"Xiaozhi, is it around here?"

Salina looked at the vast sea in the distance, the sea breeze blowing her hair, squinting her eyes, enjoying it very much.

Xiaozhi turned his head and looked at the nearby area. There was a building, a harbor, and a ship. He nodded, "Yes, it should be here."

"Hey! Xiaozhi, here."

Suddenly, a voice came from a distance. Xiaozhi and others looked over and saw Bratano in shorts and a flowered shirt.

Xiaozhi greeted, "Doctor, long time no see."

Bratano smiled and handed the box in his hand to Xiaozhi.

Xiaozhi opened the box, and an evolution key stone and a league card lay quietly in the box.

Xiaozhi picked up the alliance card and asked in confusion, "Doctor, what is this?"

Blatano smiled and said, "I have to thank Xiaozhi for your evolution keystone, otherwise my research on super evolution would not have made such a rapid breakthrough, and I also received a large amount of support funds from the alliance for this."

"There is not much money in it, only 300,000, just as a reward for assisting in research!"

As if sensing that Xiaozhi wanted to refuse, Bratano continued, "Don't refuse, this is my personal gratitude to you. Whether it is friends or other relationships, both parties can only go long-term if they help each other. I think Xiaozhi should understand what I mean."

"Okay, you want to participate in the summer camp next, right? I have arranged it."

"Sophie will take you to the house where you will live during the summer camp activities. I have something to do here, so I will leave first."

Looking at Bratano's back as he left, Xiaozhi put away the evolution keystone and alliance card.

He is not short of money. There are many rare items in the system mall. He can make a lot of money by selling them and making a profit.

What the doctor said was right. This was also a token of his love. Xiaozhi had no reason to refuse.

"Okay, everyone follow me."

Sophie changed her usual image of a researcher and wore jeans and short-sleeved shirts, plus a light blue coat. She was a mature professional woman.

With a smile on her face, she led Xiaozhi and his party to a wooden house with a large area. Compared with other wooden houses, this one also had an independent courtyard. Needless to say, it was definitely specially arranged by Bratano.

"It looks beautiful!"

Yu Lijia's eyes sparkled as she looked at the wooden house in front of her and said excitedly, "Is this where we will live next? I have never lived in a wooden house, but I think it must be good."

"That's right."

Sophie looked at everyone and explained, "The summer camp organized by the doctor will be carried out in the form of small teams. If you have no objection, you will be a team. The name of the team is the Quaking Frog Team."

"Okay, I will stop here first. You can make your own arrangements next."

"Just wait for the notice of the official start of the summer camp."

When they came to the wooden house, it was extremely empty. The basic facilities such as beds and tables were already set up.

Sarina opened the window and just happened to see the sea in the distance. The view was wide and her mood improved a lot.

"Sarina, this should be the second time we have participated in the summer camp together."

Xiaozhi walked to Serina's side, turned his head and smiled.


Sarina's eyes were full of memories. Although the summer camp held by Professor Oak when she was a child was not a good experience for her, Serina was very happy that her mother made a choice for her.

Otherwise, she would not have been able to meet Xiaozhi.

Sarina's eyes shifted and fell on Xiaozhi's face unconsciously, and then quickly moved away to look at the beach on the other side. There were many people there, who should have come to participate in the summer camp.

It is very lively now, and several fierce Pokémon battles are going on.

In one of them, a tall but very flexible fat man kept dancing rhythmically, and his Pokémon Squirtle did the same. In the battle, he kept jumping in this way, dodging the opponent's attacks again and again, and finally finding the right time to hit a fatal blow.

Grasping the rhythm through the beat of dancing, that guy is very interesting.

Xiaozhi smiled and retracted his gaze. He and Serina were blowing the sea breeze and watching the Pokémon battle. This experience was really great.

"Xiaozhi, the professor said it's time to gather. The summer camp has officially begun."

Xitron suddenly shouted.

Xiaozhi turned around and shouted, "I know, I'll be there soon."

Xiaozhi held Serena's hand and smiled, "Serena, please give me your guidance for the next summer camp."

Feeling the warmth from her hand, Serena nodded, and the dimples on her face were very beautiful, "Xiaozhi too."

When they arrived at the beach, many trainers who participated in the summer camp had gathered, and their ages were about the same as Xiaozhi and his friends.

In front of them was a high platform, and Bratano gave a passionate speech on the platform, "Thank youYou are all able to come from afar to participate in the summer camp I organized. The original intention of my summer camp is to promote communication among trainers and establish deep friendships. "

"At the same time, in order to deal with various emergencies, I also asked Miss Joy to set up a Pokémon Center here, so that you can give full play to your abilities."

"Next, the one-week summer camp activities will officially begin. I hope everyone present can have fun."

Sophie stepped forward and announced the rules, adding fuel to the somewhat silent atmosphere in the field.

"In order to promote communication, we have specially set up a scoring system. The winning team of each activity will receive a certain number of points. Until the end of the summer camp, the team with the most accumulated points will have the qualification to enter the Pokémon Summer Camp Hall."

"Everyone, friendly reminder, our Carlos champion Miss Karuna has left hername in the Pokémon Summer Camp Hall."

"What, Miss Karuna also participated in the summer camp and won the championship..."

"Oh my God, this summer camp trip is really great. "

The field was boiling, and some trainers who didn't care about the score and just wanted to play began to take it seriously.

This is the celebrity effect.

Although leaving a name in the Pokémon Summer Camp Hall does not mean anything, as long as you get the qualification, you can brag to your friends in the future and say loudly, "I once walked side by side with the champion Miss Karuna."

If others don't believe it, you can put the evidence on the table and see, I said I didn't lie.

No one can refute it, don't you think?

"Now all the teams should not know each other, and some teams are also temporarily built, and there is no tacit understanding between teammates."

"Today is the first day, so there will be no scoring. You can choose your opponents later and try to make more friends."

Blatano finished his speech and walked away.

Hitron said, "It seems that the next step is to find opponents. "

Xiaozhi looked around and finally set his sights on a tall fat man, the trainer who had just won the battle with the rhythmic dance tactic.

"Hello, my name is Xiaozhi, our team wants to have a Pokémon battle with your team."

"Of course, no problem."

Yerno spoke, but he was not in a hurry to start the battle. Instead, he suggested, "Today has not officially started yet, let's introduce ourselves andget to know each other."

"My name is Yeruno, my teammates are Shana and Doroba, and we are the Squirtle team."

Xiaozhi nodded and smiled, "We are the Frog team, and those are my companions, they are Serena, Citron and Yurika."

Everyone was of the same age, and they quickly became friends and talked about interesting things during the trip.

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