As soon as the battle started, the Blue Blade Ghost was clearly at a disadvantage.

This was a development that no one could have imagined.……

"How could this happen? Why does Lady Keqing look so conflicted?"

"Isn't Bladeblade a fire-attribute Pokémon that can counter Viper Rose?"

"Yes, I thought Miss Lisa would become very passive at the beginning, but unexpectedly, it was Lady Keqing who became passive."

"In fact, it is not difficult to imagine that Miss Lisa's moves are too dark. If you are not careful, the Blue Flame Blade Ghost will become vulnerable to manipulation. Don't forget the little fire horse before"

"Yes, not to mention that Lady Keqing and Miss Lisa were teammates before, and her current feelings are beyond our imagination."

That's the truth.

From the beginning of the battle, Keqing was somewhat restrained.

This is also the reason why she didn't want to fight Lisa.

In long-range (special attack), the Blue Blade Ghost is not very good, and is even worse than the Poison Rose, even though there is a restraint relationship.

In close combat (physical attack), Keqing dare not let the Blue Blade Ghost get close to her, because once it is contaminated with moves such as paralysis powder and hypnosis powder, the consequences will be disastrous. So much so that her thoughts began to become a little confused, and she didn't know how to attack...

But, Lisa would not let the opponent recover before attacking.

"While she is distracted, now is a good opportunity to defeat the Blue Blade Ghost!"

Lisa's eyes flashed, and she immediately gave a new order:"Poison Rose, use the magic leaves to attack the Blue Blade Ghost!" As soon as the words fell, the Poison Rose immediately shook the leaves from her body, and then used the leaves to turn into sharp blades, and attacked the Blue Blade Ghost one after another.

Seeing that the opponent made another move...

Keqing's brows were full of confusion.

Logically speaking, the magic leaves were not good for the Blue Blade Ghost, but Lisa still used this move. The grass attribute is restrained by the fire attribute, how could the opponent not understand?

"What is Lisa planning?!"

At this moment, the sharp blade was already coming, and Keqing didn't have time to think too much.

"Blue Blade Ghost, use the energy……"

However, just when Keqing was about to let the Blue Blade Demon burn the magic leaf... suddenly, she changed her mind and shouted:"Use [Burn] to burn the magic leaf!"

Regardless of what Lisa was thinking, since fire can restrain the grass attribute, there is no need to touch the magic leaf with the body. As soon as the voice fell, the Blue Blade Demon suddenly glanced at its trainer.

Then... it waved the sword in its hands with both hands, and two flaming swords flew past quickly.

Wherever the flames passed, the magic leaves immediately burned, and thick smoke rose, and finally ashes fell to the ground.

But the next second!

Because the flames burned the magic leaves, Keqing's vision was blocked. It was not until the smoke was ignited that she found that there were countless silver lights flashing behind the leaves.

In the silver light... there was even purple poison gas.

"No, it's Poison Needle】!"

Keqing tried to drive the Blue Flame Blade Ghost away.

However, there was not enough time for it to dodge...

Helplessly, the Blue Flame Blade Ghost could only cross its two swords and block them in front of its body to protect its upper body.

At this moment, poison needles fell on the Blue Flame Blade Ghost, some fell on the flaming sword, and some fell on the Blue Flame Blade Ghost's armor. All of these poison needles were bounced away.

But... there were still some [poison needles] that either brushed past the Blue Flame Blade Ghost's skin or pierced into places that the armor could not protect.

Until hundreds of poison needles were released……


The Blue Blade Ghost suddenly half-knelt on the ground in pain.

You know, the Blue Blade Ghost was originally like a violet knight.

But at this moment, its face looked even more purple.

Obviously... under the attack of the poison needle, it... was poisoned!

And watching her Pokémon being hurt again... at this moment, Keqing was full of self-blame.

If she hadn't used [Burn] again to make the magic leaf emit smoke, how could she not notice that there were poison needles hidden behind the magic leaf.

If she had used [Charged Flame] just now, the Blue Blade Ghost who discovered the poison needle in advance would not have been injured.

Even [Charged Flame] can increase the speed of the Blue Blade Ghost.

"Cang, Cang Yan Blade Ghost……"

Concern and apology, two emotions intertwined on Keqing's face.

However, the Blue Blade Ghost still stood up firmly.

Then... its eyes fell on Keqing, and then shook its head. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

It seemed to be telling its trainer.

I'm fine!

Then, the Blue Blade Ghost's eyes became sharp again, as if saying:"I can still fight!"

"Yeah...what am I afraid of?!"

Looking at her fearless Pokémon, Keqing felt how ridiculous she was. Was she restrained because she was afraid of Lisa's tricks?

Was she letting the Blue Blade Demon's advantages not be fully utilized? Was this what she, as a trainer, should do?

When did she become so cowardly?

Right now!

"Poison rose, hypnotic powder!"

Lisa took advantage of the situation and chased after him again. Now that the Blue Blade Ghost was poisoned, as long as she could make it fall asleep, the outcome would be decided!

But this time it was different……

"It's not that easy!"

As soon as her voice rose, Keqing's voice suddenly became decisive and resolute!

"Blue Flame Blade Ghost, use the vortex of fire to restrict the actions of Poison Rose!!!"


Blue Flame Blade Ghost leaped into the air, and then made its body spin at high speed, brandishing the fire sword among the two long swords in its hands.

Although the poisoned state still reduced its physical strength bit by bit, it did not affect the performance of Blue Flame Blade Ghost.

In an instant!

The dark flame released by the long sword turned into a long snake, forming a vortex of fire around Poison Rose.

In this case, if Poison Rose wanted to sprinkle powder again, the flame would immediately evaporate it!

Seeing this, Lisa guessed that Keqing had come to her senses.

""Recovered so quickly?!"

Of course, Lisa didn't know that the reason why Keqing became decisive again was all because of the determination of the Blue Flame Blade Ghost. (Li Zhao's)

However... it doesn't matter if she is trapped by the flame vortex or the hypnotic powder can't be used.

You know.

Poison Rose is best at grass-attribute moves and poison-attribute moves.

Unfortunately, both moves are strictly restrained by the Blue Flame Blade Ghost.

But now it's different...

The poison needle used just now has poisoned the Blue Flame Blade Ghost. In this state, as long as she plays steadily, she can win the final victory.

And there is also [Venom Shock] that can give the poisoned opponent double attack will.

Moreover, Poison Rose has many ways to recover her physical strength.

As long as the Blue Flame Blade Ghost can't knock Poison Rose down with one blow, Lisa will admit that she can't lose.

However, Keqing's next move was beyond Lisa's expectations.

Because after controlling Poison Rose with the flame vortex, Keqing did not let the Blue Flame Blade Ghost continue to attack...

Instead, she let the Blue Flame Blade Ghost use a move that had not been used in this game.

"Blue Blade Ghost, Sword Dance!".

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