"Geng Gui~"

Geng Gui laughed, showing his white teeth, and made a face at the Squid King with a provocative look.


The Squid King's original condescending, arrogant, and disdainful aura was broken at once, and his eyes were full of hostility when he looked at Gengar. In his opinion, Xiaozhi and Gengar were stumbling blocks to the great plan.

His body covered with suction cups began to glow, and the light of hypnosis emerged. He was ready to control Xiaozhi first and make Xiaozhi his toy.

How could Xiaozhi let him get his wish? Knowing the horror of the Squid King, he had already prepared.

"Geng Gui, use hypnosis!"

Xiaozhi was ready to fight poison with poison.

Geng Gui was ready to go, and as Xiaozhi gave the order, he let out a howl and used hypnosis to fight the Squid King.

Mrs. X looked at Xiaozhi, and Xiaozhi was also looking at her, with a smile on her face.

Are you going to attack me?

Mrs. X seemed to understand Xiaozhi's idea, clapped her hands, and said, "My little babies, come out!"

After the words fell, a loud noise came from the woods, and dull footsteps sounded. One after another, Pokémon with dull eyes came out, and they surrounded Mrs. X, as if Mrs. X was their king.

"Musashi, Kojiro?!"

Meow suddenly spoke, and the figure of Musashi Kojiro was very special among a group of Pokémon.

Xiaozhi clenched his fists, his eyes were full of anger. As a Pokémon lover, the scene in front of him was so unforgivable.

"You want to save them?"

Mrs. X seemed to know what Xiaozhi was thinking, and she sneered, "Pokémon are just tools for us humans to succeed. It's a sad idea to have feelings for tools!"

"But soon, you will be like them, and I will play with you at my fingertips. Hahaha..."

"You are wrong."

Xiaozhi said loudly with a firm expression, "Pokémon are my partners and family."

"They have their own emotions and personalities. Maybe they are simple, but this is not the reason why you control them."

"It is unforgivable to do such a ridiculous thing for one's own selfish desires."

After hearing this, Mrs. X's body hidden under the black cloak was suddenly stunned, but it was only for a moment, and she quickly returned to normal. She made a disdainful sound. Voice,

"Forget it, I'd better get rid of you first."

"My little darlings, do it!"

The Pokémon suddenly looked at Xiaozhi, their hollow eyes staring at him, all in a row, which frightened Meowth beside him. He raised his hand and said tremblingly, "Little... little brat, why don't we retreat first, the enemy's firepower is a bit strong!"

Xiaozhi rolled his eyes and said unhappily, "You don't want to save Musashi Kojiro. If you leave now, they may be controlled for the rest of their lives."

"Controlled for the rest of their lives..."

Meowth lowered his head and fell into silence, recalling their trepidation along the way, training together, working together, catching Pikachu together, although they had never succeeded, but the feelings between the two sidescould not be separated.

Meowth raised his paw, and the sharp claws protruded from the pads. He took a step forward, as if he didn't care about Musashi Kojiro's life and death, which made Xiaozhi amazed.

It is said that the Rocket trio is the chosen one.

"Digger, Mud Shot!"

"Firefly, use Spark!"

"Drummer, we can't show weakness, use Electric Shock."

These moves blocked the controlled Pokémon's progress.

"What are you doing out here?"

Xiaozhi was also shocked. In order to avoid being controlled by the Squid King, he had asked Citron and the other two to hide aside early and not get involved in this matter.

Citron laughed, stood beside Xiaozhi, raised his glasses, and said, "Xiaozhi, we are partners. If I really hide behind you at this time, I will look down on myself."

"And I am the gym leader. I have no choice but to help bad guys like Mrs. X who disrupt public order."

"That's right."

Sarina took Xiaozhi's hand and showed a beautiful smile, "I am your girlfriend, not a vase. I can also help you."

"And me!"


Yu Lijia raised her hand, and like Dongdong Mouse, she was unwilling to fall behind and showed her presence.

Holding Serena's soft little hand, Xiaozhi raised the corner of his mouth and whispered, "Okay, let's go together."


Sarina smiled brightly. It felt good to be needed by Xiaozhi.

"Pikachu, go help Gengar. That squid king is the culprit of everything."

Lying on Xiaozhi's shoulderPikachu, the ‘spectacular’, looked at the controlled Pokémon and was a little worried.

Xiaozhi rubbed Pikachu’s little head and smiled, “Don’t worry, Charizard is here.”

“Pika, Pika~”

I know.

After replying, Pikachu jumped up and used Lightning Flash to rush to the battlefield between Squidward and Gengar.


As a Pokémon, you actually went along with humans, which is simply a shame for Pokémon.

Squidward is at the same level as Gengar, also at the quasi-king level, and his hypnosis, which has worked every time, can’t work on Gengar, which makes him feel very bad.

Therefore, Squidward uses words from time to time to try to disintegrate the relationship between Gengar and Xiaozhi.

Gengar said nothing, hit Squidward with a shadow ball, and then his face was full of disdain.

Little brother, is that all?

Can you do it!

The Squid King, who was blown away by the Shadow Ball and had not yet stopped, suddenly felt a pain in his back and was hit by a lightning flash from the Yellow Mouse.

The direction of the backward flight changed, and it drew an arc in the air, breaking the grass and trees, and smashing a big hole on the ground.

"Squid King!!!"

Mrs. X felt something was wrong and hurriedly said, "You guys go help the Squid King."

Pidgeot, Beedrill... these Pokémon were about to go to support, but they were hit by the surging flames, and they lost their combat ability and fell to the ground helplessly.

Most of these Pokémon controlled by the Squid King were only elite and gym level. If they were not numerous,they would have been killed by Charizard long ago.

Although they temporarily delayed Charizard's steps, they did not have the ability to support the Squid King.

Seeing that the situation was over, Mrs. X wanted to escape, but was blocked by Xiaozhi.

Xiaozhi blocked Mrs. X, "Mrs. X, where do you want to go?"

Mrs. X took a step back, "What do you want to do?"

Xiaozhi reached out and grabbed Mrs. X, trying to bring her to justice. Xiaozhi's strength was above Mrs. X, and he also had the power of waveguide, so Mrs. X was quickly subdued by Xiaozhi.

"I want to see what is hidden under the cloak?"

Xiaozhi lifted the cloak and was shocked.

"How is it possible, Miss Junsha!"

"Why is Mrs. X Miss Junsha!"

As the Junsha clan that maintains the law and order of various cities under the Pokémon Alliance, they are definitely the most selfless people.

How could she be the mastermind behind the attempt to control Pokémon and rule the world?

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