On the ring.

The two Pokémon, under the command of their respective trainers, exerted all their strength.

The sickle-shaped dragon wings and the double swords of Cang Huo released terrifying power again and again.

The burning state of the Sharptooth Land Shark reduced its attack power by half, and its strongest ground-type [Digging] was sealed again.

Although the level of the Sharptooth Land Shark is slightly higher than that of the Cang Yan Blade, the difference of a few levels does not affect anything.

But on the surface, the attack strength is not as good as that of the Cang Yan Blade.

And the burning state will continue to reduce physical strength.

This is the current disadvantage of the Sharptooth Land Shark.

Similarly... Although the Cang Yan Blade's attack power is still strong, its remaining physical strength is far less than that of the Sharptooth Land Shark.

And the ground type is still its attribute that restrains it, and it makes it impossible for its fire-attribute attack moves to function normally.

The sandstorm is raging.

It is also continuously reducing the physical strength of the Cang Yan Blade.

It is really hard to say who will gain the upper hand at this time.

"Next up, Dragon Claw!!!"

""Blue Blade Demon, Shadow Claw!!!"

On the stage, the claws of the blue energy wrapped in the wings of the blue energy, with the help of the jumping Sharptooth Land Shark, chopped down at the Blue Blade Demon. The

Blue Blade Demon did not retreat at all, and immediately met it with the two swords of dark energy in his hands.

The two Pokémon fought more and more fiercely.

Dark, blue, fire, khaki, the power of the four attributes, from time to time spread from the stage to all directions.

"Awesome, awesome! The two elves of Lady Ningguang and Lady Keqing are so awesome! This fight is simply the best I have ever seen."

"Who says it isn’t? Several minutes have passed since the close combat, right?"

"Yes, this game has exceeded the time of all the previous games."

"Won't they feel tired?"

If all the previous matches were more or less based on means and command skills, then... now Land Shark and Blade of the Azure are competing purely on strength.

Although the competition of strength is monotonous, the impact of the picture is full.

In addition, neither of the two Pokémon will admit defeat. Whether it is Land Shark or Blade of the Azure, whenever they fall into a disadvantage in one move, they will immediately increase their strength in the next move to turn the disadvantage into an advantage.

Unknowingly... the two Pokémon have been competing with each other for six minutes.

Six minutes is enough for them to collide with each other twenty or thirty times, or even more.


Blade of the Azure is getting weaker and weaker, and it seems to be at the end of its rope.

After all, the sandstorm is constantly eroding it. Of course, Land Shark's [burning] state also makes its physical strength slowly run out. Despite this, it is still better than Blade of the Azure.

""Ke, Keqing, it seems that my Sharptooth Land Shark will win the final victory."

At this moment, Ningguang's forehead was covered with sweat. The tension, concentration, and constant command had made her mentally exhausted and dry-mouthed.

As soon as she finished speaking,

Keqing on the opposite side had a face full of unwillingness to admit defeat.

"Who can tell until the very end?"

Keqing's condition was no better than Ningguang's.

Both of them were highly focused, fearing that if they were careless, their opponents would seize the initiative and their Pokémon would lose.

For them, winning or losing was no longer important...

They wanted to win only because their Pokémon didn't want to lose.

That was all.

"Hehe... Yeah, who can tell until the end, but this sentence doesn't apply to those who are prepared."

At this moment, Ningguang suddenly smiled:"Your Blue Blade Ghost's physical strength is running low, and my Fanged Land Shark still has the strongest move... Since the beginning of the game, I have never let it use it, no... I should say, I have never let it use this move."


Keqing's eyebrows suddenly raised. Ningguang actually has a trump card?

She would not doubt whether Ningguang was bluffing.

Because from her understanding of Ningguang, her character is like this. She will never reveal her trump card unless she has to.

At this time on the ring.

After the last move, the sharp-toothed land shark and the blue flame blade ghost have opened a distance of more than ten meters.

The two trainers are exhausted, not to mention the ones competing on the field.

The two Pokémon are already panting heavily.

Seeing this...

Ningguang and Keqing both revealed heartache in their eyes.

"Let's end this game."

After Ningguang adjusted her breathing, she immediately helped the Sharptooth Land Shark win the final victory.

"Sharp-toothed Land Shark...Use that trick, Reverse Scale!"

"Reverse scales?"

When Ningguang called out the name of a move she had never heard of before, Keqing immediately had a bad feeling in her heart. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Only at this moment...


The already exhausted Sharptooth Land Shark suddenly roared, and its two clear eyes radiated a violent red light.


The roar of the dragon continued to wash over the ring.

Anyone could see that Sharptooth Land Shark was gradually falling into madness.

And because of this... the fatigue of the body seemed to have completely disappeared at this moment.

Seeing this sudden change, it was obvious that Cang Yan Blade Ghost unconsciously took a step back...

The eyes that had refused to admit defeat just now were now filled with fear.

At the same time, Ningguang suddenly said

"Keqing, you may think that I use this move as a trump card, but in fact, I don’t like to let the Sharptooth Land Shark use this move, because then it will no longer hear my voice, I don’t like this feeling, but this is all for its victory……"

"Can't hear your voice?"

In fact, even if Ningguang didn't say it, Keqing could see that the Sharptooth Land Shark had become violent. Compared with its previous ferocious appearance, it was now ten or a hundred times more ferocious.

Just when I thought of this...


The Sharptooth Land Shark suddenly started to move.

Its speed was more than twice as fast as before, and it seemed that only the Blue Flame Blade Ghost was left in its two blood-red and violent eyes!

""Not good! Blue Blade Ghost, quickly dodge its attack!"

Keqing never expected that when the two Pokémon were running out of energy, the Sharptooth Land Shark could actually burst out at such a speed.

This was impossible for the Blue Blade Ghost, which was already at the end of its strength, to resist.[]

So much so that... after hearing Keqing's voice, facing the left wing of the Sharptooth Land Shark, the Blue Flame Blade Ghost quickly jumped back and barely avoided the attack.

However, the Sharptooth Land Shark is now faster than the Blue Flame Blade Ghost.

Just when the Blue Flame Blade Ghost jumped back and landed... whoosh!

The Sharptooth Land Shark has appeared in front of it, and chopped it with its right wing.

This time... the Blue Flame Blade Ghost has no way to avoid it.

As long as it is hit by this attack, the remaining physical strength of the Blue Flame Blade Ghost will be exhausted.

And as Su Yan said before, the Blue Flame Blade Ghost has only comprehended the basics of the power of waveguide. After the waveguide shield was destroyed by [Dig Hole], it can no longer use it.

Keqing is also well aware of this.

"Are we going to lose...?"


"Even if it's a tie, I can't let Blue Blade Ghost lose to Sharptooth Land Shark!".


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