In the past, Keqing was confident that she could defeat Ningguang's Round Land Shark, regardless of whether Blue Blade Demon evolved or not.

But since it evolved into Fanged Land Shark...

Ningguang has never fought against Keqing again.

This competition is the first time Keqing faces Fanged Land Shark.

But she could never have imagined that the evolved Fanged Land Shark would be so strong.

Is this the value of a quasi-god?


It's not just Fanged Land Shark that is strong, Ningguang has made great progress.

At this moment.

The Fanged Land Shark lurking underground has locked onto Blue Blade Demon.

Once hit...

Keqing is sure that under the double restraint of the attributes, Blue Blade Demon will no longer be able to fight back

"Cang Yan Ren Gui!!!"

At this moment, Keqing hurriedly called out to Cang Yan Ren Gui, and then asked:"Can you still use that move?"


At this time, the Blue Blade Ghost turned around and looked into Keqing's eyes.

Then... it nodded heavily:"I... should be able to use it." The

Blue Blade Ghost's response, which sounded like a female knight, echoed in Keqing's mind again.

It was exactly the same as the previous battle with Lisa. 30

Just when Keqing was about to show her joy...


The ground at the feet of the Blue Blade Ghost suddenly cracked.

Keqing hurriedly reminded:"Blue Blade Ghost, be careful, the Sharp-toothed Land Shark is coming out!!!" As soon as the voice fell.


The Sharp-toothed Land Shark once again shot out like an arrow from the ground, breaking through the floor of the ring and slamming into the Blue Blade Ghost fiercely.


The Blue Flame Blade Ghost, who had suffered the impact, choked with pain.

Fortunately... at the moment when the Sharp-Toothed Land Shark broke through the ground, a faint waveguide energy shield had already wrapped up the entire body of the Blue Flame Blade Ghost.

Even so... when it suffered this blow, the waveguide shield was instantly shattered.

At the moment the energy shield was destroyed, the Sharp-Toothed Land Shark even hit the body of the Blue Flame Blade Ghost, knocking it more than ten meters away...

But because of the protection of the waveguide energy shield, the Blue Flame Blade Ghost was not seriously injured.

After it landed, it was obvious that it still had the energy to stand up.

Seeing that the Blue Flame Blade Ghost could still stand up, Ningguang's face was full of disbelief.

"how come……"

At the same time, Lisa's eyes were also flashing.

"That's it! My Poison Rose was defeated because of the protective shield of the Blue Blade Ghost."No one knows what kind of move this energy shield protecting the Blue Blade Ghost is.

Because they never heard Keqing shout out the name of this move from beginning to end.

Even when fighting against Lisa, Keqing herself didn't know that the Blue Blade Ghost had such a move.

Ningguang and Lisa saw it at the time.

Now it is attacked by the [Dig Hole] of the Sharptooth Land Shark, and it is this energy shield that protects the Blue Blade Ghost.

Otherwise, the move of the Sharptooth Land Shark just now would be enough to kill the Blue Blade Ghost in seconds.

Of course...

Only Su Yan in the audience knew that the energy shield of the Blue Blade Ghost came from the power of the waveguide.

But now the power of the waveguide is too weak...

The Blue Blade Ghost can only turn the waveguide into an energy shield, and it is already the limit to be able to withstand the attack of the Sharptooth Land Shark.

"I didn't expect that Keqing and Land Shark had already grasped the basics of the power of wave in such a short time."

"Is it a coincidence... or is it because of the continent of Teyvat?"

"But since the power of wave guidance has already appeared, will other powers also appear one after another?"


The scene returned to the game.

After knocking the Blue Blade Ghost away, the Sharptooth Land Shark did not chase after it.

Because at the moment of breaking through the ground, the Sharptooth Land Shark realized that it had touched the [Phosphorus Fire], and now flames kept coming out of its body.

This was the burning state of the [Phosphorus Fire].

Ningguang naturally saw the negative state of the Sharptooth Land Shark.

"Tsk... I still can't defeat the Blue Blade Ghost, but it seems that the protective shield can no longer be used."

Compared with the Blue Blade Ghost's injuries, the [burning] state of the Sharptooth Land Shark is nothing. (To read the exciting novel, just go to Faloo Novel Network!)

It's just that the flames on its body are like constantly reminding Keqing and the Blue Blade Ghost where it is.

In other words... the sand hiding in the sandstorm has lost its meaning.

And the most troublesome thing is that this state will also reduce the attack power by half.

This is why Keqing tried every means to make the Sharptooth Land Shark contaminated with phosphorous fire.

Ningguang naturally understood this truth, and she took a deep breath.

"Keqing, even if Fanged Land Shark's Sand Hiding loses its effect, you won't have much chance of winning... Fanged Land Shark, use [Dig] again.】!"

That's right, since I can't hide my body on the stage because of the burning state, then continuing to [dig a hole] will have the same result!


As soon as Ningguang finished speaking

"That won't work. Blue Blade Ghost, use [Immobilization] to block the [Dig Hole] of the Sharptooth Land Shark.】!!"

How could Keqing not know that digging holes was the biggest threat?

As soon as she finished speaking, a purple light suddenly burst out from the eyes of the Blue Flame Blade Ghost, which were filled with ghost fire.

At the same time... the Sharptoothed Land Shark, which was about to punch a hole in the ring again, suddenly crashed into the floor.

This time, it failed to drill into the ground as it wished.

Yes... the Blue Flame Blade Ghost's [Immobilization Technique] sealed the [Digging Hole]

"This trick again!!!"

Ningguang gritted her teeth and recalled the battle in Liyue. At that time, the round land shark also had the upper hand, but was blocked by Tan Xiaoshi's [Immobilization Technique] in [Quicksand Hell], and finally the opponent gained the upper hand. Is this going to happen again? []

No 613!

"As long as this is my home court, Fanged Land Shark will not lose!"

Ningguang immediately pointed at the Blue Flame Blade Ghost and then commanded:"Fanged Land Shark, attack the Blue Flame Blade Ghost, double slash!" As soon as the voice fell.

The Fanged Land Shark, which failed to burrow into the ground, suddenly locked its ferocious eyes on the Blue Flame Blade Ghost.


Then... its feet left the ground, and with the help of a gliding sprint, it quickly opened its sickle claws and attacked the Blue Flame Blade Ghost.

Seeing Fanged Land Shark coming, Keqing did not escape anymore.

""Blue Flame Blade Ghost, use [Shadow Claw] to meet it!"

In an instant!

Blue Flame Blade Ghost turned his sword into claws, and collided with the sickle wings of Fanged Land Shark.

The black ghost energy and the pale blue dragon power suddenly burst into a terrible energy dispersion, exploding one shock wave after another after colliding with each other.

This attack... made Fanged Land Shark lose the upper hand.

The strong impact force made it bounce more than ten meters away...

Of course.

This is not the end, but just the beginning.

Only after Fanged Land Shark's feet left a mark on the ground...

Ningguang signaled again:"Fanged Land Shark, continue to attack Blue Flame Blade Ghost, use [Dragon Claw】!"

Almost at the same time,

Keqing also gave Cang Yan Ren Gui new instructions.

"Blue Blade Ghost, attack the Sharptooth Land Shark first, and attack with the shadow!".

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