"Hey, hey, hey, don't ignore me!"

When Lisa and Keqing focused their attention on Diluk, Kaeya's heart was suddenly hit by 10,000 critical points.

His little fire horse has not lost its combat effectiveness, it just fell asleep!

At this moment, under the double debuff of poison and parasitic seeds, the little fire horse has become more and more tired.

The little fire horse is like having a nightmare, and his expression is getting more and more painful.

And he can't be awakened even if he is called...

But at least Kaeya is one of the opponents, right?

Is it really okay to ignore him like this?


"Shut up."

Diluk raised his eyebrows. In his opinion, Kaeya was here to hold back.

Next, he had to fight the two opponents alone.

Keqing was the favorite, with a powerful blue blade ghost.

Who would have thought that Lisa, who was ignored by them, became the focus of this game, and the underworld method was even more disturbing.

"Will they lose?""Eighty-eighty-seven"

As soon as Diluk felt uneasy, he immediately locked onto the poisonous rose.

"Lisa's Pokémon is too dangerous, we must take down the Poison Rose first!"

Diluk's idea was not wrong.

Although the Blade of Azure Blade has a more threatening attack power, no one wants to face a powerful opponent while also being on guard against the opponent's dark means.

"Go, Tornado, use [Heat Wind] (Inherited)!!!"

As Diluc's order fell, suddenly!

The air in the ring became scorching hot.

The wind seemed to be burning.

Looking at Tornado again, it was constantly releasing the energy of the fire element. The burning wind and air in the ring were its work.

Seeing this, Lisa's face suddenly changed.

"Keqing, stop it, don't let Tornado use this trick!"

"I've been prepared for this for a long time!"

Although this heat wind has no effect on the Blue Blade Ghost, Keqing can see that the grass-type Poison Rose will begin to become weak under the influence of the heat wind. She must prevent the opponent from using a range skill like heat wind!

"Go ahead, Blue Blade Ghost, use your shadow to sneak attack!"

As Keqing finished speaking,

Blue Blade Ghost crossed his two swords, but did not make any movement.

Instead, his shadow suddenly stretched out very long, and in a blink of an eye, it was already close to the position of Flame Cat.


Facing Keqing's attack, Diluk didn't expect the opponent to respond so quickly.

He originally wanted to make the Flame Cat give up the attack.

Otherwise, the Heat Wind would not be used and he would be injured in vain.

But he suddenly found that after the Blue Blade Ghost released the shadow, it seemed that it could only stand still.

"Wait, the Blue Blade Ghost can't move now, there's a chance!!"

At the same time... the Blue Blade Ghost's stretched shadow has appeared behind the Flame Cat.

Seizing this opportunity.

Diluk immediately shouted:"Flame Cat, don't look back, run forward!"

After receiving the order, the Flame Cat immediately ran.

It didn't look back.

Because when the Blue Blade Ghost's shadow was pulled up from the ground and was about to attack, the Flame Cat happened to run forward and missed the opportunity.

But the shadow naturally couldn't stop there, but chased after the Flame Cat.

But when the shadow chased... the extremely fast Flame Cat had already run a hundred meters and was still accelerating.

The shadow... seemed to be a bit out of reach!


Because of the shadow sneak attack, Keqing saw that the Blue Blade Ghost was temporarily unable to move, and she suddenly became nervous.

Unexpectedly, Lisa next to her suddenly signaled:"Don't worry, everything is as I expected."

"Poison Rose, now is the time to use [Cotton Spore】!"

""Woo woo~"

Poison Rose quickly released four balls of cotton-like spores from the two roses in her hands.

Although they were blown up by the wind, they landed precisely on the path of the Flame Cat, in front of the Blue Blade Ghost's body.

There is no doubt...

The Flame Cat, which was running at full speed, had no time to stop, and its whole body hit the cotton-like spores unexpectedly.

Although the cotton spores did not hurt the Flame Cat, it also stopped it from running. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Not good!"

Seeing this, Diluk responded immediately:"Torrent, tear open those spores with your flame fangs!"

In an instant,

Torrent opened its flaming fangs and bit the cotton spores.

Fire restrains grass.[]

In the blink of an eye, accompanied by a sizzling sound, the flames devoured all the cotton spores and eliminated them completely.

However, at this time, Lisa smiled faintly:"It's a pity that it's useless."

Because the two or three seconds that the Flame Cat was dragged by the cotton spores were enough for the Blue Flame Blade Ghost's shadow to catch up with it.

At the same time... the Blue Flame Blade Ghost's body suddenly swung out a crossed pair of swords.

Its action naturally reflected in the shadow...

The shadow that caught up with the Flame Cat also swung out the shadow's double swords at the same time, accurately slashing the Flame Cat's back, and even knocked it away

"Sorry, Diluk, this is a competition after all!"

Lisa waved her hand:"Poison Rose, Leaf Blade (Inherited)!"

When Tornado was knocked away, Poison Rose shook the rose in her hand, and dozens of blades fell out, drowning Tornado..0

Although due to the restraint, grass-type moves can only cause half damage to Tornado, but this is a doubles match.

Without Kaeya's influence, Keqing and Lisa can attack with each other without worry.

"Blue Flame Blade Ghost, get rid of the opponent!"

""Ambush the vital points!"

As Keqing gave the order


The shadow of the Blue Blade Ghost had returned to its original form, and it immediately waved the two swords in its hands and passed by the Flaming Meowth that was being cut by the Leaf Blade.

It moved smoothly and in one go, and after passing by Flaming Meowth... the Blue Blade Ghost even made a poss of swinging the sword.

The next second!

Meow Wow!!!

Flaming Meowth made a painful sound and was knocked in front of Diluc.

At this point... Flaming Meowth could no longer stand up.

After all, since the beginning, in addition to the Leaf Blade of Poison Rose, it had also been attacked by the Blue Blade Ghost three times. It was no longer strong enough to hold on.

Seeing his Pokémon fall to the ground... Diluk exhaled immediately.

Although it had been expected, this was too tragic a loss.

In fact, they lost this game because Kaia was too quick to follow Lisa's path.

Therefore, it was impossible for Diluk to fight two people alone.

"Thank you for your hard work, Torrell."

He opened the Poké Ball in his hand and retrieved Torrell.

This... meant that he admitted defeat in this battle.

3.6 However, Su Yan did not announce the end of the game at this time.

Because of the combination of Diluk and Kaeya, and the Pokémon had not lost their combat effectiveness.

That's right.

The little brony was still struggling in pain in his sleep.

At this time...

Lisa and Keqing both looked at the position of the little brony.

"Are you coming or am I?"


Lisa immediately shook her head. After all, she and Kaeya were both members of the Knights of Favonius. It would be too unethical to attack the little pony in this situation.

But in fact...

Although the little pony had to lose its fighting power completely, they would win the game.

But Keqing couldn't bear to do it.

When she was about to speak……

"Otherwise, let's wait for the little fire horse to leave on its own."

Who knew that before he could finish his words...

Kaia on the other side immediately shouted

"Hey, you guys are not going to attack a defenseless elf, are you? I...Is it not okay for me to just give in?!".

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