"Awesome! It's like Miss Lisa is in charge of this game. She's so strong!"

"Who said it wasn't? Now I finally know why Miss Keqing chose Miss Lisa as her teammate"

"Yes, it seems that the team of Miss Keqing and Miss Lisa is much stronger than the team with Lady Ningguang at the Volcano."

"It turns out that Pokémon can fight like this. I've learned a lot. Strength is not absolute."

"I still remember that Diluk was also a very good player, but I didn't expect that he would be defeated so thoroughly."

As Kaeya admitted defeat, the audience's discussions followed one after another.

If the previous battles were all about strength, then this game allowed people to see... what tactics are.

There is no doubt.

Anyone can see that among the four players in this game, Lisa's Poison Rose is not only the weakest elf, but also is tightly controlled by the two opponents' fire elves.

But so what?

As a result, under Lisa's command, Poison Rose became the most outstanding existence.

How can people not be surprised.

After all, whether it was the first game or the second game, strength held the dominant position.

Now it seems... this 20 is by no means inevitable.

And with the end of the second game, Su Yan will announce the result of the game again.

"In this match, Miss Keqing and Miss Lisa won."

In fact, even if Kaeya didn't admit defeat, the result would be the same.

The little fire horse already had no fighting power.

Even if Keqing and Lisa didn't take action, it would only be exhausted by the poison during sleep.

Even if it woke up before exhausting its strength, it would not be able to defeat the two opponents in front of it.

It can only be said...

Lisa's performance in this match was really outstanding!

On the ring, when Su Yan announced the result of the match... the four of them were already reaching out to shake hands to show respect between the opponents.

Suddenly, Kaeya said with a bitter face:"Lisa, your fighting style is too shady"

"You said this……"

Lisa could only shrug and said,"Mr. Su Yan often said that Pokémon has diversity. I just found my own way." As soon as the voice fell,

Su Yan also slowly walked forward.

"Miss Lisa is right. I have said since the day I opened the shop that the strength of Pokémon is more importantly determined by the trainer. Miss Lisa explained this very well today, and I am very pleased."

Faced with Su Yan's praise, Lisa nodded slightly and smiled,"Mr. Su Yan is too polite."

At this time, Su Yan looked at Keqing again and said slowly

"Ms. Keqing, since your first battle with Ningguang, you have always focused on the attack system of the Azure Blade Ghost. In the eyes of others, the Azure Blade Ghost is indeed very strong, but this is only due to the strength of the Azure Blade Ghost itself. As a trainer, what you need to do is to make the Pokémon stronger than itself, rather than relying entirely on its power."

Su Yan's voice did not lower.

What he said to Keqing could be heard throughout the arena and the audience.

That's right.

It seems to be said to Keqing, but it is actually said to everyone.

Whether it is the contestants or the audience, when they heard Su Yan's words, and with Lisa's demonstration in front of them, they naturally realized this point.

"Mr. Su Yan's teaching is right."

Keqing even reflected on herself.

She still clearly remembered that when she first got Tanshi, she couldn't wait to see its moves.

But... after seeing Tanshi's [Stare] and [Scare]... she never used these two moves again.

Because in Keqing's opinion, these two moves are useless except for being cute.


Keqing clearly realized that it was not that Tanshi's two moves were useless... but that she herself failed to comprehend the essence of Pokémon's moves. On the other hand, Lisa... Poison Rose was not strong to begin with, and she didn't use any powerful moves in this game.

But she became the key to the victory or defeat of the game throughout.

Whether it was Kaeya's Ponyta or Diluk's Scorchcat, they were easily defeated under her command.

If it was her in a one-on-one situation... would she be sure to defeat Lisa?

Keqing knew very well that she didn't have this confidence

"It's good to understand." (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

It can be seen that Keqing is indeed reflecting. After Su Yan treated Kaeya and Diluk's spirits, he signaled everyone to

"You guys leave."


The four nodded and then left the ring.


There are already four new contestants off the field, eager to take the stage.

They are... the team of Xiangling and Yunjin.

And the team of Wanyou and Tangming, two Liyue people.

"It’s finally our turn, Yunjin!"

"Xiangling, we have to work hard."

That's right.

The third game was Xiangling and Yunjin against Wanyou and Tang Ming.

When Keqing and Lisa left the field, the four of them slowly came on stage.

Like all the contestants, the two teams stood on both sides.

Excitement, expectation, and nervousness all appeared on the faces of the four people.

After all, the previous two teams were very outstanding, so it was natural for them to be nervous.

Since this game was changed to doubles, everyone has seen all kinds of diversity.

And compared to the singles in the first game, all the contestants have improved significantly, which is like a world of difference. The previous combat power can no longer be used as a reference.

Seeing that the four of them are nervous, this is very good.

Su Yan also asked immediately

"Are you all ready?"

After the words fell, the four of them immediately took out their Poké Balls and nodded in response at almost the same time.���


"That being the case……"

Su Yan immediately raised his hand and slashed down

""The game begins!"

At this moment, the four of them threw their Poké Balls to the midfield.

As the four Poké Balls landed almost at the same time, the bright red light bloomed again.

Xiangling sent out the Flame Red Tumbler, which was always the case. The Pokémon sent out by

Yunjin was a Pokémon holding a microphone.

That's right, it was the evolution of Pudding... Jigglypuff!

It was like a pink balloon, and looked soft and cute, and even held a microphone in its hand.

Su Yan glanced at the Pokémon sent out by Yunjin, and nodded secretly in his heart.

"Yes, Lisa's Mimosa and Yunjin's Papa, both of which are Pokémon that will evolve only if they have a high degree of intimacy with their trainers, which shows that they both cherish their Pokémon very much."At the same time,

Wan You and Tang Ming's Pokémon also appeared one after another.

Iron Palm is Wan You's Pokémon, and almost everyone in the audience knows this.

After all, the first scene the audience saw in the second game was Wan You and Iron Palm being dragged into the desert.

As for Tang Ming ,……

"Come out, Nidoking!!!"

Just when Tang Ming's elves came out...

Su Yan's eyebrows slightly raised, as if there was a hint of surprise.

"Weird... Nidorino evolved into Nidoking without the Moonstone?!".

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