"Although your Sharktooth has never been injured, for the sake of fairness, I will help it recover its strength."

After Ganyu left the stage and Keqing stepped onto the stage, Su Yan still came to Ningguang and treated her Sharktooth's fatigue after the battle.

Everything was done so that she and Keqing could have a good fight under equal conditions.

Just when Su Yan picked up the Poké Ball and was treating it...

Ningguang suddenly asked in a voice that only he could hear:"Isn't it disappointing you?"

"Better than expected."

Su Yan smiled faintly. Ningguang's performance had far exceeded his expectations.

"Throughout the game, your command of the Pokemon is undoubtedly the best, but don't be careless. In a Pokemon battle, unless it is a crushing victory, something unexpected may happen at any time."

Although Su Yan has never given Ningguang any convenience since the beginning of the game, this sentence undoubtedly reflects his care.

She is a strong woman, and there is no one in Liyue who is qualified to give her care.

And Su Yan has this qualification... This makes Ningguang feel warm.

"I know this very well.

However, this ambiguous atmosphere was soon interrupted by another voice.

""Hey, boss, what are you talking about with Ningguang? Are you secretly teaching her some skills?"

That's right, Keqing was also walking towards this side.

Although the two of them had already reached the finals, it could be seen that they had become more relaxed.

Of course, Keqing's voice was joking.

It seemed to Su Yan that he had returned to the day when Keqing brought Ningguang to his house...

After all that happened, Keqing became more and more respectful to Su Yan.

But now... Keqing's joke inexplicably made Su Yan feel familiar.

After returning the Poké Ball to Ningguang, he immediately bent his fingers and knocked hard on Keqing's forehead.

""You are talking nonsense, and you don't even consider the occasion."

After being reprimanded by Su Yan, Keqing immediately stuck out her tongue, realizing that this joke really shouldn't be made.

However... when Keqing saw that Su Yan was still as easygoing as before, she felt relieved for some reason.

After all, she still remembered the scene of the Inazuma Island where a single thought decided the life and death of the Thunder God.

For a period of time, Keqing didn't dare to be too presumptuous in front of Su Yan.

Now it seems... she was overthinking, Su Yan is still the same Su Yan

"Okay, okay, I apologize."

Keqing apologized to Su Yan jokingly, and then moved her eyes to Ningguang next to her.

"We have finally come here."

Ningguang nodded her head:"Yes, there is no better place to decide the winner than here."

Seeing the two of them looking at each other.

At this moment, Su Yan next to him suddenly said:"Fate is really wonderful. This reminds me of the scene when you two were in my shop and just got the Pokemon."

At that time...

After getting the Pokemon, the two of them also looked at each other like this, and there was also a spark of competition.

Just as Su Yan finished speaking, Keqing smiled and continued���head

"……And the result will be the same, my Cang Yan Blade Ghost will never lose!"

"Don't be so sure."

Ningguang immediately counterattacked Keqing:"After all, my Sharptooth Land Shark is a quasi-god Pokémon."

What a familiar word...

Su Yan immediately shook his head helplessly.

"Okay, okay, why are you two still like this? Hey, we are on the stage now, you two Seven Stars should not set a bad example."

You know, the battle between Ningguang and Keqing, the two Seven Stars, on Liyue Street attracted countless people to follow suit.

Now it's still the two of them in the finals.

As Su Yan said... fate, wonderful, the two of them can be said to be the beginning of Pokémon, and also the end of the game.

But don't set a bad example.

At this moment.

I saw Keqing turned around and walked back to her position, and even waved to Ningguang with her back.

"For Mr. Su Yan's sake, I will not continue arguing with you. Let's decide who is better through this battle to see whether your quasi-god is stronger or my Cang Yan Blade Ghost is more powerful!"


Ningguang didn't respond, but picked up the Poké Ball of Fanged Land Shark and said softly:"Fanged Land Shark, let's defeat Keqing and Blue Blade together." As soon as she finished speaking, the Poké Ball in Ningguang's hand suddenly jumped.

Obviously, Fanged Land Shark had been looking forward to this moment for a long time!

Su Yan smiled knowingly when he saw this.

"Get ready."

Then he walked back to the center of the ring and resumed his role as referee.

"Phew… As expected, Lady Keqing and Lady Ningguang made it to the finals!" (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Yes, but this process is far beyond our imagination. It is not easy for both of them. Especially Lady Keqing, who almost lost the last game."

"Come to think of it, when they were on Liyue Street, Lady Ningguang and Lady Keqing had not yet really decided the winner, right?"

"Ah, I remember that it was the captain of the Wudao Xiong Division who stopped them from fighting, so the winner was not decided yet."

"That’s right... but today will decide the winner!"

Seeing Ningguang and Keqing face each other again.

Those who had seen that duel on Liyue Street were now very excited.

At this time...

Su Yan on the ring suddenly asked:"Are you all ready?"

Keqing:"No problem." Ningguang

:"We can start anytime."

Looking at the two people who were concentrating, Su Yan slowly raised his hand.

"Then... the first Pokémon Battle Finals begins now!"

As soon as the words fell...

Ningguang and Keqing threw their Poké Balls at the same time.

"Go ahead, Sharptooth Land Shark!"

"Blue Blade Ghost, please!!"

Looking at the two Poké Balls passing through the air, people suddenly realized that the scene suddenly overlapped with the scene on Liyue Street.

It was just that Ningguang and Keqing were shouting……

"Go ahead, round land shark!"[]

"Please, Tanshi!���

Now, after the Poké Ball landed, it glowed with red light.

The two Pokémon that appeared were already in their evolved forms...

After a month...

The original duel finally had to be decided here and now!

Tan Xiaoshi and Yuan Lusha have now grown into beings that can compete with the owner of the Eye of God.

Instead of the previous small fights, they could only fight wild boars.

Of course, in addition to these people, other people are also looking forward to this game, including the previous contestants.

To be able to reach the finals...

It can be seen that the two people standing on the ring now are already the strongest Pokémon trainers in Liyue!

At the same time!

It also depends on who can own the first legendary Pokémon!.

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