On the ring, the Sharp-fanged Land Shark and the Blue Flame Blade Demon appeared again.

Unlike any previous match, their eyes were filled with extremely strong fighting spirit.

Especially the Sharp-fanged Land Shark...

Facing the Blue Flame Blade Demon, it could not wait any longer.

"Don't be nervous, we will win."

Ningguang could read the mind of Sharptooth Land Shark, and she immediately waved her hand:"Release the sandstorm, Sharptooth Land Shark!"

After the last game, everyone already knew that Sharptooth Land Shark's characteristic is that it is good at hiding in the sandstorm.

This time, Ningguang attacked first, wanting to copy the same method and turn this place into a battlefield suitable for Sharptooth Land Shark.

But how could Keqing let her opponent succeed?

"Blue Flame Blade Ghost, use [Scream] to attack Sharptooth Land Shark!"

The voices of their respective trainers fell one after another.

Sharptooth Land Shark has begun to gather the power of the ground attribute"760", and dust began to rise on the ring.

And at this moment...

Blue Flame Blade Ghost screamed again.!!!

It sounded like thunder and like a ghost, causing everyone on the scene to cover their ears again, with expressions showing unbearable pain.

This also included Sharptooth Land Shark and Ningguang.

While Ningguang covered her ears, her face suddenly became ugly

"Oh no, it's this move again. Lisa lost the initiative because of this [Scare] move."

It must be said that this is a big improvement for Ningguang and Keqing.

Now that they have finally reached the finals, they are ready to use all their skills, including what they have learned during the competition.

Sure enough... Amid the screams of the Blue Blade Ghost, the ground elements gathered by the Sharptooth Land Shark began to disintegrate.

But what was unexpected was...

Just when the Sharptooth Land Shark felt the pain, it suddenly showed a fierce light in its eyes and let out a loud roar.


The ground elements quickly gathered around the Sharptooth Land Shark again.

In an instant!

The arena was covered with wind and sand again.

Seeing that [Sandstorm] was actually performed, Keqing was a little unbelievable.

"how come……"

Doesn't the [Scare] of the Blue Blade Demon make the opponent afraid?

Land Shark clearly endured the sound, so why was it able to release a sandstorm?

Of course, Keqing didn't know at this time that [Scare] can indeed make the opponent feel afraid and unable to use any moves.

But it is not absolute.

Not to mention that it had fought with the Blue Blade Demon when it was still a Round Land Shark.

And Land Shark already had a strong desire to fight against the Blue Blade Demon. How could a mere sound of fear make it feel afraid?

This is the obsession with winning, and this obsession made Land Shark summon the sandstorm.

""Well done, Fanged Land Shark!"

Ningguang was overjoyed when she saw this.

The ugly expression just now was now on Keqing's side.

The sandstorm was ineffective against Ganyu's Ice Dragon, but the Azure Blade Ghost was different.

The attributes of the fire and ghost elements could not make it ignore the sandstorm.


The sand blown up by the storm made the Azure Blade Ghost quickly stop screaming, fearing that his mouth would be filled with yellow sand as soon as he opened it.

Moreover, the sandstorm also hit its body, making it feel extremely irritated.

"Don't be too happy too soon, Blue Flame Blade Demon, use the Flame Vortex to control the Sharptooth Land Shark while its position is clear!"

Keqing reacted very quickly.

Once the Sharptooth Land Shark with [Sand Hidden] is hidden in a sandstorm, it will be even more difficult to deal with it.

Now that the sandstorm has just started, the position of the Sharptooth Land Shark is still clear.

In this case...

Blue Flame Blade Demon immediately swung both swords and turned into two fire snakes, which revolved around the Sharptooth Land Shark in the blink of an eye.


The fire snakes suddenly burst into strong flames and produced a circular vortex.

No matter who looks at it, Blue Flame Blade Demon used [Flame Vortex] to make the Sharptooth Land Shark's Sand Hidden ineffective.

Who knows...

Ningguang didn't care at all:"You are too naive, Keqing!"


Keqing's eyebrows just raised, Ningguang gave the sharp-toothed land shark an order while laughing.

"Before, when the Round Land Shark was entangled by your Blue Blade Ghost with [Flame Vortex], I had to use a lot of effort to break free, but now……"

""Sharptooth Land Shark, dig a hole!" (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

As soon as the words fell.

Sharptooth Land Shark shook its two sickle-shaped fins, then drilled into the ground and disappeared in the vortex of fire.

At this time, Ningguang continued to say to Keqing with a teasing smile:"The [Flame Vortex] of the Azure Blade Demon is no longer effective against Sharptooth Land Shark."


Keqing was not shocked or panicked, but instead breathed a sigh of relief.

"Of course I know that the Fanged Land Shark has the skill [Dig Hole], and I also know that [Flame Vortex] cannot trap it............"

After this was said, it was Ningguang's turn to be confused.

"What do you mean?"

According to Keqing, the vortex of fire is not used to trap the fanged Land Shark, no... it should be said that the vortex of fire is more like a bait to make the fanged Land Shark use [Dig Hole].

From Keqing's relief, it can be seen that her goal has been achieved.

Sure enough...

Keqing curled the corners of her mouth, and signaled to the Blue Flame Blade Ghost:"Blue Flame Blade Ghost, the fanged Land Shark will definitely attack you and sprinkle phosphorous fire around you." As soon as the voice fell, the Blue Flame Blade Ghost immediately released several dark phosphorous fires from his body.

The phosphorous fire is like a buried mine, waiting for the fanged Land Shark to take the bait.

"So that's how it is……"

Seeing this, Ningguang put away her smile.

She already knew what Keqing was planning.

The vortex of fire was indeed just a bait to lure the Sharptooth Land Shark underground.

Once the Sharptooth Land Shark dived underground, it would not be able to hear the trainer's voice.

Whether to attack or hide, everything depended on the Sharptooth Land Shark's will.[]

But the Sharptooth Land Shark was full of fighting spirit against the Blue Blade Ghost and would definitely attack it.

Ningguang knew this, and so did Keqing.

But even so, what?

Ningguang suddenly said,"Keqing, have you forgotten that your Blue Blade Ghost is restrained by ground-type moves? If it is hit by the Sharptooth Land Shark's [Dig], how much energy do you think the Blue Blade Ghost will have left?"


Ningguang's words made Keqing unable to refute.

Because ground-type moves have a double restraint effect on fire-type moves.

If the Blue Blade Ghost was really hit by the Fanged Land Shark, even if it did not completely lose its combat effectiveness, the sandstorm on the ring would be enough to end the game.

"I didn't expect that Ningguang and Fanged Land Shark have become so powerful in such a short time."

Keqing sighed softly. In fact, judging from the current situation, Blue Blade Ghost is already at a disadvantage.

As expected, after the evolution of Round Land Shark, it has long been different from before.

At the same time...

Click! There was a faint sound at the feet of Blue Blade Ghost.

Obviously, this was the sound of Fanged Land Shark about to break out of the ground.

Keqing immediately gritted her teeth, her eyes were still full of brilliance, and she obviously had no intention of giving up.


We can only gamble and see!".

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