"Blue Blade Ghost, use Shadow Claw on Flame Cat!"

When Flame Cat used the [Fighting] skill on Blue Blade Ghost's head...

Keqing did not let Blue Blade Ghost make any evasive moves.

Instead, she let Blue Blade Ghost counterattack head-on.

"It's useless. Flamecat attacked before you. You can't expect both of you to lose."

Diluk crossed his arms. In his opinion, Keqing seemed to want to trade injuries.

However, Flamecat's timing was not something the other party could catch up with.

Sure enough... when the Blue Blade Ghost just raised its sword-like claws, Flamecat had already kicked out its hind legs flexibly~, and then... it passed through the Blue Blade Ghost-


Diluk's arms were folded in surprise.

"Fighting-type moves are also ineffective against Azure Blade Demon?!"

At the same time,

Azure Blade Demon, who came later, had already swung the long sword in his hand and chopped Felcat out instead.

From the explosion being absorbed by Azure Blade Demon, to Felcat launching an attack, and then being knocked away, it actually only took a few breaths.

At this moment,

Kaeya immediately said angrily:"Diluk, are you stupid? The opponent is a ghost-type Pokémon, and you actually used a fighting-type move?……"

In fact, when the Flame Cat was holding back the Blue Blade Ghost...

Kaeya had already ordered the Little Fire Horse to attack the Poison Rose.

However, Diluk's silent attack distracted him.

At this time, the Little Fire Horse used the [Flame Wheel] to spin at high speed and attacked the Poison Rose.

""Kaia, you should be more serious."

Lisa's voice floated in the distance.

Kaia immediately looked in the direction of the little fire horse...

At some point, the ground was covered with purple sharp poison spikes, and the little fire horse's [Flame Wheel] just rolled over the poison spikes.

There was no doubt that it was Lisa's poison rose that had just been scattered while Kaia was distracted.】

""It's bad!"

Kaeya thought to himself, but it was too late to remedy the situation.

Fortunately, these poison spikes could not stop the attack of the little fire horse...

Although it would definitely be poisoned, as long as the [Flame Wheel] could hit the poisoned rose, it would not be a loss!

And the little fire horse was about to hit Lisa


Lisa was not panicked at all, but smiled mysteriously.

Because, just when the little fire horse was about to hit the poisonous rose... whoosh!

It turned into a [flame wheel] and actually deviated from the target, passing by the poisonous rose.


Kaiya was surprised. How... how did it go off target?


At this moment, the little fire horse that had deviated from the target seemed to be unable to control itself, and the fire wheel gradually stopped.

Looking at the state of the little fire horse again... It seemed that its eyelids could not be lifted.

It was trying hard to keep its body balance, but in fact, in the eyes of others, its whole body was shaking.


It also burped and spit out a purple bubble.

At this moment, Kaiya finally saw

"Why is the little fire horse in a sleeping state?!"

He could understand being poisoned, because just now the little fire horse turned into a flaming wheel and did roll onto those poisonous spikes.

But what about the sleeping state?

As soon as Kaia took a closer look at the poisonous spikes... the purple poisonous spikes seemed to have fine sand-like powder shining in the reflection of the sunlight.

"Lisa, you actually asked Poison Rose to sprinkle hypnotic powder on the Poison Lotus?"


Lisa smiled and sighed,"Alas, there is nothing I can do. My Pokémon are not very good at fighting, and your Charmeleon is a fire Pokémon that restrains Poison Rose. I can only let it use some self-protection moves." Self- protection? (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Kaeya seemed to be unable to believe what he heard.

Look at his Charmeleon again. It has fallen asleep on the ring.

From time to time, purple bubbles come out of its mouth.

Not only can it not move, but the toxins are even reducing its physical strength...

You tell me this is a self-protection move? []

At this moment.

Everyone is looking at Lisa, including Keqing and Diluk.

Everyone can't help but shudder in their hearts.

Xiangling (shivering):"I, I absolutely don't want to fight Miss Lisa."

Yunjin (twitching her lips):"I agree." Ningguang (opening her mouth slightly):"How, there is actually such a way of fighting?"

Ganyu (admiring):"Miss Lisa has a thorough grasp of the battle. She even calculated the time it takes for Ponyta to lose balance after being poisoned and then contaminated with hypnotic powder."

Beidou (surprised):"Although it is very powerful, this method is too dark, isn't it?!"

Xingqiu (shaking his head):"Miss Beidou, you see Mr. Su Yan didn't say anything, which means that this method is recognized, but if you meet an opponent like Miss Lisa, you have to be nervous, otherwise you will be hit by it if you are not careful."

It has to be said.

Before the battle began, everyone would think that the focus of this game would definitely be Keqing.

And Lisa's Pokémon would at most play a supporting role or a supporting role.

Who would have thought... facing a Pokémon that restrained her, Lisa could actually play with her opponent.

Poisoning, sleep? Lisa immediately pointed at the little fire horse sleeping on the ground.

"Poison Rose, use [Parasitic Seed] on the little fire horse】"

As soon as the words fell, the poison rose immediately sprinkled several seeds from its body, and then sank into the body of the little fire horse.

During this process... Kaiya could only shout:"Little fire horse, get up!"

But it was useless.

The sleeping little fire horse had vines growing from its body, tightly wrapped around its body, and deliberately avoided its burning mane, and the vines were mostly tied to its limbs.

Seeing this scene...

Su Yan, as the referee, smiled knowingly.

"These days, everyone thinks that the most important thing is the combat power of Pokémon, but Lisa has mastered this combat style by herself. I can only say... she is worthy of it."Sure enough.

Seeing that her Pokémon can't move.

Poisoning reduces physical strength, and parasitic seeds absorb physical strength……


Kaia immediately pulled his hair like crazy

"Lisa, you are too wicked!!!"

"Hehehe... You also know that I hate troublesome things the most. I can win in an easy way, so why shouldn't I do it?"

Lisa ignored Kaeya's words and turned her attention to Diluk.

"Diluk, it's two against one now."

Actually, from the beginning, Keqing and Diluk's attention was attracted by Lisa.

They had never seen this kind of underworld fighting style.

Just as Keqing said to Lisa before...

Fortunately, she is his teammate.

But when Diluk saw Lisa turned her target to him... he suddenly felt a strong sense of uneasiness in his heart. And... fear..

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