"Aurora Beam!"

Gan Yu knew that the Fanged Land Shark could restrain the Ice Dragon, so she also knew that the Ice Dragon could restrain the opponent.

Moreover, ice attribute was the best choice.

So, when the Ice Dragon blocked the Posha, it took advantage of the situation to raise its head and release an ice-blue beam from its mouth.

"Want to win with one strike? Unfortunately, you can't succeed."

Ningguang had already made preparations. She knew very well that the key to this game was to not let the ice skills hit her.

""Sharptooth Land Shark, dig a hole!" As soon as the words fell, the Sharptooth Land Shark immediately dived into the ground like a shark entering the water.

At this moment... an ice-blue beam passed over it.

It missed!

Seeing this, Ganyu's face suddenly became nervous.

"It's the move I used to defeat Yunjin!"

Digging is a move to sneak into the ground and then attack the enemy.

The most important thing is... except for the Sharptooth Land Shark, no one knows where this move will attack from, including Ningguang.

Because of this, it is hard to guard against.


Ganyu, who was quick to react, noticed that there was a faint cracking sound on the ground to the left of the Ice Dragon.

"" Oops!"

Ganyu's face suddenly changed.

The Ice Dragon's speed was not good enough, and the chance of dodging was too low. In return, it would most likely be seriously injured by the Sharptooth Land Shark, or even defeated in one blow.

Ganyu subconsciously shouted:"Ice Dragon, set up the [Barrier】!"

As soon as the words fell...


The fanged land shark hiding underground had already broken out of the ground and rushed towards the ice dragon like an arrow.

Fortunately, Ganyu noticed it in time...

At this moment, the ice dragon had just built a defensive barrier.

But even so...


But the moment the fanged land shark hit the barrier, the barrier shattered.

Then... the fanged land shark still broke through the barrier and hit the ice dragon hard.

However, because of the [Barrier] in front, the ice dragon was knocked back several meters, but the damage was not too serious, even though [Dig] was a ground-based skill.

At the same time... the fanged land shark that appeared from the ground fell into Ganyu's eyes again.

Although the [Sandstorm] made the opponent look elusive, Ganyu still caught its figure, and the ice dragon was naturally the same.

Ganyu immediately pointed at the vaguely visible figure and shouted loudly:"Now, Ice Dragon, use [Slam] to charge over and attack the Sharptoothed Land Shark." The

Ice Dragon received the order and suddenly rushed to the place where Ganyu pointed with its heavy body.

In fact, the distance between the two places was less than ten meters, and the speed of the Ice Dragon was already close.

"Use a general skill to attack the Fanged Land Shark?"

Ningguang originally wanted the Fanged Land Shark to continue to dive into the ground, but now the Ice Dragon gave up the long-range attack and rushed over?

Moreover, it didn't use an ice attribute skill, but a general skill [Slam]?

In terms of strength, speed, and defense, the Fanged Land Shark was no worse than the Ice Dragon.

She couldn't understand Ganyu's idea.

But this was undoubtedly a good opportunity to control the Ice Dragon.……

"Fanged Land Shark, use [Quicksand Hell] to restrict the Ice Dragon's movements!"

Not to mention Ningguang's confusion, many people in the audience were the same.

"Weird, why does Secretary Ganyu use normal skills? Wouldn't it be better to use ice-attribute moves?"

"I'm also confused... There's no way to defeat the Sharptooth Land Shark this way"

"Yes, when the Sharptooth Land Shark dug the hole just now, although the barrier helped the Ice Dragon to bear a lot of the force, it was still double restraint. I remember that the move [Slam] would also hurt itself, right?"

"And it seems that Lady Ningguang intends to take advantage of this opportunity to control the Ice Dragon. In this way, Secretary Ganyu's Ice Dragon can only stand at attention and take the beating."

Yes, in everyone's opinion, Ganyu's attack this time was a bit irrational.

Not to mention that ordinary skills can't pose much threat to the Sharptooth Land Shark, and the violent collision will make the Ice Dragon even more injured.


Although Ningguang has already responded, she still doesn't believe that Ganyu will make such a mistake!

Just when the Sharptooth Land Shark was disturbing the earth with its two front claws...

Ningguang's eyes were as sharp as a torch, and she immediately caught the body of the Ice Dragon that suddenly hit the Sharptooth Land Shark. I don't know when it was attached to a layer of hard ice.

"Oh no, this isn't a normal move, it's an ice attribute skill!!!"

""Have you been discovered?" (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Ganyu raised her long eyelashes. She never expected Ningguang to find out so quickly.

Yes, in the eyes of others, [Slam] is indeed a general move.

But for the Ice Dragon, [Slam] can be an ice-attribute move.

This brings up the characteristics of the Ice Dragon... Frozen skin!

No matter what general skills are used, they can be transformed into ice attributes.

In other words... [Slam], which looks like a general move, has now become an ice-attribute move after being affected by the characteristics of the Ice Dragon.

"Unfortunately, you have already stepped into my trap. The Sharptooth Land Shark can no longer escape!"

Seeing that the Ice Dragon was less than two meters away from the Sharptooth Land Shark, Ningguang could no longer stop [Quicksand Hell] and dodge!


With the powerful [Slam] and the transformation into ice attribute, Ganyu was confident that the Ice Dragon's attack would decide the outcome as long as it hit the Fanged Land Shark.

At this moment,

Ganyu was sure of victory!

Who would have thought...

Ningguang, who was still shocked just now, smiled now.

"Really? Who stepped into whose trap?"

Just as her smile flashed across her face, the Ice Dragon had already carried its heavy, icy body and crashed into the Sharptoothed Land Shark.

But the next second!

Something unexpected happened...

Because in countless eyes...���The Ice Dragon actually passed right through the Sharptooth Land Shark.[]

This scene… made Ganyu, who was confident of victory just now, suddenly widen her eyes.


How is this possible?!

The Sharptooth Land Shark was clearly motionless, and the Ice Dragon had indeed hit it, so how could it have penetrated through it?

(Ganyu immediately looked at Ningguang, because this must be Ningguang's trick...

As expected.

When Ganyu and Ningguang's eyes met, Ningguang smiled.

"Your Ice Dragon can transform [Slam] into an ice-attribute move because of its characteristics, right? Similarly, my Fanged Land Shark also has its own characteristics... that is, Sand Hidden Slayer!"

""Sand Hidden?!"

Ganyu immediately searched for the corresponding information in her mind.

Soon, she found the information of the same Sand Hidden Pokémon in her knowledge base.

"Pokémon with the [Sand Hiding] trait will become invisible in sandstorms, greatly improving their evasion, and can even evolve into mirages in the desert."

That is to say... what the Ice Dragon just hit was not the real body of the Sharptooth Land Shark, but the mirage caused by the sandstorm?

It turns out that from the beginning of the game, Ningguang's real purpose for letting the Sharptooth Land Shark release the [Sand Storm] was to allow its [Sand Hiding] trait to work.……

I want to say:

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