"Holy Sword!"

Although the long sword in Su Yan's hand was glowing, the sense of oppression was far inferior to that of General Lei Dian's sword.

But... just as he swung it, the surrounding space was broken.

As General Lei Dian chopped down with his sword, the sword mark of the holy sword also went to meet the Sword of Light.

At this time.

The people on the entire outlying island saw this scene, and apart from trembling, almost no one could move.

The terrifying air pressure made everyone breathless.

However, in the blink of an eye... tear!

The sword mark in the sky, which was far less powerful than the sword of the demon god, actually tore open the sword of General Lei Dian with all his strength in front of countless people.

"The general's swordsmanship actually lost?"

"Who is it? Who on earth has such a talent?!"

Since the destruction of Shinsuke Hiiragi's residence and the deaths of many Kanjo Bugyo, the people of the island still don't know who caused all this.

"Could it be that the man in the thundercloud is not the general?"

For the people of Inazuma, General Thunder is the supreme god.

He is an invincible existence.

But the devil's sword used by this invincible existence was easily torn apart?!

How could they believe it?

Of course, General Thunder, who was hiding in the thundercloud, also showed an unbelievable look at this time.

But now there is no time for her to be surprised.

I saw that the sword mark rushed over, not only tore apart my full-strength sword, but also tore apart the entire purple thundercloud.

At this moment.

The true appearance of General Thunder appeared in the thundercloud.

Those people on the outlying islands who thought it was not General Thunder just now, now it seems like they have been slapped.

"Really, really the general?!"

At the same time...

Su Yan, who was standing in the ruins, stepped lightly.

In a flash, he was already in the air, in front of General Lei Dian.

"Being able to perform such a cut, he is indeed quite strong as a shadow's body."

"You are my eternal enemy, I must kill you here!"

General Lei Dian had no emotion at all, and he didn't even want to say a word. He raised the knife in his hand and swung it at Su Yan.

427 The knife was as fast as lightning. 427

Ordinary people facing such a knife would not know what happened when their heads fell to the ground.

However... facing such a knife, Su Yan did not dodge, but took two steps forward and let General Lei Dian's long knife chop at him...

But the result was...

General Lei Dian's knife, when it was about to chop Su Yan, no matter how much power her knife had, no matter how hard she tried, it could not move forward an inch.

But when General Lei Dian was showing surprise... at the same time, Su Yan stretched out his right hand, like a claw, and plunged into General Lei Dian's heart.

He acted like the wind, many times faster than General Lei Dian's knife, and he had no way to react.

"Come out!"

Su Yan had already pulled out the hand that had stabbed into General Lei Dian's chest.

At the same time, he slapped General Lei Dian's forehead with his left hand...

In an instant!

Countless people on the island saw that the god in their minds, the supreme and invincible existence, fell heavily from the sky like a meteor into the distant wilderness.

"The general was defeated?!"

"How is it possible...our gods were defeated so easily?"

The people on the island had no idea what was going on, but they saw the scene clearly.

"Who is that person?!"

Compared to the locals on the island, the Liyue merchants who had gone to the inspection and enforcement office earlier to seek justice were already dumbfounded.

That's right.

Ever since Su Yan ascended to the sky, they had seen clearly

"The owner of the Elf House?!"

The only people who knew Su Yan at the scene were the businessmen from Liyue.

"Oh, my God... He is actually the boss of the Elf House, and he beat General Thunder without any resistance? Am I dreaming?"

Before that, they had made a promise to the Kanjo Bugyo that the boss of the Elf House would never let go of anyone who abused the elves.

In fact, they were just talking at that time. Although they were praying in their hearts, to be honest, they really didn't have much confidence at that time.

What happened?

It really came true.……?

"He is really the boss of the Pokémon House. That's great. Our Pokémon will definitely be saved."

"Yeah, that's great, I've been worrying about them"

"Let's go to Shinsuke Hiiragi's house. The elves must be there."

"Right, right, right!"

A dozen merchants were originally seriously injured.

But under the baptism of the holy beam just now, their wounds have long been healed, and they ran towards the residence of Hiiragi Shinsuke at a brisk pace.

There is no need to worry about meeting the people of Kanjo Bugyo on the way.

After all, those who were found guilty in the trial just now have been wiped out.

Speaking of which.

If Fu Nina saw this ability... she would be ecstatic!

Back to the topic.

In the sky, when Su Yan slapped General Lei Dian away, a spherical ball of light appeared in the palm of his right hand that had just been put into his heart.

It can be vaguely seen.

In this ball of light, there is also a General Lei Dian, who is raising his head stupidly, with a face full of dissatisfaction. Incredible.

The scenery around her kept changing.

Sometimes there were torii gates rising, sometimes it looked like the underworld, and sometimes it was thundering mountains.

This was Ying, the thunder god of Inazuma.

As for the ball of light in Su Yan's hand, it was the space created by Ying with the concept of eternity, named"One Heart Pure Land".

The scenery in One Heart Pure Land would change with Ying's mood.

From her perspective at this time...

Su Yan was like a giant in her eyes, and the"One Heart Pure Land" where she was was being held in the giant's hand. No wonder her heart became confused.

The most important thing was... she found that she could no longer leave this space.��

"How could this happen? Who are you? Why can you control the space I created?"

