"How, how could such a thing happen!"

Now, Tartaglia was really panicked.

He thought that Su Yan would at most leave some Pokémon or something in the store to guard it. Even if he was discovered, with his confidence, even if he couldn't win, he could always run away.

After all, he was familiar with Liyue!

But now it was a crisis that had nothing to do with fighting.

He was trapped.

Trapped in a way he had never imagined.

Tartaglia suddenly slammed the door open.

Since he couldn't get out by opening the door normally, he might as well destroy the door...


The powerful force instantly knocked the door of the Pokémon House away.

Tartaglia didn't even think about it and immediately jumped out of the store.

This force was enough for him to jump to the other side of Liyue Street.

However... just as he stepped through the door and landed again

"Oh my god!!!

There were four walls in front of him and the familiar counter.

He was back to where he was...

What was even more terrifying was that the door he had just knocked down was now fixed to the door frame intact.

Tartaglia grabbed his hair and became more and more irritable.

That's right.

He was trapped in this store.

How was he trapped?

I don't know.

What force caused it?

I don't know...

Even though he was an executive of the Fatui, possessed extraordinary power, and was usually very scheming, his mentality had already collapsed in this situation.

The unknown is the most frightening thing.

Tartaglia took out a longbow from his waist.

"Since I can't get out, let me destroy this shop!!!"

He put his hand on the bowstring and pulled the longbow hard, and whispered:"Magic Bullet Flash!!!"

Then, he let go of the bowstring with his fingertips.

Dong, dong, dong...

The bowstring shook violently, and then... nothing happened.

Tartaglia looked at the bowstring in disbelief.

"I can't use the power of water element?!"

Generally speaking...

Tartaglia's 'Magic Bullet Flash' is made of water elemental arrows, and when it is shot with his special technique, the magic arrows of water will explode violently.

But now he can't sense the power of water element at all, let alone use it.

So just now it seemed that he just swung an empty bow.

"how so……"

Seeing that he couldn't even use his strength, Tartaglia gritted his teeth and retracted his longbow.

Then he opened his hands

"Demon King Arms: Raging Tide!!!"


Nothing happened.

This was a move to release the pure water structure to strengthen himself, but since he couldn't sense the water element, it naturally ended in failure.

""Ha, ha ha ha... amazing."

Tartaglia saw that he was very good at both bow and arrow and water vaporizer.���Unable to perform, suddenly laughed.

A bit crazy……

"Although this move will cost you your lifespan and put a strain on your body, there is no other way."

Tartaglia shouted with an evil smile.

"Evil Eye Released, Demon King Armed!!!"

Then... the whole room remained quiet, clear, without any disturbance.

"Hehe, hehe……"

At this moment, the posture of Childe Tartaglia with his hands open looked very awkward. Fortunately, there was no one else in this place except himself.

Otherwise, with the title of the envoy of the Kingdom of Winter and the executive officer of the Fatui, he was afraid that he would never be able to raise his head to face anyone again.……

"Is it really not working?"


"I can only use my trump card."

Tartaglia immediately turned around and opened the door of the elf house again.

Then... he took a deep breath and then exhaled suddenly!!!


"I'm stuck in this store!!!"

"Can anyone pull me out?"

"I will give one million Mora to anyone who can pull me out!"

"No, five million!!!"



"Mr. Su Yan, how is it, are you satisfied with my work efficiency?"

Su Yan, Ningguang, Keqing, and Ganyu, who had said nothing from beginning to end, just returned to the entrance of Liyue City.

It must be said that

Su Yan finally saw the work effect of the first strong woman in Liyue.

In less than two hours, she not only found hundreds of workers and ordered them to spread seeds in the mountains around Liyue, but also found fruit farmers and asked them to open new gardens tomorrow.

Not only that... even the factory land that Su Yan had wanted before, she only told the secretary and found it within half an hour. It was even the kind with ready-made infrastructure, and only the internal planning was left.……

"I am confident that the internal planning of the factory can be completed within two days. Mr. Su Yan does not need to worry about the manpower. When you need it, I can always gather people for you."

Such efficiency can only be said that 'Mora' should be earned by Ningguang. Even Keqing beside him admires this. Su Yan also admired from the bottom of his heart.

"Miss Ningguang is indeed the strongest woman in Liyue. Her efficiency is impeccable."

Ningguang smiled after receiving Su Yan's praise.

"Time is Mora. If Mr. Su Yan needs anything else in the future, you can come to me. I have ordered the Jade Pavilion to open to you unconditionally. No one will stop you."

Su Yan smiled.

Ningguang was very smart. From her previous statement, Su Yan knew what she wanted.

But since she recommended herself as a partner in the store, she never mentioned this matter again. She also did not negotiate with him with"help".

The most important thing is that she did this favor with all her strength.

At this time...

Su Yan's footsteps suddenly stopped, and then he stretched out his hand to Ningguang and smiled.

"Then it's settled. Mora, make me a list of the personnel to be hired today and the things the factory needs. As for the management...if you like, you will be the boss lady of that factory from now on."


Ningguang was a little confused by this slightly 'teasing' name.

But after seeing Su Yan's teasing smile...

Ningguang came back to her senses, her face flushed slightly, and she immediately reached out her hand to shake Su Yan's.

"Mr. Su Yan, I promise that you will never regret choosing me."

Su Yan nodded and said,"I believe in my own judgment. After all, Liyue believes in contracts. Come to me tomorrow and draft a cooperation contract."

"No problem!"

Ningguang responded sincerely.

At this moment, Su Yan pulled his hand back, looked at Meng Huan beside him, and then said to the three women.

"Thanks to your help today, things can be done so quickly. I have wasted a lot of your time. I know you still have a lot of things to do. Let's say goodbye here."

Ningguang is a busy person.

"Okay, there are still some things that I need to deal with in the Jade Pavilion. After learning about the evolution conditions of Tan Xiaoshi, Keqing also needs to send people to start looking for something similar to the"Cursed Armor".

"Boss Su Yan, thank you for sharing the information about Tan Xiaoshi with me. I will treat you to a meal when I have time."

Then... it was Ganyu who had the least presence today.

"Boss, goodbye."

However, facing the separation of the three, Su Yan ignored Ningguang and Keqing, and smiled at Ganyu and said,"Okay, by the way, please say hello to the Super Chat Master... no, the Master Liuyunjifeng." As soon as these words came out,

Ganyu's eyes were obviously surprised.

"Hey...how did you know?……"

"Goodbye, everyone. I have something else to deal with."

Su Yan did not respond to Gan Yu this time. Instead, he turned around and left with Meng Huan.

"If I don't go back, I'm afraid the 'young master' in the store will go crazy... hehe."

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