
'Xiaozhi' happily held the other man's hand, "Thank you so much."

Xiaozhi smiled and asked, "Where did you and Pikachu get lost?"

'Xiaozhi' said, "It was in that cave full of transparent crystals. Pikachu and I ran into that cave and got lost. Then I saw you in the mirror and excitedly caught your Pikachu..."

Speaking of this, 'Xiaozhi' was a little embarrassed.

Xiaozhi thought for a while, "So, your Pikachu should still be in the mirror cave."

"Then let's go find it now."

Before the two Xiaozhis got up, they were stopped by 'Xitron'. 'Xitron' said, "You are looking for a needle in a haystack just like this. At this time, we should borrow the power of magic."

Is it so outrageous?

Xitron in the real world believes in science, while Xitron in this world directly believes in magic.

Does it need to be so magical?

Xiaozhi feels that this world cannot be thought of with his normal thinking at all.

At the same time, Xiaozhi also thought of a very important question.

In the real world, Xitron's inventions would fail and explode inexplicably, but this world is completely the opposite of the real world.

If you think in this way, doesn't it mean that the 'Xitron' in this world is very proficient in magic?

During this time of thinking, 'Xitron' had already drawn the magic circle, and casually broke a branch from the tree next to him, saying, "I have long thought of encountering this possibility, and specially prepared a magic circle for searching."

"Wait a minute, I will throw down this branch, and the direction pointed by the branch is the direction of the target we need to find."

'Yu Lijia' said, "Wow, you are worthy of being the big brother, you are so awesome."

'Sarina' nodded, "Xitron is still so reliable."

Xiaozhi looked at the expressions of the people present, and it seemed that the Xitron in this world was really good at magic.

‘Xitron’ threw down the branch, determined the direction, and waved his hand, “Follow me, I’ll lead the way.”

On the way, Xiaozhi looked at the Pikachu on his shoulder and asked curiously, “By the way, I haven’t asked you yet, what kind of Pokémon is your Pikachu?”

He always had an ominous premonition.

‘Xiaozhi’ replied, “It’s very good, but it’s a bit irritable, very naughty, and likes to cause trouble.”

Is this good?

Even the eyes of a lover are not so outrageous.

Xiaozhi didn’t know how many times he was speechless. Has the world finally extended its tentacles to Pikachu?


And the Pikachu on Xiaozhi’s shoulder was also stunned. It pointed at itself. Am I so rude in this world?

The direction pointed by the branch is the Mirror Cave.

When they stepped into it, Xiaozhi and his party quickly got lost and did not find Pikachu.

Xiaozhi felt a little regretful, "It seems that we have failed."

'Xitron' said, "The passages in this mirror cave are well-developed, and the direction given by magic is a straight line. How can it be so easy to find it."

"But it's not a big deal, it just takes a little more effort."

After that, he drew a magic circle on the ground again, and then did the same steps as before, throwing branches.

If Xiaozhi didn't know that this was not the real world he was in, he would think that this Xitron in front of him was seriously ill?

After going around for most of the circle, Xiaozhi looked at 'Pikachu' not far away, and he really found it.

It seems that Xitron in this world is really a senior magician who has tried everything.

'Xiaozhi' happily hugged 'Pikachu', and 'Pikachu' looked at the other one, grinning, as if provoking.

It seems that his personality is really not very good.

Xiaozhi shook his head, but this had nothing to do with him, it was another matter for him, he turned to look at other people, ready to say goodbye.

‘Hitron’ said, “Can you find the crystal that connects the two worlds?”

In his opinion, the passages in this mirror cave are interconnected, and they have gone deep into this place to find ‘Pikachu’. Without him to lead the way, they can’t get out.

“No need.”

Xiaozhi smiled. He had already used the power of wave guidance to determine the surrounding environment and memorize it.

This is to prevent him from getting lost in this special world and not being able to find his way home.

When he came to the special crystal, a few ripples flashed on the crystal. Xiaozhi turned around and waved, “Goodbye, everyone.”

Others also waved. This was a very good experience.

On the other side of the crystal, Serena lowered her head and said self-blamingly, “It’s all my fault. If I hadn’t insisted on coming here, Xiaozhi wouldn’t have disappeared…”

AndNext to it, there was a pile of machine fragments that had been blown into powder. It was obvious that Hitron intended to use the power of science to open the passage to the other dimension, but failed and an explosion occurred.

Now he was drawing circles on the side, thinking about how to open the passage to the other dimension...

Stepping out of the crystal, the ripples behind him completely disappeared. Xiaozhi felt that it seemed that the energy of this passage had been exhausted and it would take a long time to open again.

I don’t know who will be the next person who is destined to go to the other world?

Xiaozhi thought so, and looked up and saw Salina squatting not far away.

At this time, Salina was ecstatic and rushed into Xiaozhi’s arms regardless of anything, with tears in her eyes, "Xiaozhi, you are back, I thought I would never see you again."

"Okay, don't worry, what can happen to me."

Xiaozhi patted the girl's back and felt the soft jade in his arms. It turned out that Salina was the best.

Xitron came over, and after the two separated, he said, "Xiaozhi, where have you been during this time?"

"A strange world."

Xiaozhi smiled and told the truth without hiding anything. In Xiaozhi's story, another world that seemed strange to everyone showed its side.

"Another me who uses magic and never fails?"

Xitron was furious. Xiaozhi thought that this guy was stimulated and wanted to change his job to become a magician. Who would have thought that the next sentence would make him laugh and cry.

"A guy who relies on metaphysics can succeed, but why do my inventions explode every time? This is unreasonable."

"And why does Yurika in another world worship her eldest brother so much, and my sister..."

Yurika looked fierce, "Brother, think about what you say next."

Xitron closed his mouth. Forget it, what else can he do with his own sister?

Listening to the personality of another her, Serena covered her mouth and chuckled, thinking it was very interesting.

As for the crybaby Xiaozhi, Xiaozhi did not say a word. I am a good person. I have to give face to the other one and not ruin his reputation.

After exposing this matter, Xiaozhi and his group continued to the summer camp held by Dr. Bratano.

The next adventure will be even more exciting.

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