This sudden scene shocked everyone. No one thought that the mastermind behind all this, the villain who controlled the Pokémon, was Miss Junsha!


Hitron was puzzled.

However, Miss Junsha in front of him did not answer his question, but snorted coldly, obviously not intending to answer Hitron's question.

Xiaozhi stared into Miss Junsha's eyes and turned to look at the Squid King who was being double-teamed by Pikachu and Gengar not far away.

He seemed to have thought of something and immediately said, "Charizard, use jet flame on the body in front of the Squid King."

Although Charizard did not understand Xiaozhi's meaning, it nodded, and its wings flew in front of the Squid King, shooting out a jet of flame.

The Squid King was originally surrounded by Pikachu and Gengar and could not get away. How could he have expected this scene? When he wanted to dodge, it was too late.


The Squid King howled unwillingly, and the faintly glowing sucker body in front of him slowly dimmed, and he struggled to slow down.

At this moment, the Pokémon that were knocked to the ground by Charizard began to hold their heads and howl one by one, and recovered after a moment, but if you look closely, you can see that their eyes have become smart, not as dull as before.

Although the hypnosis skill can control the mind, it also requires the Squid King to maintain it all the time, otherwise it will easily fail.

Xiaozhi's trick of making a feint to the east and attacking in thewest is really beautiful!

"Where is this?"

Musashi shook his head, which was a little painful, and looked at the messy forest around him with a confused expression, and did not react for a while.

Kojiro asked in confusion, "Am I controlled by the squid king?"

Seeing that Musashi and Kojiro had escaped from the squid king's control, Meow Meow excitedly stepped forward and said, "Woo woke up, great, I thought I wouldn't see you again meow~"

After seeing Musashi and Kojiro's appearance, Xitlon and the others seemed to understand Xiaozhi's approach, and turned to look at Miss Junsha who was holding her head and groaning in the same place.

"Could it be that Miss Junsha was also controlled?"

Xitlon said with a serious expression, "It seems that this squid king is very problematic."

Xiaozhi asked, "Miss Junsha, are you okay?"

There was a bit of inquiry in his tone, and a hint of vigilance in his eyes, as if he was going to subdue Miss Junsha again if the situation was not right.

"I...I'm fine!"

Miss Junsha shook her head, trying to make herself more sober.

Seeing that Miss Junsha had regained consciousness, Xitron hurriedly asked, "Miss Junsha, why is all this happening?"

He was eager to know the cause and effect, and the scene in front of him broke his cognition. The Squid King, a Pokémon, was actually trying to dominate the world by controlling humans and Pokémon.

Miss Junsha exhaled gently, rested for a while, and began to explain, "Originally, I receivednews that a radio observatory had an accident and rushed there to check the situation. After entering the radio observatory, I met the Squid King. What happened afterwards..."

Miss Junsha's expression was somewhat painful, and the memory in her mind was somewhat confused, making it difficult to form an effective message.

Just as she was about to continue speaking, Miss Junsha suddenly flew up uncontrollably, and then the Squid King appeared behind her.

Sarina and the others shouted anxiously, "Miss Junsha!"

Under the control of the Squid King, Miss Junsha's eyes became dull again.


Meow Meow translated in real time, "He said to let him leave meow~"

Xiaozhi stared at the Squid King, "How can I let you leave so easily, let go of Miss Junsha quickly."


Meow Meow said, "He said if he doesn't let him leave, he will kill Miss Junsha himself meow~"

Xiaozhi clenched his fists. He didn't want to let the Squid King go, but the other party had a hostage in his hand and was hiding behind Miss Junsha. If he made a rash move, Miss Junsha would be hurt.

"Okay, you can go, but Miss Junsha must stay."

Xiaozhi waved his hand, and Pikachu, Gengar, and Charizard immediately understood and moved slowly to block all the escape routes of the Squid King.

The Squid King was suspended in the air, looking down at Xiaozhi, and suddenly laughed and nodded, "Squid~"

He agreed.

At Xiaozhi's signal, Charizard and the other pets slowly retreated, leaving space for the SquidwardKing to leave, and Miss Junsha slowly floated towards Xiaozhi under the control of the Squidward King's illusion light.

The Squidward King flashed away from the encirclement of Charizard and Pikachu, and a hint of mockery flashed in his eyes at the moment of leaving.

Xiaozhi only felt a flash in front of him, and Miss Junsha's figure quickly moved away, and was taken away by the Squidward King.

Xiaozhi was also shocked by this suddenThe scene that came was jaw-dropping. This squid king was simply untrustworthy.

He hurriedly said, "Charizard, don't let him run away, use jet flame."

Sarina grabbed Xiaozhi, "Xiaozhi, stop it quickly, this will hurt Miss Junsha."

This squid king was not only untrustworthy, but also very cunning. He actually wanted to use Miss Junsha as a shield. It was simply unethical.

Charizard heard the words of the hostess Serena, and paused, turned his head and looked at Xiaozhi, waiting for the next order.

But it was this pause that allowed the squid king to find the right opportunity and quickly disappeared in front of Xiaozhi and the others.

Xitron looked a little discouraged, and said dejectedly, "What should we do now? Are we just going to watch Miss Junsha being captured by him and do nothing?"

"Of course not."

Sarina smiled, took out the Pokémon Encyclopedia, and said, "From what Miss Junsha said just now, there seems to be a radio observatory nearby, which is the lair of the squid king. The monk can escape, but the temple cannot. Let's goto his house to catch him."

While talking, he took out the Pokémon Encyclopedia to search for nearby radio observatories.

Xiaozhi rubbed Salina's head and gave her a thumbs up, "It seems that Salina has already thought of a response strategy, so smart."


Sarina laughed at Xiaozhi's praise, and seemed to be very pleased.

This silly girl...

Xiaozhi laughed, turned to look at the Rocket trio, and asked, "What are you going to do next? Are you going to join us?"

The Rocket trio looked a little unhappy when they were asked. Thinking back to the smile of the squid king, they shuddered unconsciously.

The shock that the squid king brought to them was obviously not something that could be calmed down in a short time.

It doesn't feel good to be controlled.

"No, no... We still have things to do."

Seeing the situation, Xiaozhi didn't force it. It would be better not to come, otherwise it would be bad if these three guys suddenly attacked them.

"Everyone, let's go!"

"Well, the plan to save Miss Junsha begins!"

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