Bang! Bang! Bang! Although

Nidoking and Iron Palm Warrior were very slow, they were too big. As they ran, the entire ring was visibly shaking.

"Wow, these two Pokémon are so oppressive"

"Yes, if I were standing in front of them, I would have been weak in the knees by now!"

""Alas, Xiangling and Mr. Yun's Pokémon are both cute, so they may lose this battle."

That's right.

The courage of these two Pokémon is too strong.

Not to mention the spectators.

Seeing them both running over, Xiangling and Yunjin were full of tension.

Especially since they acted separately and locked their targets.

Just as Wanyou said...

Jigglypuff's fairy type can restrain Iron Palm, but Nidoking can restrain Jigglypuff in turn.

And now even if Xiangling and Yunjin want to adjust their positions, it's too late...

There's no way, Xiangling can only bite the bullet and shout

""Fiery Red Tumbler, burn it to death to stop Iron Palm Warrior from approaching!"

Yun Jin was not far behind:"Puff Din, strike first and use [Round Sing] to attack Nidoking!"

What they want to do now is to distance themselves from their opponents.

The difference in strength is too great, and once the opponent gets close to them, they will be defeated sooner or later.

At the same time... the Fiery Red Tumbler took a deep breath and suddenly spit out a ball of flame.

Even so...

Wan You still shouted:"Iron Palm Warrior, push away its flames and keep moving forward to close the distance!"

As soon as the words fell, the Iron Palm Warrior did not dodge the flames spit out by the flaming red tumbler.

He continued to push his palms quickly, allowing himself to be engulfed by the flames.

However, the next second, an incredible scene appeared.

The fire only engulfed the Iron Palm Warrior for a second or two...

Ha! Ha! Ha!

The Iron Palm Warrior, who pushed his palms continuously, actually broke through the flames, and his running speed did not slow down at all. He had already pulled a distance of more than ten meters from the flaming red tumbler.

"That's it, Iron Palm Warrior!"

Wan You immediately clenched his fists, his face showing joy.

Others may not know, but Wan You knows very well that the characteristic of Iron Palm Warrior, thick fat, can reduce the damage of fire and ice attributes.

In fact, the flames of the flaming red tumbler have little effect on it.

This is why... Wan You let Iron Palm Warrior continue to move forward.

On the other side.

Yun Jin's Jigglypuff raised the microphone at this time.

After taking a deep breath, it shouted through the microphone


Suddenly, the sound waves swept the entire ring.

Especially the Nidoking running towards it...

At this time, the impact of the sound waves made it cover its ears in pain.


The running footsteps also slowly slowed down.

And Tang Ming immediately responded.

"Nidoking, use ultrasonic waves to counterattack!"

Although the sound waves washed over the ring, Nidoking still heard the order of his trainer.

It still covered its ears, and then...


Nidoking suddenly let out a crazy roar.

In an instant, the roar full of power overwhelmed the sound wave impact of Jigglypuff.……

"Right now, Nidoking, use a ram attack on Jigglypuff!"

Without the impact of the sound wave, Nidoking started running again.

It was not far away from Jigglypuff.

Now, it accelerated even faster, and with its strong body, it directly knocked Jigglypuff away.


At the same time... after the Iron Palm Warrior broke through the flames, its palms were already raining down on the flaming red tumbler.

Ha! (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

With the last blow, the flaming red tumbler was blown away.

Xiangling and Yunjin, the two elves, almost at the same time, fell in front of them.


""Fiery Red Tumbler!!!"

Seeing their Pokémon injured, they were extremely worried.[]

If this wasn't a game, they would have already rushed forward.

Look at Iron Palm and Nidoking.

After they gained the advantage, they did not stop, but continued to rush over here.

Wan You and Tang Ming are too strong, which no one could have imagined.

You know, in the underground bank, the winning rate of the two of them is even much lower than Xiangling and the others.

Who would have thought...

The game had just begun, and Xiangling and Yunjin had been forced to the point where they had no power to fight back?

And just as the two Pokémon Xiangling and Yunjin had just climbed up from the ground.

In the distance, the voices of Wan You and Tang Ming were heard again.

"Iron Palm Warrior, use [Fa Jin] to continue attacking the flaming red tumbler!"

"Nidoking, attack Jigglypuff with [Gradually Break]!"

Now that their Pokémon has gotten close to the opponent as they wished, the next step is to attack, attack, and attack again until the opponent is defeated.

"Not good!"

Xiangling's face suddenly changed, because the Iron Palm Warrior had already raised his big palm high, preparing to slap the flaming red tumbler.

It was too late to dodge, so Xiangling could only shout quickly:"Fire red tumbler, use the flaming fist to attack!"


Flames burned on the fist of the flaming tumbler.

Facing the Iron Palm Warrior who was several times bigger than himself, the flaming tumbler fearlessly raised his flaming fist and blasted out.


The fist and the palm collided with each other, and the flaming fist overflowed with sparks of fire, attaching to the fat body of the Iron Palm Warrior.

However, as mentioned before, the characteristic of the Iron Palm Warrior is thick fat, and the fire damage did not have much effect on it.

In the contest between stone and cloth, the fist lost after all.


The flaming tumbler was knocked out again.

On the other side.

Nidoking had already approached Jigglypuff.

He swung his fist and fell on Jigglypuff...

Unfortunately, Jigglypuff did not have many attacking moves to use, and Yun Jin could only bite the bullet and fight against him.

""Puff, use a series of slaps to block its attack!"

However, it was useless...

When Pudding slapped out his small fists in a row...

Nidoking snorted with disdain, and then his huge fist easily broke through Pudding's fist shadow and knocked him away again.

At this time,

Flaming Red Tumbler and Pudding were slapped away more than ten meters away again...

As expected, as everyone at the scene saw, the two cute Pokémon were simply unable to fight.

As long as Pudding and Flaming Red Tumbler were attacked one or two more times, the game would be settled.


Xiangling and Yunjin obviously haven't given up yet.

"Yunjin, we are about to lose, use that trick!"

Just when Xiangling spoke again, Yunjin's expression suddenly changed again


As expected , I have to use that trick... I don't know if it will ruin the game, but... I can't care about that now!".

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