"It's over, it's really over now."

In the shop, Tartaglia leaned against the wall, sitting on the ground in a dejected manner.

It has been about two hours since he came in...

No matter what method he used, he could not leave the shop.

Even if he gave up his face, opened the door and shouted to passers-by, using Mora to lure for help.

However, those passers-by who walked through the streets of Liyue seemed to ignore him, or... the pedestrians outside did not hear his shouts at all.

And no matter whether he came from the door or the room inside, as long as he stepped into it, he would return to the door.

For this... he had no choice.

Before coming in, what he feared most was that Su Yan would suddenly come back and find him.

After all, after observing for the past few days, what kind of ability this person has, how powerful the Pokémon is, everything is still unknown.

But Tartaglia believes that the other party has at least the same ability as"God".

A few days ago, the fire sword broke through the air and divided the Liyue Sea. He saw the power clearly at that time.

As for now...

Tartaglia cried with a sad face

"Where on earth did that guy go? Please come back soon. I will go crazy if I stay here any longer with these four broken walls."

He had been repeating this sentence for more than an hour.


At this moment, the door suddenly made a sound of unlocking.

The shop was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop, so Tartaglia naturally heard it too.

If it were in the past, he would have hidden himself immediately.

But now he hurriedly got up from the ground, his expression full of anticipation.

Yes, just like a child who was locked at home and was looking forward to his parents coming home early.


Sure enough... the door opened.

Su Yan took the lead in entering the shop, and his eyes fell on Tartaglia at the first time.

Menghuan was lying on his shoulder, with two watery eyes, and she looked ready to watch a good show.

At this moment, Tartaglia did not run, nor did he take this opportunity to rush out of the store.

Because he knew that rushing out would be useless, and he would only end up back at the entrance.

On the other hand, Su Yan's mouth corner slightly pulled up a teasing smile

"I just had something to take care of. I'm so sorry to have kept you waiting for two hours. I don't know whether I should call you Tartaglia or Young Master?" Tartaglia's face changed immediately after he said this. In other words, Su Yan knew it the moment he stepped into the store. This guy is too sinister... and he seems to know his identity and origin, and even his name. Is this guy really from outside the world? However, Tartaglia pretended to be calm and spread his hands innocently.

"Ahem, just call me by my name, boss. I came here intending to patronize your business, but you were not in the store, and then I found that I could no longer leave."

"Patronizing my business?"

Su Yan laughed, then pointed at the door lock and continued to tease:"You patronize it like this?"

As for the expression on his face, it seemed to say...

Pretend, you can pretend again.

I locked the door, you patronize it, right?

In fact, since Tartaglia started to watch this store a few days ago, Su Yan had already noticed his existence.

He ignored it and just wanted to see what the other party wanted to do.

Going out with Ningguang and the others was also to create an opportunity for Tartaglia.

Obviously... everything is under Su Yan's control.

Of course.

Now, Tartaglia can only be stubborn and put his hands together to show his courtesy and apology.

"Sorry, sorry, this is a bad habit I have had since I was a kid. Whenever I see a lock, I want to pry it open. Ahem, boss, can you let me out? Let's start over. I am very interested in Pokémon."

Unexpectedly, Su Yan closed his eyes and shook his head.

"That won't do. You've already said you have this bad habit. What if I give you the Pokémon and you teach them bad things?"

After he finished speaking, Tartaglia suddenly became speechless.

Dream, who was lying on Su Yan's shoulder, covered her mouth and tried hard to hold back her smile.

Lord Arceus... you are too mean.

He knew that the other party was a thief who sneaked in, but he could stand here and talk to him as if nothing had happened.

And this man named Tartaglia is also a social bully.

A thief can be so stubborn.

Dream, who was holding back her smile, sucked her fingertips and said in her heart...

"They are really amazing, I learned it."

But Su Yan saw through Menghuan's thoughts at a glance.

"……Don't learn it randomly."

Menghuan immediately stuck out his tongue:"Hehe, worthy of Al... worthy of Su Yan, he even knows what I'm thinking."

Su Yan could only shake his head helplessly.

Then he put away his smile and ignored Tartaglia, lest Menghuan learn bad things, so he didn't talk nonsense with him.

"Since Mr. Tartaglia likes my shop, you can visit it at will. By the way, I am closed today. Do you mind if I lock the door again? Anyway, it doesn’t make any difference to you whether it is locked or not. After saying that, Su Yan turned around and closed the door, and then prepared to lock it.



Tartaglia was anxious. He didn't want to stay in this place where there was nothing.

Depression would drive him crazy sooner or later.

Subconsciously, he stretched out his hand to stop Su Yan from closing the door.

However, something unexpected happened...

His hand, when it was about to touch Su Yan's hand, actually passed through it.

It felt like... he was grabbing only air.

Inertia made Tartaglia stagger, and he raised his head in astonishment and panic, his eyes full of disbelief.

"You, you have no entity! You are not a human?!"


At this moment, Su Yan looked at Tartaglia and said with a smile:"Of course I am a human, and you are still a human at present, but is it possible that you and I are in different spaces now?"

"Different space?!"

Tartaglia's eyes widened.

What does that mean?

He didn't understand.


He remembered that he opened the door and shouted desperately, but the passers-by outside seemed to ignore him.

Could it be that... other people couldn't see him or hear his voice at all?

But why could Su Yan see him and talk to him...

At this moment, Tartaglia's head was about to be rolled into sesame paste.

His brain was going to break!

Seeing Tartaglia standing there in a daze, Su Yan stopped talking to him and walked towards the deep room.

"Please, I've been busy all day and I'm going to take a rest."

In just a few seconds, he had arrived at the door and turned the handle, then laughed softly.

"By the way, aren't you very curious about what secrets are hidden in my room... Want to see?"

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