In Inazuma Castle, a woman wearing a purple kimono and with an impeccable figure and appearance was sitting in meditation.

Suddenly, she opened her purple eyes.

"There is a factor that can destroy eternity... It's on the outlying island."

Just now, she felt a mysterious force appearing in the direction of the outlying island.

This force gave her the feeling that it was beyond eternity and could also destroy eternity.

She slowly stood up from the ground, and then walked towards the entrance of the palace step by step...

Only when she stepped out of the palace door, she turned into a thundercloud and disappeared in Inazuma Castle.

At the same time.

In the Narukami Grand Shrine... a pink-haired woman wearing a shrine maiden's costume, sexy and charming, especially those two furry fox ears.

Want to pinch.

She is the great shrine maiden in charge of the Narukami Grand Shrine, the follower of the 'shadow' of the Thunder General.

Name, Yae God Child!

At this time, she was very anxious... There was a strong sense of uneasiness in her heart, and she also knew where this uneasiness came from.

"not good!"

"What happened?"

At this moment, there was a person next to Yae Shinko, someone Su Yan also knew.


During the battle with the Whirlpool Demon God, Ningguang had said that Keqing came to Inazuma in order to find the 'Cursed Armor'.

But she never expected that she would be with Yae Shinko.

"The general is in danger"

"How is it possible?"

When the Eightfold God Son just said the source of the uneasiness, Keqing's face was stunned.

General Thunder, that is a god on the same level as the Emperor of Rock.

What could put a god in danger?

"you sure?"

"I can sense that the general is already on his way to the island, I have to hurry over there."

Yae Shinko nodded repeatedly in response to Keqing, and then prepared to leave for the island immediately.

But Keqing said,"I'll go with you, too. You helped me find the 'Cursed Armor' these days, and I haven't had time to thank you yet.""

"It's nothing. I didn't expect the rumored Pokémon to be so cute."

Yae Shenzi shook her head and then said with emotion:"I originally wanted to see if I could persuade the general to introduce Pokémon after meeting her, but now it seems……"

"Let's go. If I can help you, I can make you owe me a favor. This will also be good for Boss Su Yan's future science popularization elves."

Keqing could see that the Eightfold God was already panicking and his usual mischievousness had completely disappeared. He became so scornful...

After hearing what Keqing said, the Eightfold God was stunned for a moment, then nodded in gratitude.

"Thank you, but it's too late for us to go there now, so we can only use some tricks."

The scene returns to the outlying island...

What shocked General Lei Dian was naturally the"Sanction Light Gravel" that Su Yan had just used.

You know, this is Arceus's exclusive trick.

In fact, Su Yan can use all the moves of the elves, and the power is incomparable even to the super beasts.

Because of this, Su Yan has always restrained his own strength.

Whether it was the flying skills used on the scattered soldiers just now, or the current Sanction Light Gravel, he just did it casually and adjusted the power to the minimum.

Even so, for the people and gods in the original world, it was already a power beyond their vision.

A huge The halo rune.

Like a magic circle, like the Supreme God.

The entire outlying island was shrouded in this rune magic circle, spreading to a hundred miles.

But soon, this vast and magnificent magic circle suddenly turned into countless beams of light...

The light was so dazzling in the sky at this time.

Like meteors, like raindrops sprinkled on the entire outlying island.

The picture is beautiful, but... whoosh whoosh whoosh...

The light beams were like automatic homing missiles, and dozens of them fell on the location of the Kanji Bugyo office at the same time.

The soldiers of the Kanji Bugyo were looking up at the changes in the sky.

The next second, they saw dozens of light beams rushing towards them.

Before they could react……

"Ah!! ' 々` 々!"

Screams suddenly rang out.

The holy beams of light had already penetrated the bodies of the soldiers.

The sharp-nosed and monkey-faced steward had his eyes filled with infinite fear.


That's right, he also saw one of the beams coming towards him...

After seeing the death of the soldiers, the arrogant look he had shown to the Liyue merchants just now had completely disappeared.

However, he couldn't move his feet or lift his hands. It wasn't that he didn't have the strength to escape, nor was it that he couldn't move because of fear.

But when the beam of light locked onto him, he was like a sinner, and could only stare with terrifying eyes, waiting for the divine punishment.

Not surprisingly, when the sacred beam of light fell on the steward's head...

In the blink of an eye, the sharp-nosed and monkey-faced head exploded.

Blood suddenly splattered everywhere.

At this moment, everyone on the street was in danger.

He They had no idea what was going on... and they didn't understand why the people of the Kanding Fengxing were almost wiped out in the blink of an eye, and what was going on with these light beams.

The seriously injured Liyue merchants looked at each other in bewilderment.

They had been surrounded by soldiers, but who would have thought that there was nothing around except corpses.

Although the holy light beams did not find them, in the blink of an eye, dozens of living people were lying in front of them... The fear was unique.

