"Articuno and Moltres……"

Now placed in front of Ningguang and Keqing are two Pokémon eggs of different colors.

The Pokémon egg held by Dream has a faint icy air around it, and even standing far away, one can feel a chill from it.

Look at Celebi's side... the pattern of flames, the golden eggshell.

If the Pokémon held by Dream is cold, then the first impression of this flame egg is... hot!

Seeing these two completely different Pokémon eggs.

Keqing suddenly looked at Ningguang and said,"In fact, you are better than me in this competition. You choose first."

Although Su Yan said several times that the move [Same Fate] was within the rules, Keqing still couldn't get over this hurdle in her heart.

In her opinion, she still lost to Ningguang in this game.

However, Keqing only admitted that it was not the Blue Blade Demon who lost, but herself...

But to be honest... In Keqing's heart, she prefers Articuno of the two legendary Pokémon.

After all, Blade of the Flame is already a fire attribute Pokémon...

If you can get Articuno, when you fight Ningguang in the future, the ice attribute Pokémon will be four times more restrained.

At this moment.

Keqing secretly glanced at the Articuno Pokémon egg, and everyone saw it.

Even so, she still let Ningguang choose first.

Of course, Ningguang is not hypocritical.

"Haha, then I will be disrespectful to refuse."She saw all of Keqing's desire.

So... she slowly walked in front of Celebi and said to Su Yan,"Then I will choose Moltres." After these words came out, not only Keqing was surprised, but even Su Yan was slightly stunned.

"Oh...are you sure you want to choose Moltres?"

"" Yes."

Ningguang did not hesitate at all, which showed that she had made up her mind.

But Keqing asked in confusion,"Why? You should know that if I get Articuno, it will be disadvantageous for Land Shark to fight you next time, right?"

Since Keqing could think of this, how could Ningguang not know it?

She smiled and said,"Of course I know this, but I believe that even if I encounter an ice-type Pokémon, my Land Shark will not lose. Ganyu's Ice Dragon is the best example. Besides, I like fighting with you very much. It would be boring if Land Shark always restrains Azure Blade Demon."

That's right.

This is what Ningguang really thinks.

As soon as the voice fell,

(adfj) hahahaha……"

Su Yan immediately patted Ningguang's shoulder, his eyes full of admiration.

"Well said, only the weak will care about attribute restraint, and a strong trainer should turn the disadvantages of Pokémon into advantages on the battlefield."

However, before Ningguang could respond, Keqing pouted and glared at Su Yan fiercely.

"Su Yan, I suspect you are scolding me……"

Then look at Su Yan's hand on Ningguang's shoulder, and Ningguang's complete lack of resistance.

This gave Keqing an idea.

Are they together?

Of course, Su Yan did not see Keqing's doubts at this time, but responded to the above sentence.

"Don't be so cunning. Since Ningguang chose Moltres, then Articuno should be you."


Now that Ningguang and Su Yan have spoken, Keqing will no longer be pretentious.

"Okay, I choose Articuno, and... Ningguang, I owe you a favor."

Anyone can see that Ningguang chose Moltres on purpose.

Otherwise, if she chose Articuno, then Keqing would have two fire-attribute Pokémon.

In their opinion, two fire-attribute Pokémon are definitely not easy to match.

There is nothing that can be done about it. Even though it seems that Keqing knows a lot about Pokémon after a month, little do they know that there are many trainers in the Pokémon world who prefer to form a single-attribute Pokémon team.

Like the fire team, water team, grass team, etc.

However, Su Yan will not give too much advice in this regard, so let the trainers in Teyvat slowly explore it in the future.

Just like this...

Ningguang and Keqing Keqing and Lily received two legendary Pokémon eggs from Mew and Celebi respectively.

When they touched it, the egg of Articuno instantly made a thin layer of ice mist appear on Keqing's hands.

Ningguang held the egg of Moltres in both hands, but she felt anxious.

However, these two unpleasant feelings could not hide the excitement on their faces.

The legendary Pokémon eggs that can rival those of gods and fairies.

Now, only the two of them have them in the whole of Teyvat... (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Thinking of this, Wendy, who was holding the back of her head with both hands, suddenly said,"Hey, I really envy them. They have legendary Pokémon so quickly. It's a pity that I only have Tevalin and Butterfree."

"……Do you really think Tevarin is a Pokémon?"

Zhongli was speechless.

In his opinion, Tevarin following Barbatos was the greatest misfortune.

But compared to Wendy's feelings, Zhongli was happy in his heart.

After all, it was the people of Liyue who got two legendary Pokémon.

What's more, they were the Seven Stars who managed Liyue.

Power, no one will ever complain about more, stronger.

At this time...

Ningguang looked at the Pokémon egg in her hand curiously, and then asked Su Yan for advice

"Su Yan, how do we hatch this elf egg?"

Before Su Yan could even open his mouth, Keqing raised her hand and said,"I know! We just need to keep the egg warm, and it will hatch after it is heated."

Hmm... Keqing said this with a proud look on her face.

But just as she finished speaking, Su Yan knocked on her forehead with his hand.


"This is a Pokémon egg, are you thinking it's hatching chicks?"

Keqing pouted again after being hit by Su Yan.

It must hurt, but she was holding the Pokémon egg with both hands.

At this moment, Su Yan continued,"Actually, Pokémon eggs are not that pretentious. As long as the trainer spends more time with them, they will hatch sooner or later. But let me help you this time."

As Su Yan said, if Pokémon eggs want to hatch, they need more company.[]

It's just that this time period can be long or short.

Pokémon eggs like Articuno and Moltres take much longer than ordinary Pokémon eggs.

It's even difficult to hatch them in a few months or even a year.

So as soon as Su Yan finished speaking, he placed his hands on the two Pokémon eggs.


Ningguang and Keqing saw that Su Yan's hands were emitting a faint glow of life.

Although the light in his palms was very faint, the two could feel the life force contained in them.

Not long after... suddenly, the Pokémon eggs in Ningguang and Keqing's hands moved, as if the life in the eggshell was leaping.

Feeling the movement in her hands, Keqing looked at Su Yan in disbelief.

"You, you can actually hatch eggs, what else can't you do?"

"Are you scolding me or praising me? Why does it sound so unpleasant?"

Su Yan smiled slightly and then pulled his hand back.

At this moment!


The two Pokémon eggshells suddenly made a faint sound. Obviously... the two legendary Pokémon are ready to break out of their shells!.

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