In the semifinals, the Blue Blade Ghost won by a narrow margin.

Before the game started, who could have thought that... the most popular Blue Blade Ghost almost fell into Lisa's hands?

If the Pokémon Lisa sent out in this game was not the Poison Rose that was restrained by the Blue Blade Ghost, but a Pokémon of other attributes.

Then... the result might be the opposite.

But a game is a game... there is no if.

At this moment.

Su Yan has begun to tidy up the ring and prepare for the next group of opponents... at this moment.

Ningguang in the audience suddenly said:"It's our turn, Secretary Ganyu."

When the game started to look for a team... she didn't find Keqing, but chose Ganyu, because Ganyu had already remembered the knowledge of Pokémon.

The same is true for Keqing finding Lisa.

However, Ningguang never thought that... before advancing to the finals, she would have to face Ganyu first.

I can only say that Su Yan is too bad.

But there is no way... her man, I still can't bear to scold him in my heart.

Besides, everyone is fair.

Ningguang is not the kind of person who likes to be treated specially.

If you want to win, you have to rely on your own strength.

Because of this...

Ganyu suddenly said:"Fortunately, we are not like Miss Lisa and Miss Keqing. Although we have cooperated with each other in these two games, we don't know each other's Pokémon very well."

"Not bad."

Ningguang nodded with a smile.

At the same time... the arena was brand new again.

Without Su Yan saying anything, Ningguang signaled to Ganyu,"Let's go."


Ganyu naturally had no objection.

Then... under the eyes of everyone's new round of expectations, the two of them stepped onto the left and right sides of the arena.

After they stood in place... they looked at each other, and the same thought came to their minds at the same time.

"Ganyu's Ice Dragon is extremely threatening to the Fanged Land Shark. The ice attribute has four times the restraint, and the dragon attribute moves are also doubled. This battle... must not be taken lightly."

"Ningguang's Fanged Land Shark is good at ground-based attacks, and its level and strength are higher than the Ice Dragon. Moreover, the ground-based attacks are restrained, so I must be alert to the opponent's traps."

The game hasn't officially started yet...

Both sides have already prepared for the battle.

Just as they thought.

Both sides have restraints in attributes, and the ice attribute that the Ice Dragon is good at is four times more powerful against Fanged Land Shark.

But Fanged Land Shark is not only stronger than the opponent, but also has strength and speed that the Ice Dragon can't compare to.

With the reversals before, it's really hard to say who will win this game...

At this time, seeing that the two are ready to fight at any time, Su Yan immediately asked

"So, are you ready?"

Ningguang and Ganyu nodded immediately, and then took out their Poké Balls.



After the two responded, Su Yan immediately raised his hand and

""The game begins!"

As soon as the voice fell, two Poké Balls flew out of the two people's hands.

Speaking of which...

During the entire process of this competition, Su Yan required all contestants to put their Pokémon into the Poké Ball before entering the ring...

The trainers could only release them again after the announcement of the start of the game.

Even if the opponents knew what the Pokémon of all the contestants were.

But this was not Su Yan's sense of ritual, nor was it a superfluous move...

You know, in the future, the trainers' Pokémon will definitely increase.

Even in regular competitions, trainers can send out a maximum of six Pokémon.

By then... What kind of Pokémon is sent out can affect the battle situation.

He just wanted the contestants to develop this habit in advance.

At this time... the two Poké Balls landed almost at the same time. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The last game was still a teammate's match of the Sharptooth Land Shark and the Ice Snow Dragon, but now they all appeared together.

"The game has begun, Secretary Ganyu, I'm going to take action!"

After the elves showed up, Su Yan announced the start of the game. Ningguang immediately shouted:"Sharptooth Land Shark, summon the sandstorm!" As soon as the voice fell.

Sharptooth Land Shark immediately roared to the sky.


The elements of the ground system gradually became active...

The elements in the sky suddenly turned into golden sand.

The wind began to whistle, rolling up the golden sand and sweeping across the entire arena.

The wind and sand gradually blurred everyone's vision.

In just a few breaths, the arena seemed to have evolved into a small desert.

But Ganyu said calmly:"Ningguang, have you forgotten that the sandstorm will have no effect on the Ice Dragon?"

That's right.

Sandstorm is a weather skill, and the wind and sand can cause certain damage to Pokémon.

However... it has no effect on ground-type, rock-type, and steel-type Pokémon.

On the contrary, the wind and sand can enhance the special defense of rock-type Pokémon.

So in Ganyu's opinion... the [Sandstorm] used by Fanged Land Shark is more beneficial to Ice Dragon

"Of course I know that."

But Ningguang chuckled and said,"Secretary Ganyu, my understanding of Pokémon is not as thorough as yours, but I have much more experience in battles than you!"

When Ningguang said this, Ganyu was stunned for a moment.[]

""Sharptooth Land Shark, throw sand!"

At this moment, the wind and sand gradually became stronger. Since the [Sandstorm] was summoned by the Sharptooth Land Shark, the wind and sand were obviously bigger and stronger where it was.

And with the help of the sand on the ground, the Sharptooth Land Shark immediately dug its claws into it and then threw it at the Ice Dragon.

"Want to reduce the hit rate of the Ice Snow Dragon? You can't do it!"

Ganyu now found that Ningguang summoned the wind and sand to facilitate the Fanged Land Shark to perform ground-based moves.

Take the sand throwing in front of him for example...

Once Ningguang succeeded, the Ice Snow Dragon's aim would lose its accuracy and it would become difficult to hit the opponent.

Ganyu naturally would not let the opponent succeed.

"Ice Dragon, use [White Mist] to prevent the opponent from throwing sand!"

In an instant.

When the fangs���When Ganyu scooped up a lot of sand and threw it at the Ice Dragon... suddenly, a thick white mist rose around the Ice Dragon.

Just when the sand was thrown, the mist seemed to have life and blocked it for the Ice Dragon.

Seeing this scene...

Ningguang frowned:"White mist... I have never seen Ganyu use this move. It seems that it can effectively resist the moves that reduce abilities."

Pokémon have thousands of moves, and the move [White Mist] is Ningguang's first time seeing it.

After seeing that throwing sand was ineffective, she could immediately guess the effect of this move.

But now it was Ganyu's turn to attack. She pointed directly at the Sharptooth Land Shark.

"Ice Dragon, go ahead, Fanged Land Shark uses [Aurora Beam】!"

As mentioned before...

Ice-type moves can cause four times the damage to Fanged Land Shark.

Although Fanged Land Shark has a slightly higher level and ability, if it is hit by an ice-type move... I'm afraid it will suffer the same fate as Poison Rose in an instant..

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