ping and Hayok only felt a golden light in front of them.

They looked up and saw that a sizzling electric ball appeared in front of Hayok.

There is no doubt... this attack did not come from the Roentgen cat, but from the thunderbolt behind.���

"Klee wants to help Sister Yanfei win the game, Klee jumps and thunderbolts!"

Zhou Ping, Xinghuo:"???"

Klee's Thunderbolt Electric Ball?

What the hell?

Although Klee gave this move a name that suits her.

However, this is the [Electric Ball] attack released by the Thunderbolt Electric Ball...

What's more, Hayok had just stabilized his feet, and it was difficult for his body to make other continuous reactions.

The Iron-boned Earthman on the other side had just managed to pull out the I-beam.

Unable to dodge, unable to rescue...

This time the electric ball attack still fell on Hayok!


Golden arcs of electricity were emitted from the electric ball, bouncing continuously on Hayok's body.

In the blink of an eye...

Hayok had been attacked many times, and this time under the attack of the electric ball, it began to smell burnt.

When the arc died down, it finally fell slowly to the ground.

""Ha, Hayok!"

Zhou Ping looked at his Pokémon which had lost its fighting power, and his eyes were filled with worry.

He was about to run forward to check.

At this moment, Su Yan, the referee, suddenly shouted,"We are in the game now. Trainers should not do anything that will affect the game. Just use the Poké Ball to take Hayok back."


Zhou Ping stopped in his tracks.

Regardless, the concern on Zhou Ping's face was genuine, and Su Yan shook his head and said,"Don't worry, it will be fine with me here.""

"That's good."

Zhou Ping might still doubt what others said, but it was Su Yan who spoke. In their minds, Su Yan was already omnipotent.

He said Hayok would be fine, and he would be fine.

Then he quickly took out the Poké Ball and put the unconscious Hayok into it.

Of course, as Su Yan said... the game is not over yet.

"Klee, help me resist the Ironbone Earthmen. I'll let the Roentgen Cat increase its attack, and we'll defeat Spark in one fell swoop!"

"Roentgen cat, use the long howl (genetic) to increase your attack!".


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