"High-speed stars!"

Klee cooperated very well with Yan Fei. As the Roentgen cat [Howl] increased its attack, the energy-like stars attacked the Ironbone Earthman.

"This is bad!"

The teammates have lost their fighting power, and now Xinghuo can only rely on himself.

He just wanted the Ironbone Earthman to stop the Roentgen Cat, but he was attacked by the Thunderbolt Ball.

The most hateful thing is... the Thunderbolt Ball hides in the back and launches a long-range attack. The Ironbone Earthman can't possibly skip the Roentgen Cat and attack the Thunderbolt Ball first.

Neither strength nor speed allow it.

There is no way, Xinghuo can only resist the Thunderbolt Ball's attack first.

"Iron-boned Earthman, use [Awakening Slap] to smash those stars!"

After the words fell, the Iron-boned Earthman used I-beams and swung his fists continuously to smash the [High-Speed Stars] of the Thunderbolt Ball one by one.

At this moment,

Yan Fei continued to signal:"Roentgen Cat, continue to use [Long Howl】!"

"Damn it, I can't go on like this."

Xinghuo saw that Yanfei didn't attack, but continued to let the Roentgen cat increase its attack power, and he gradually became panicked.

If it goes on like this... just one strike.

The opponent only needs one strike to defeat the Ironbone Earthman.

But, just as he was about to make a move,……

"Klee,"Thunderbolt Ball, charging beam!"

A golden lightning snake-like beam was released from the Thunderbolt Ball again.

"Not good!"

Xinghuo's mind was originally focused on the Roentgen cat, and this distraction caused the Ironbone Earthman to be instantly submerged by the lightning snake beam.

"We can only set a trap!"

He quickly ordered the Ironbone Earthman:"Hold on, Ironbone Earthman, victory or defeat depends on the next blow!"

The Ironbone Earthman immediately erected the I-beam in front of him, so that his entire body was firmly embedded in the ground, firmly welcoming this move!

One against two.

In this situation, Xinghuo knew that the situation was over, but he was not without any chance.

His teammate Zhou Ping next to him... When he saw Xinghuo supporting himself, he rubbed his hands hard with sweat in his palms.

The charging beam passed through the Ironbone Earthman. Even so, the Ironbone Earthman did not lose its combat power. It is better to say that it not only [endured] it, but the damage it suffered was not serious.

Klee blinked immediately.

"Hey~ It's so powerful."

It used this move to defeat many Pokémon before.

But the Ironbone Man was like he was not hurt at all.……

"As expected of the Qianyan Army."

At this moment, Yan Fei also sighed.

Looking at the Roentgen cat again...

Although it was previously [Intimidated] to reduce its attack, the two [Long Howls] have already increased its attack power by a level.

"Beat it, Roentgen Cat!"

"Thunder Fang!" As soon as the voice fell, the Roentgen Cat began to act. It wanted to draw a symbol for this game.

At the same time...

Keqing, who had been watching the game, suddenly said:"Yan Fei is careless again. Xinghuo has been waiting for her to make a move."

Most of the contestants standing outside the field are now very powerful.

They all have their own unique insights into the battle.

Eighty percent of the contestants outside the field can see that Xinghuo has set a trap.

But Yan Fei rashly let the Roentgen Cat rush up.


Lisa, as a teammate, smiled and said:"Oh, really?.?"


Keqing raised her eyebrows. It seemed that Lisa had a different opinion.

As expected, Lisa chuckled again and said,"Ms. Keqing, have you forgotten that Roentgen cats have special abilities?"

"Special ability?"

Keqing's eyes were fixed on the ring.

At this moment, the fangs of the Roentgen cat were entangled with lightning, and it had already pounced on the iron-boned earthen who was holding the I-beam upright in front of him.

However, Xinghuo was not surprised but happy.

"Been waiting for you for a long time!"

"Ironbone Earthman, return the damage you just received to the Xenon Cat!"

That's right.

Just now, when Klee's charging beam attacked, Starfire used [Endurance] to take it.

Endurance is a move that can return twice the damage received to the opponent.

In this way, as long as the Xenon Cat rushes over, he can let the Ironbone Earthman defeat it in one fell swoop.

And as long as the Xenon Cat loses, he will have the confidence to defeat Klee's Thunderbolt Ball.

This is the trap that Keqing saw.

But what Kelisa saw was...

Because the Ironbone Earthman was hiding behind the I-beam, with Yanfei's vision, she could not see that the Ironbone Earthman concentrated all the damage he just received on his fist hidden behind the I-beam.

So when the Xenon Cat pounced on him……


Xinghuo immediately waved his hand:"We win!"

The Ironbone Man responded from behind the I-beam and blasted the Roentgen Cat with this [Patience] attack.

However... something unexpected happened.

When the Ironbone Man came, the Roentgen Cat seemed to have already seen the opponent's fist and attack route.

It twisted its body flexibly and barely avoided the Ironbone Man's fist.

Then, following the opponent's forward momentum, the sharp fangs wrapped in lightning bit the Ironbone Man. Crack

, crack!!!