Look at the scattered soldier again.

Although he had broken his hands and feet, he had escaped to a place more than ten kilometers away from the island with the help of the wind.


The soldier was obviously seriously injured, and he had very little strength left in his body. He was gasping for breath.

"Hateful! Wait till I get the Heart of God and become a god. Then I will avenge you today."

But just when I thought of this... suddenly!

The soldier felt that he could not mobilize his strength, and his hands and feet could not move.

His face suddenly changed, and he turned around quickly.

But... it was too late!

The sacred beam of light pierced his heart.

"How, how could this happen... I, I won't accept it."

A few seconds later, the scattered soldier also fell straight from the sky like those people.

Before closing his eyes, his eyes were full of resentment and resentment.


As the sound of falling rang out... he was no longer moving.

Even so... the halo in the sky had not dissipated.

As Su Yan said, he would not let anyone involved in this matter go.

At this time, many beams of light continued to fall from the halo.

Each beam of light was like a judgment.

The beam would never miss anyone who was involved in this matter, either piercing the heart or blowing up the head.

Those who were not involved, including those Liyue merchants who tried their best to protect Pokémon, not only did they No one was hurt by the beam...

On the contrary, when the beam passed by, the remaining holy light sprinkled on them.

The wounds that were hit and chopped by the Kanjo Bugyo soldiers actually healed visibly.

Ten seconds.

In these ten seconds, the Kanjo Bugyo eliminated all irrelevant people, and no one who participated in Shinsuke Hiiragi's capture plan escaped.

Until the last beam of light fell from Su Yan's head.

Shinsuke Hiiragi knew very well.

This last fatal beam of light was reserved for him.

As long as this beam falls, his previous high status and huge wealth will no longer exist.

Before he died, Shinsuke Hiiragi could only use his last strength to shout

"General, me!!!"

I can only say... it's a coincidence!


At this moment, purple lightning suddenly flashed in the sky, and the pressure of the devil flashed like thunder from afar.

It really was General Thunder himself...

Looking at the terrifying purple lightning in the distance, Su Yan smiled.

"¨」 ¨」 That's good, so I don't have to go to Inazuma Castle again."


With the pressure of the demon god, the thunder from the sky shook the world.

Obviously, this voice was directed at Su Yan.


Su Yan was not affected at all.

"I want him to die, you can't stop me."

He flicked his fingertips, and the last beam of light suddenly accelerated down from the sky.

In the blink of an eye, a hole as big as a basin was left on Shinsuke Hiiragi's body.


After saying these two words, Hiiragi Shinsuke closed his eyes forever.

Before he died, the thing he regretted most was probably cooperating with Sanbing.

Who would have thought that not long ago, one of them robbed the other and the other promised benefits to reach a cooperation deal, but now they have ended up with the same death.

But at this moment, the purple thunder in the sky is even more intense.

""Eternal enemies, no place for them!"

It can be heard that the person hiding in the thunder and lightning spoke in a cold and indifferent tone.

She seemed to have no emotions or anger towards the death of Hiiragi Shinsuke.

On the contrary, she was more concerned about the existence of Su Yan.

"A puppet is a puppet."

Looking at the thunderclouds, Su Yan shook his head slightly.

The current General of Thunder is not actually the real person, but just a puppet made by the Thunder God with his own flesh and blood, used to manage Inazuma on his behalf.

And there is only one instruction given to her.

Maintain eternity!

The reason why this puppet (Qian Zhao's) (Qian Zhao's) is here now is that it regards Su Yan as the enemy of Inazuma and eternity.

Because Su Yan's power has already affected the factor of eternity.

This is the difference between a human and a puppet.

If it was the real General of Thunder, after feeling his power, it would be impossible for him to come and provoke him, because such an approach is undoubtedly an egg hitting a stone.

But the puppet is different...

She is only loyal to her highest instruction.

This is not……


The thunderclouds in the sky suddenly flashed and turned into a whirlpool.

The traces of the sword were cut out from the whirlpool, and instantly covered the entire island. As soon as the sword came out, the sea around the island was boiling, fish jumped onto the shore, and birds hid in the woods.

In the mountains and forests, the beasts were roaring, they were all afraid.

Countless people saw this scene and shouted with their heads in their hands.

The power of the demon god was undoubtedly displayed at this moment.

Only Su Yan... and the Pokémon around him were not affected.

"It seems that if you want to talk to him, you have to speak from the bottom of your heart."

Facing the power of the demon god, Su Yan was not affected at all, and even the breeze on his face was not affected at all.

"Let me think... Since you use a knife, then I will use a sword."

When General Lei Dian's knife fell straight down, Su Yan turned his hand and gathered his energy with his fingers, and a sword of light suddenly appeared in his palm.

Then he swung it out lightly.……

"Holy Sword".

Don't worry: ๖ۣۜTử ๖ۣۜNhạn

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