At this moment, Su Yan slowly approached the ball of light in his hand.

"To me, your"Pure Land of One Mind" is just a small space system, a toy in my hand that I can manipulate."

"If I want to talk to you, I have to open my heart first. Ying, you live such a pathetic life. If someone 'really' saw that you manage your wife like this, I don't know if they would be mad to death on the spot again."

After saying this,

Ying's face suddenly changed:"Who are you, and why do you know her?!"

"As for me... I am currently running an elf house. I come from outside the world. However, to a god who can only escape, my name is meaningless to you. You should find someone else to be the god of Inazuma."It must be said that Hiiragi Shinsuke's words reminded him.

As for Inazuma's current isolation, coupled with policies such as the Eye Hunting Order, it will be very troublesome for Su Yan's future popular science.

Shadow, for the so-called"eternal" belief, handed Inazuma over to the puppet General Thunder, but the Fatui only infiltrated a little and made the whole country a mess.

The so-called Three Magistrates, except for the [Shrine Magistrate], are even more corrupt and deceive their superiors and subordinates.

With this management model, if it weren't for the arrival of the future"traveler", it is unknown what Inazuma would eventually become.

Of course.

What Inazuma is has nothing to do with Su Yan, and he doesn't care, but he has to pave the way for future popular science in advance.

Thinking of this.

Su Yan saw a hint of murderous intent in his eyes

"What do you want to do?!"

Witnessing this murderous intent, Ying felt a chill in her heart, and immediately released a demonic aura that was even more powerful than General Lei Dian.

She wanted to break free from the"One Heart Pure Land".

However, she found that the One Heart Pure Land she created had turned into a cage in the hands of the man in front of her.

"You want eternity and hide here, I want to ask you……"

Su Yan's hands suddenly tightened with a little force.



The entire 'Pure Land of One Heart' suddenly changed like a shattered mirror, showing signs of disintegration.

Su Yan then continued to ask:"If I only need to use a little more force, you will be destroyed together with this 'Pure Land of One Heart'. Do you still think... hiding here is the eternity you are pursuing?"


Ying, who was still struggling, was stunned when she heard Su Yan's words.

What is eternity?


But now, as long as the person in front of her has a thought, she will be completely buried here.

At this moment.

Ying was stunned.

The same thought whispered in her mind countless times.……

"Does eternity really exist?

Seeing Ying dumbfounded, Su Yan suddenly sighed.

""Forget it, why waste so much time talking to you."

After saying that, he exerted some strength and prepared to bury the"One Heart Pure Land" and the shadow here.

As for the new Thunder General, he already had an idea.

But at this moment……


"Please show mercy."

Suddenly, two people flashed in the sky. With the power of the thunder wedge, they floated in the air. They were

Yaeshiko and Keqing.

Yaeshiko looked anxious at this time. Just like the result of her divination, she calculated that Ying would have a disaster.

But no matter how smart she was, she still couldn't figure out why Su Yan came.

Keqing, who was standing next to him, looked very excited after seeing Su Yan.

"Su, Boss Su Yan?! How could it be you?!"

Since she asked Su Yan for the evolution method of Tanshi last time, she set out to Inazuma.

Since then, she has been looking for the"Cursed Armor". What happened in Liyue recently, let alone Teyvat is not well-informed, even if it was well-informed, Keqing, who is often out looking for armor, probably wouldn't know.

"you you you……"

Look... Keqing opened her mouth wide when she saw Su Yan, and couldn't close it for a long time. She didn't even know what she wanted to say or what she should say.

Before, she thought that Su Yan was so strong because he had many powerful elves around him.

After all, Su Yan had never made a move in front of Keqing, and never released any aura of power. It was natural that she misunderstood.

But now... the god of Inazuma was in his hands, and he could control life and death with a thought?

For Keqing, this was simply unimaginable.

At this time, Su Yan turned his head, and after seeing the fox and Keqing, he smiled leisurely and said,"Miss Keqing, I was wondering why I hadn't seen you recently. It turns out that you came to Inazuma."

Now he looks like a gentle and handsome man.

If there were no gods in his hands...……

"The owner of the Elf House?"

Yae Shenzi had been very close to Keqing recently, and he could hear her talking about the Elf House from time to time.

Naturally, he had also heard Su Yan's name and knew his origins.

Wait, now is not the time to be surprised about this.

Yae Shenzi pleaded hurriedly:"Mr. Su, Mr. Su Yan, please talk nicely, and don't hurt Ying. No matter what the conditions are, I can agree to you on her behalf.""

"……No matter what the conditions are?"

Su Yan smiled faintly, and then waved his hand gently:"I don't think you have any qualifications to negotiate with me."

As soon as his hand moved slightly...


In the wilderness in the distance, a figure took off instantly. That place was exactly where General Lei Dian was knocked down by Su Yan before.

In a flash, the flying figure suddenly landed beside Su Yan, with thunder flashing all over his body.

That's right, it was General Lei Dian, also the flesh of Ying.


In the astonished eyes of Yae Shen Zi and Keqing, General Lei Dian actually stroked his chest, slightly bent his body towards Su Yan, and greeted him in a respectful tone.

"Master, what do you want?".

Don't worry: ๖ۣۜTử ๖ۣۜNhạn

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