Suddenly, countless lightning was released from the sharp fangs and spread all over the body of the Ironbone Man.

Accompanied by the Ironbone Man's loud shouts.

It... couldn't hold on and fell down.

The Ironbone Man had already endured Klee's attack, and now the Roentgen Cat has upgraded its attack. Naturally, there is no suspense to defeat it with [Thunder Fangs]

"How, how is this possible?!" (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The Ironbone Man was defeated in one move, but Xinghuo did not think there was anything wrong. What puzzled him was that if Roentgen Cat had not seen through the attack route of the Ironbone Man before jumping, it would not have been possible to twist in the air and avoid the attack of the Ironbone Man.

The fist of the Ironbone Man was always hidden behind the I-beam.

With the direction of Yanfei and Roentgen Cat, it was impossible to see through it...

However, when Xinghuo was puzzled[]

Yan Fei suddenly stretched out her fingertips and said,"Hehe, when the Iron-boned Earthman took the Thunderbolt Ball move, I guessed that you must be planning something, but I didn't expect you to hide behind the I-beam waiting for the opportunity to counterattack. But have you forgotten that my Roentgen Cat has the ability of perspective?"


Mars finally reacted.

That's right.

The Roentgen cat does have the ability to see through.

So the Ironbone Man's preparations behind the I-beam were actually all exposed to the Roentgen cat's eyes.

No wonder, no wonder it was able to dodge the attack in mid-air.

This is because before taking off, it had already seen through the Ironbone Man's attack route.

Thinking of this, Starfire was convinced.

"I, I lost……"

""I see."

On the sidelines, Keqing finally understood what Lisa had said.

But if you were not a very careful person, how could you remember the information about the Roentgen cat?

Moreover, the Roentgen cat was still evolving during the competition. Most people were attracted by the competition and naturally would not remember too much about it.

At this time, Keqing looked at Lisa.

"Miss Lisa, it's great to have you as my teammate.……"

"Are you just worried that I will become your enemy behind you?"

Lisa smiled slightly, then looked at the Poké Ball in her hand.

"Let's think about how to defeat the next opponent first. Kaeya and Diluk are very strong."


Keqing nodded and turned her gaze to the arena.

"That's right... Next is our battlefield."

As soon as Keqing finished speaking……

"In this game, Miss Yanfei and Klee won"

".Mr. Xinghuo, Mr. Zhou Ping is eliminated!"

On the stage, Su Yan had already announced the result of the match.

As Roentgen gave the Ironbone Earthman the final blow, both Xinghuo and Zhou Ping lost their combat effectiveness.

Although they only hit Lurker once from beginning to end, the process was wonderful.

Clap, clap, clap...

Look, the audience burst into applause.

This was a celebration for Yanfei and Klee, and also an affirmation of Xinghuo and Zhou Ping.

"Wonderful, so wonderful, this double fight really requires coordination!"

"Xinghuo, Zhou Ping, what a pity! If the Luke cat hadn't suddenly evolved, you might still have a chance."

"That's not necessarily the case. Miss Yanfei and Klee are a very smooth match. Before the X-cat evolved, it had always suppressed Xinghuo and the others."

"In any case, this match was indeed exciting, much more exciting than the preliminary round."

"Yes, don't be discouraged even if you lose, there will be many more games in the future, right, Boss Su Yan!"

The audience seats were very lively.

This game was not a crushing one, but the process was really exciting.

And now...

Su Yan came to Xinghuo and Zhou Ping.

"Give me the Poké Balls of Hayok and Ironbone."

"This... is good."

Xinghuo and Zhou Ping handed the two Poké Balls to Su Yan without much hesitation. At this moment, everyone was watching this scene.

At this moment, Su Yan's hands, who had received the two Poké Balls, suddenly burst into a warm light.

Then... he handed the Poké Balls to the two people.


You have been eliminated, so you are not subject to the rules of the competition. I have cured your Pokémon.


Xinghuo and Zhou Ping were full of disbelief.

Just by touching it, the unconscious Pokémon was cured?

They quickly opened the Poké Ball.

When the red light turned into Ironbone Earthman and Hayok...

As expected, they no longer looked unconscious, but full of energy.

"Many thanks, Boss Su Yan"

""Thank you, boss."

Although they lost, Xinghuo and Zhou Ping were excited to see their partners safe and sound.

Although they would slowly get better after taking the medicine, it would never be as fast as Su Yan's.

Facing the grateful expressions of the two, Su Yan just nodded slightly.

Then, he looked at Yan Fei and Ke Li.

"Congratulations to both of you for advancing. Now please go to the sidelines and take a rest."


""Okay, Brother Su Yan!"

Yan Fei and Ke Li were very excited.

It was one thing to advance smoothly, but Yan Fei's little cat monster had evolved to its final form, which made her even more excited.

But for other players, the threat of Yan Fei and Ke Li had greatly increased.

"Then, contestants No. 3 and 4 are invited to the stage."

"Miss Keqing, Miss Lisa"

"Mr. Kaeya, Mr. Diluk……"


Please come on stage!".

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