"Hehe, cat, it's so comfortable to sit on a big cat."

After winning the first game, Yan Fei and Klee naturally left the field.

Yan Fei kept her word...

In this duel, the Roentgen cat didn't suffer much damage.

As mentioned before, if we win, Klee will ride it around.

Not to mention, Klee played a key role several times in this battle.

The more Yan Fei watched Klee, the more she liked her.……

"Kelly, be careful!"


Klee rubbed the fur of the Roentgen cat and said,"Big cat, let’s run~"


Although the Roentgen cat looks like a lion, it is very gentle to Klee.

Seeing Klee riding the Roentgen cat and running around happily...

In the distance, Alice smiled with a doting look on her face

"Klee has made some good friends, that's great."

Meanwhile... on the stage.

Keqing and Lisa were already standing on the left.

Kaeya and Diluk were standing on the right side of the main stage...

The four of them were standing opposite each other, with four pairs of eyes looking forward.

At this moment, Kaeya looked at Lisa and suddenly smiled bitterly.

"Lisa... we are both members of the Knights of Favonius, do you want to give me some slack?"

Of course.

Lisa knew that Kaeya was like this by nature, and that nothing he said was true.

She responded,"That won't do. I also want to win 243 in the end."

Sure enough...

Kaeya spread his hands and said,"Okay, okay, then we'll have to see who's better."

At this moment.

Su Yan suddenly asked,"Are you all ready?"


Keqing, Lisa, Diluk, and Kaeya nodded almost at the same time.

With Yanfei and Klee in front, they more or less understood the key to winning or losing this game.

In addition to strength... it also requires tacit cooperation with teammates.

When Su Yan looked at both sides, he immediately raised his hand and dropped it in an instant.

"Then let's get started."

After the words fell, the four of them threw the Poké Balls that they had prepared long ago to the center of the arena.

At this moment, except for Klee who was still playing with Roentgen Cat, everyone's attention was focused on the arena.

The moment the four Poké Balls landed, four red beams exploded and turned into four Pokémon!

"It’s out, it’s the Blue Flame Blade Ghost!"

"Wow, I saw Blade of the Azure again. No matter how many times, I always think it's so handsome every time I see it."

The Pokémon sent by Keqing was undoubtedly Blade of the Azure.

It can be said that...

Keqing and Blade of the Azure have made great contributions to the current appearance of Liyue.

Look at Lisa again.

What emerged from her Poké Ball was no longer a mimosa, but a small elf holding a red and blue rose.

It was about thirty centimeters long and was far smaller than the Blade of the Azure beside it.

But it gave people the impression of a flower blooming in the green grass, cute with a touch of beauty.

That's right.

This is the Pokémon that evolved from Lisa's Mimosa.

Poison Rose!

Just as Su Yan said before...

Rose Witch and Rose Pokémon are more compatible.

Seeing that Lisa sent out Poison Rose, Kaeya and Diluk were obviously stunned.

"You, your elf actually evolved?!"

Lisa raised her fingertips elegantly and responded to Kaia's surprise:"Why, are you surprised?"

"Hey, the difficulty has increased again."

Kaeya shook his head helplessly. It was already difficult to deal with Keqing alone. Now Lisa's elves have also evolved. This game is getting more and more difficult.

On the other hand, Diluk said after being stunned. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Lisa's is a grass-type Pokémon, and it's just in time to be controlled by Torrentine and Flamew. You just need to not hold them back."

After hearing this, Kaeya spread his hands again, his face full of helplessness.

"Master Diluk, don't be so ruthless all the time. Remember, this is a doubles match, a doubles match!"

It turns out that doubles matches focus more on cooperation. Now looking at Kaeya and Diluk... they are like quarreling enemies.

To outsiders, it would be strange if these two could cooperate with each other.[]


Lisa suddenly whispered,"Ms. Keqing, although those two seem to have a bad relationship, their tacit understanding may be far better than you and me. Don't underestimate them."

"So that's it……"

Keqing raised her eyebrows. To be honest, like everyone else, she had watched Kaeya and Diluk's quarrelsome exchange and thought that it would be an easy win.

Now with Lisa's reminder, she had to take it seriously.

……She chose to believe Lisa's words

"I'll pay attention."

But Diluk's words were not wrong.

The Pokémon he sent out was the fire-type [Scorchmew] of the three starter Pokémons.

Kaeya's Pokémon was the [Ponytail] that Lisa had helped him draw.

Both Pokémons were fire-type... This was very disadvantageous to Lisa's Poison Rose.

The attribute restrained it tightly.

"Oh, never mind.……"

At this time, Kaia restrained his frivolity and his face became serious.

"Let's get started, Master Lu, don't let your cat fall before my horse does."

"Humph, that's natural."

At this moment, the four people's emotions became tense.

And the next second, Kaia immediately pointed at Lisa's poison rose.

""Little Fire Horse, use sparks to attack the poison rose!"

When the trainer gave the order, Little Fire Horse immediately raised its two front legs and spit out a watermelon-sized fireball from its mouth.

The target was Lisa's poison rose.

However... just when the fireball just passed the midfield, a faster figure suddenly blocked the poison rose.


The violent explosion swept the surroundings, and thick smoke emerged.

But... just when the explosion caused a wave of fire.

The fire suddenly seemed to feel a strong suction force and was completely absorbed by the figure just now.

That's right.

It was the Blue Flame Blade Ghost that stood in front of the poison rose.

The fire-inducing characteristic was used again to absorb Little Fire Horse's fire attack.

But even so, Kaeya said calmly:"Master Diluk, the Blue Flame Blade Ghost is left to you, I will get rid of Lisa's poison rose first!"

"No need for you to say more, just take care of your side."

At the moment when the Azure Blade Ghost blocked the fireball, a cat about 70 centimeters long had already jumped on top of the Azure Blade Ghost's head.

This was Diluk's Tornado.

As Lisa said before, when Kaeya launched the attack, he signaled Tornado to run.

When the explosion occurred, he took advantage of the situation and made a gesture to launch an attack.

They seemed to have a bad relationship, but this cooperation was very smooth.

"Are fire-attribute moves ineffective? In that case, Tornado, use a double kick to attack the Azure Blade Demon!"

At the same time,

Keqing heard Diluk's command.……

"Miss Keqing, remember, the biggest advantage of your Azure Blade Ghost is that it is immune to attacks from Fire, Fighting, and General Pokémon."

"If your opponent uses any of the above three attacks, there is only one thing you can do.……"

This is Lisa's reminder to Keqing after she drew the lottery code.

So when facing the fighting attack of Tonkino, Keqing suddenly showed a playful smile.


Oh, you came at the right time!".

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