On the stage.

Xiangling and Yunjin were losing ground, which was unexpected...

After all, both of them were owners of the Eye of God, and their opponents were just ordinary people.

Indeed, Wanyou and Tangming's understanding of the elements was naturally not as deep as Xiangling and Yunjin's.

But in fact, both of their elves are power-type, which has little to do with the elements.

Besides... the fact that Wanyou and Tangming could pass the previous games was enough to prove that they knew their Pokémon very well.

In particular, they knew the favorable attributes and invalid attributes of their Pokémon very well.

Otherwise, they would not have rushed ahead of Xiangling and Yunjin to change the target of attack.

So that this game seemed one-sided...

And their wonderful performance undoubtedly made the people in the audience look at them with admiration.

Ningguang said with a vicious look:"These two people's moves are neat and tidy, Xiangling and Mr. Yun are about to be defeated."

Ganyu nodded and agreed with Ningguang's words, but at the same time, she said

"Yes, but judging from the looks of Xiangling and Yunjin, they seem to have some other tricks up their sleeves."

"Well... I also noticed this, but Mr. Jianyun seemed a little hesitant, and I don't know what kind of moves he is preparing."

Ningguang's eyes flickered. At this time, what kind of moves should Xiangling and the others use to turn defeat into victory?

She was very curious...

At this moment, Wanyou and Tang Ming's two Pokémon, they are still moving forward


Seeing the opponent's Iron Palm Warrior and Nidoking approaching step by step, Xiangling suddenly called out to Yunjin

"Got it!"

In order to win this game, Yun Jin couldn't care less.

""Puff, sing!"

As soon as the words fell,

Su Yan, who was standing on the stage, raised his eyebrows...

Let Puff sing?

Because it reminded him of a true god in the elf world.

At the same time...

Facing the fierce attack of Nidoking, Puff still picked up the microphone, even closed his eyes, and sang with an expression


"La la la~"


Jigglypuff's voice is sweet, and the song transmitted through the microphone is even more melodious and floating above the Solitary Cloud Pavilion.

Logically speaking...

Jigglypuff's cute singing voice will be pleasant to everyone.

But what?

When its singing floats...

Gradually, Nidoking's steps become slower and slower, and the already clumsy feet of the Iron Palm Warrior seem unable to lift up.

Look at Xiangling's fiery red tumbler.

At this time, it only feels that its eyelids weigh tens of millions of pounds, and it is almost unable to open its eyes, and bubbles seem to be coming out of the corners of its mouth.


Not only Pokémon have this symptom.

Whether it is the audience seats or the contestants under the ring... Even Xiangling and Yunjin.

Except for Su Yan, almost everyone in the audience gradually became hazy after hearing Jigglypuff's singing.

The sleepy bug kept invading them.

Listening to Jigglypuff's singing, Wan You and Tang Ming didn't react at first.

When they saw that their Pokémon could no longer run away, they even had a tendency to lie on the ground and sleep.

"Iron, Iron Palm……"

"Nido... King."

However, when they wanted to wake up their elves, they found that... they themselves were too tired to shout.

The funniest thing was...

Xiangling and Yunjin had already fallen to the ground.

Yunjin even asked:"Xiang, Xiangling, can you still hold on...?"

""Well, I can't hold on any longer."

As soon as she finished speaking, Xiangling fell to the ground and fell into a deep sleep.

"Woohoo, Slime Jelly... I want to eat it."

He was drooling.

Yun Jin gradually closed his eyes and finally said:

"Please, please, Jigglypuff."

At this moment

, everyone on and off the stage closed their eyes, and some even snored. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Except for Su Yan who was still standing on the stage... no one was spared.

Even Hu Tao and the two who were hiding in the distance to cheer for Xiang Ling and Yun Jin were leaning against each other and snoring.

"Wangsheng Hall...Today, today is a big giveaway, buy one get three free, free candle lighting."

Yes, he also started talking in his sleep.

Then he looked at the two gods Zhongli and Venti who were hiding in the distance and watching the game.……[]

"This elf is so scary. I almost fell asleep for a moment."


Its singing can actually make all the creatures in the entire Solitary Cloud Pavilion fall into a deep sleep.

This power is really terrifying.

If we hadn't reacted in time, I'm afraid we would be no different from the people below.

" Sure enough, although Jigglypuff's singing is magical.

But for extremely powerful people, as long as they are prepared, they will not be hit.

Zhongli and Venti are the best examples.

Not to mention Su Yan himself, he was even more amused at this moment.

A good competition venue...

Well, now it has become a place to sleep, right? However, this is a move of Pokémon itself, and it is within a reasonable range, so he did not stop it, nor did he wake anyone up.

Everything is just for fairness.


at this moment, Jigglypuff's singing transmitted through the microphone is still continuing.

It was not until it finished singing a lullaby that it slowly opened its eyes.

As a result...

he saw that everyone was sleeping.


Jigglypuff pouted unhappily.

Then he looked at the side... Hey, there's someone standing there?

He took a closer look, who else could it be but Su Yan?

Jigglypuff immediately showed a happy smile:"Master Su Yan, you are still the most tasteful"

"Oh, you guy……"

Su Yan shook his head helplessly. This Jigglypuff, no, it should be said that the baby Jigglypuff before Jigglypuff evolved, also came from the Elf Island.

Later, Yun Jin drew it in the Elf House.

However���After Yun

Jin asked it to use this move, there would be a follow-up.

I saw that Fatty jumped to the side of the fiery red tumbler...

Then, it raised its pink fist high.

""Wake-up slap!"

Then a slap sounded towards the face of the red tumbler.

The next second, the red tumbler, who was covering his face, woke up... His whole face was still dazed.

Wake-up slap, this is one of the moves of Pokémon, which can wake up the sleeping Pokémon with one slap.

Although it hurts,……

"Wake up!"

When the red tumbler woke up, Jigglypuff pouted and looked very unhappy.

Seeing its big sister look, the red tumbler quickly stood up and nodded, like a helper.

"Let's go and get revenge!"

Without saying anything, Jigglypuff turned around and locked his target on Nidoking.

As for the Flaming Tumbler, his target was also locked on the Iron Palm Warrior.

Just now, they beat him so hard that he screamed... Thinking of this,

Jigglypuff showed a sinister smile.

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