"I didn't expect that Lady Keqing would become a rival to Miss Lisa."

"Yeah, I thought there would be a re-draw."

"But I can see what Boss Su Yan is up to. After all, no one wants to meet an opponent who knows them best. This is even more terrifying than attribute restraint."

"That's right, because they know each other too well, they will become hesitant in the battle, wondering if the opponent will see through their tactics."

At this moment.

Keqing and Lisa have already stepped onto the stage, while Ningguang and Ganyu voluntarily left the stage.

However, the faces of Ningguang and Ganyu also left the stage with melancholy...

After all, after Keqing and Lisa's game, it will be their turn to fight.

At this moment.

Keqing and Lisa stood on each side, and their faces were equally complicated.

After all, it had not been long since the previous two games. At that time, they stood on the same front to resist the opponent.

Seeing that her teammates had become opponents, Keqing suddenly said with emotion:"Although there were only two games, it was very pleasant to work with you... 26 Lisa��Sister"

"Me too."

Although Lisa looked calm on the surface, she was also feeling emotional.

But no matter what... this game still had to be won or lost.

"Then, please start."

After Su Yan gave the signal, the two took out their Poké Balls at the same time.

After the last game, Su Yan also treated the Blue Blade Ghost and the Poison Rose. Now they have plenty of physical strength, and it is also a fair fight.

Looking at the Poké Ball in her hand, Keqing immediately stopped thinking and threw it out.

"There is no use thinking too much, go, Blue Flame Blade Ghost!"

"Poison Rose, come out!"

Lisa followed closely and threw the Poké Ball forward.

As the Poké Balls fell to the ground... the red light illuminated the center of the arena, transforming into Blue Blade Ghost and Poison Rose.

Although the two Pokémons lived in the Poké Balls, they could also hear the situation outside.

So after seeing each other, there were not too many surprises.

Blue Blade Ghost even said:"Poison Rose, you and I are both rescued by Lord Su Yan, and fighting is prohibited on the Pokémon Island. It was great to fight side by side with you before. Although you are fighting on behalf of our trainer at this moment, you and I must use our best strength."

"Lisa is very good to me, I will try my best to help her win."

Poison Rose shook the rose in her hand and responded to the words of the Blue Flame Blade Ghost.

"Of course, I also want to help Keqing win the final victory!"

Although other people couldn't understand the conversation between the two Pokémon, they could tell from their expressions that they were looking forward to it... looking forward to competing with their friends, and looking forward to working for their trainers.

This is Pokémon.

Seeing that the two Pokémon were like this, Keqing suddenly let out a relieved smile:"Ms. Lisa, Blademaster and I will not show mercy."

"Hehehe... Miss Keqing, don't underestimate my poison rose."

Lisa responded elegantly.

Then... both of them looked more serious than ever before.

Lisa even shouted first:"Poison Rose, use [Parasitic Seed】!"

After the Poké Ball was thrown out, the distance between the two Pokémon was not far.

Since the opponent was a fire-attribute Pokémon, most of Poison Rose's moves would be restrained...

She was ready for a long battle.

But, as Su Yan said, because they were teammates, they knew each other best.

Keqing, who had been alert for a long time, guessed that Lisa would definitely use a change move first.

"Blue Flame Blade Ghost, use [Scare] to interrupt the Poison Rose!" As soon as the words fell, before the Poison Rose was about to release [Parasitic Seed]...

Blue Flame Blade Ghost arrived first and immediately made a shrill sound on the spot.


The sharp scream sounded like the roar of a ghost, and it sounded like the sharpest claws were rubbing against the blackboard and glass.

As soon as this sound came out, whether it was Keqing, Lisa, or the people in the audience, they all covered their ears with their hands, with painful expressions on their faces.

Not to mention the Poison Rose who was closest to the Blue Flame Blade Ghost.

""Woo woo woo~"

Poison Rose hugged her head tightly. The Blue Blade Ghost's scream made her terrified and scared. Her head seemed to be about to explode.

Of course, the energy of the [Parasitic Seed] that Poison Rose was about to use also dissipated in this scream.


Although Keqing also felt a headache due to the [Scare] of the Blue Blade Demon, what appeared on her face was not pain, but joy.

I still remember... (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

When she got Tan Xiaoshi, Keqing asked it to use the [Scare] move.

At that time, Tan Xiaoshi just made a face at Keqing.

And then...

Keqing never used this move again.

And with her understanding of Pokémon more and more, she realized... Pokémon has no useless moves.

Look... As soon as the Blue Blade Demon's Scare was performed, it took the initiative and put Poison Rose into a [Fear] state.

"Well done!"

Since the opponent's [Parasitic Seed] was ineffective, Keqing immediately seized the opportunity to attack:"Blue Flame Blade Ghost, use [Burn] to attack the poison rose!"

After receiving the order, the Blue Flame Blade Ghost did not approach the poison rose, but swung a ball of flame from the fire sword.

Although the Blue Flame Blade Ghost used [Scare] to surprise Lisa just now... but now...……

"Did you choose not to be good at long-range attacks because you were afraid that the Poison Rose would set a trap?"

Lisa immediately signaled to the Poison Rose calmly:"Poison Rose, use the venom to wash away its flames!" As soon as the voice fell, the Poison Rose raised two roses like a turret towards the Blue Flame Blade Ghost.

Then... swish!!!

The two roses suddenly released a venom attack, which instantly dispersed the Blue Flame Blade Ghost's flames.


After breaking through the flames, the venom also sprayed onto the Blue Flame Blade Ghost.

In the blink of an eye... the Blue Flame Blade Ghost was pushed away by the venom's impact.

Keqing immediately looked nervous:"Blue Flame Blade Ghost, are you okay?!"

Fortunately, the venom first broke through the flames, causing its power to be greatly reduced... and then landed on the Blue Flame Blade Ghost.

Although the Blue Flame Blade Ghost was washed away, it actually did not cause much damage.


Only after landing steadily, the Blue Flame Blade Ghost saw that his body was stained with sticky venom, and he quickly shook his armor to throw all the toxins to the ground.

"Phew, luckily it's alright, it's not poisoned either."

Seeing that the Blue Blade Ghost was fine, Keqing heaved a sigh of relief.

Then, she looked in the direction of the poisonous rose, which was slowly putting down two roses.

Keqing raised her brows tightly.

"Although the flames of the Blue Blade Ghost can restrain the poison rose, it is obvious that Lisa's poison rose is better at long-range attacks. But once it gets close... moves like paralysis powder and hypnosis powder are even harder to defend against. As long as the Blue Blade Ghost is contaminated by even a little bit, I will be extremely disadvantaged."


What should I do? How can I defeat Miss Lisa's poisonous rose?".

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