The Pokémon carrying the light of creation came from the dimensional crack.

That's right.

The Pokémon that came this time was Arceus.

Its eyes were shining, as if it could see through the world.

It first swept around Guyun Pavilion...

Although no one dared to interact with it, everyone who was swept by its eyes felt their scalps tingling.

Even Wendy and Zhongli were trembling after feeling the power of Arceus.

"This, this breath is simply unprecedented. Is it, is it the creator god of the elf world?"

Wendy gasped.

Others may only feel that Arceus' power is sacred and inviolable, and at most they can feel that it is stronger than any elf god that has appeared before.

But Wendy and Zhongli are different...

They are gods, and their perception of elements is ten or a hundred times stronger than anyone else on the scene.

Because of this... they can detect that Arceus seems to control all elemental forces.

Take Wendy for example���It is said that he is the demon god of wind, but the moment Arceus appeared, he lost control of the wind. The same goes for Zhongli, he also tried it.

That's why the two of them were so frightened.

The Pokémon in front of them is the strongest existence in their cognition, except for Su Yan.

Who else can combine all the elemental powers in one body...except the God of Creation?

And it's not just a few attributes of Teyvat, but eighteen attributes in one body, and it does not include transcendental powers such as space and time.

At this moment.

Arceus's eyes are also on Wendy and Zhongli.

"So that's how it is, you are the gods of this world."

The supreme voice sounded in the minds of Wendy and Zhongli at the same time.

At this moment, they felt even more nervous when they heard Arceus' voice.

Every word of that short sentence made their hearts beat.

Not to mention answering Arceus' question...

At this moment, even if they wanted to make a sound, it became extremely difficult.

Fortunately, Arceus only glanced at them and then turned his head upwards.

That was the direction of the sky dome, and it seemed that something attracted Arceus' attention.

At the same time……

""Okay, okay, come down."

Arceus suddenly received Su Yan's order, and immediately retracted his gaze, and then slowly landed on the land of Guyun Pavilion.

Then... the God of Creation, who made the gods tremble with fear when he appeared, actually lowered his head to Su Yan, and even said respectfully:

"Lord Su Yan, this world is indeed interesting.……"

Arceus seemed to be silent, but everyone standing around Su Yan could hear his voice clearly.

If Wendy and Zhongli were surprised by the power of creation before, then now their mood was once again in turmoil.

"Su Yan... Sir?!"

You know, just now Su Yan just said to introduce a new friend.

At that time...

Zhongli thought that the Creator God he summoned was an existence equal to him.

Who could have thought that this Creator God of the elf world would actually, actually call Su Yan... Sir?!

At this moment.

Eight pairs of pupils were filled with shock inside and outside, all secretly looking at Su Yan.

What exactly is Su Yan's identity?

A status above the Creator God?!

What is that?!

An existence beyond the world, beyond the dimension, beyond the universe?

Is this possible?!

Countless questions constantly washed over the concepts of Wendy and Zhongli.

However, after Arceus landed, Su Yan did not do anything else, but turned around and introduced to everyone.

"It is the creator god of the elf world, named Arceus. As the name suggests, the elf world was created by it, including the super beasts. Oh, yes, it is the elf god in your impression."

As soon as these words came out,

Wendy and Zhongli's hearts were once again stirred up by thousands of layers of waves

"The God of Elves was created by it?!"

You know.

In their view, the God of Elves is already an existence beyond God.

But Arceus in front of them created God?!

In Su Yan's introduction, Arceus was very easygoing towards this person from another world. (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I can create the world, everything comes from the power of the master"

"……"Master, Master?"

After Arceus came out, no matter what Su Yan said or what the God of Creation said, everyone was speechless.



In the continuous shock, the four of them had already become numb.

They even completely ignored the three shadows behind Arceus.

"Hey, Su Yan, I brought all the elf eggs here."

It was Menghuan who spoke first. After smiling cutely, his eyes fell on Ningguang and Keqing.

"Miss Keqing, Miss Ningguang, I know you can win the game"

"Dream, Fantasy……"

Hearing Huanhuan's voice, Ningguang and Keqing, who had been in a daze for a long time, finally came back to their senses.

Among the three figures, in addition to Huanhuan, there is also Celebi.

Although the two of them are very familiar with these two little guys, they will definitely joke with them at other times.

But now they dare not speak casually... and what people care about most is that the two little guys each hold an elf egg with different patterns.

There is no doubt.

The two elf eggs are the legendary elf eggs that Su Yan is about to give as rewards.

However, they really can't show the excitement and joy they should have in this situation.

As for the third figure[]

This is the Buyer that both Wendy and Zhongli know.

""Morax, Barbatos, why do you two look so absent-minded?"

While she was talking, Buyer had already landed beside Su Yan.

Her gentle eyes fell on Su Yan, and then she smiled softly.

"Su Yan, I'm back. To be honest, the Elf World is super awesome, much more prosperous than Teyvat. Dream and Celebi also took me to the city and ate all kinds of meals I had never seen before. If you didn't need it, we would have eaten lunch there too."

Su Yan smiled and nodded:"Just have fun."

That's right, Dream and Buyer didn't come to watch the game today because they went to the Elf World.

After all, these two phantom elves are not very interested in this kind of low-level battle.

But when the four heard this, they all widened their eyes in surprise.


""Buyer, you went to the elf world?!"


Su Yan had always brought the elves here, so why hadn't they thought about whether Teyvat could also lead to the elf world?

Obviously, Buyer's unintentional words immediately made everyone's hearts even more upset.

But Buyerche said lightly:

"Yes, there are many high-tech things over there. Cars can run without being pulled, and the buildings are very high. Some buildings are even taller than the Qun Yu Pavilion. Oh, and the cameras over there can even move the images."

"……"Okay, let's talk about this later."

Su Yan interrupted the conversation.

If they continued, it would take a whole day and night to finish. He asked Dream Celebi to come forward, and then introduced Ningguang and Keqing.

"You both won the competition at the same time, which was something I had not expected. Fortunately, during my time in Liyue, my friends helped me collect several legendary elf eggs, so I was able to give you the rewards you deserve."

"There are two legendary elf eggs here, one is called Articuno and the other is called Moltres."

"You choose."

I want to say:

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