"Yes! As long as we pass through this forest, we will reach the radio observatory."

Sarina closed the Pokémon encyclopedia in her hand and pointed the way for Xiaozhi and his friends to prevent them from going to the wrong place and getting lost in the forest again.

After walking for a while, Yulijia suddenly said, "This should be the radio observatory that Serina mentioned."

A huge building with many radio-like buildings appeared in front of Xiaozhi and his friends.

"Yes, it is indeed a radio observatory."

Hitron nodded. Compared with others, he is a real radio observatory, so Hitron did not hesitate and stood up to introduce it to everyone.

"The radio observatory can capture countless radio waves from the universe and use high-performance machines to automatically analyze the content. It is a great facility!"

"It sounds so mysterious!"

Yulijia raised her head, showing a confused expression, which looked very cute.

For this reason, Hitron was a little helpless.

This stupid sister, where is her usual smartness?

Yulijia's cheeks puffed up, and she was not moved at all.

Xiaozhi was a little amused about the daily life of the brother and sister, but still said,

"Okay, it's time to go in."

At the same time, Xiaozhi looked at the others and asked, "Are you all ready?"

Salina and the others nodded, "Xiaozhi, we're fine."

The radio observatory is a closed building, surrounded by barbed wire.

Through the barbed wire, Xiaozhi can see that it is overgrown with weeds, and there is no trace of human life.

Yulijia wondered, "Is this really the place? It looks like it's been vacant for a long time!"

Hitron rolled his eyes and said speechlessly, "Unless there is a problem with the radio observatory, it's just a facility for receiving cosmic radio waves. It's normal for no one to be here normally."

"Only in this way can it be a good place to hide."

Xiaozhi nodded, quite in agreement. He lowered his head and looked at Pikachu, saying, "Pikachu, I'll take care of the rest!"

Pikachu patted his chest, "Pika~"

Just leave it to me!

Pikachu jumped up flexibly, and with a single iron tail, he easily split the iron tail in front of him, opening up an entrance for Xiaozhi and others to enter.

Entering the radio observatory, Xiaozhi walked in front to clear the way. They first circled the wire fence, and soon they saw the damaged wire fence and Miss Junsha's patrol car nearby.

"It looks like the squid king's lair is here!"

Xiaozhi subconsciously held Serena's hand and looked around vigilantly.

It's very safe!

After searching the surroundings, he didn't find any traces of Pokémon. Xiaozhi thought for a while and said, "It looks like the squid king is most likely in the main building of the radio observatory."

In addition to the facilities for receiving cosmic signals, the radio observatory also has a building similar to a building, and no one knows what it is used for.

Walking into the building, I took a look at the situation inside, the densespider webs, the dusty ground, and the weeds outside.

I have to say that the squid king really found a good place.

No one would come to such a remote place normally!

As soon as I entered the building, the door at the back suddenly closed.

Obviously, this was definitely the work of the squid king.

Xiaozhi frowned, a little confused about what the squid king meant by doing this. Is this building full of ambushes?

Xiaozhi couldn't help but be alert, and subconsciously activated the power of waveguide. The gray environment around him appeared clearly in Xiaozhi's mind.

The next moment, Xiaozhi seemed to feel something and turned his head to look.

"Zi La~"

A flash of light flashed in the darkness, and the speed was amazing. Salina and the others didn't notice it at all. Only Xiaozhi, who had the power of waveguide, noticed something was wrong.

"Be careful!"

Xiaozhi grabbed Salina and carried her away from the place while Salina was still in a daze. The place where they were just now was charred by the electric current.

It was a close call!

Xiaozhi immediately looked down at Salina in his arms and asked with concern, "Salina, are you okay?"

Salina subconsciously put her hand on Xiaozhi's waist, her little face shrank in Xiaozhi's arms, flushed, her heart was beating wildly, and she hurriedly said, "No... I'm fine!"

On the other side

"Pika, Pika~"

Pikachu put his hands on his hips and blocked the way of the sneak attack Pokémon with Gengar. He looked unfriendly andkept accusing the other party of excessive behavior.

The scene just now happened too fast. It was not until now that Citron reacted. When he looked, he exclaimed, "It's Raidenmon. In the Kalos region, Miss Junsha will have this kind of Pokémon around her."

Xiaozhi nodded, "This should be Miss Junsha's Raidenmon,But it looks like it is controlled by the Squid King. "

"Pikachu, Gengar, we can't let him mess up."

Pikachu and Gengar nodded, showing malicious smiles, surrounded Raidenmon and prevented him from running away.


Since you are here, it's our turn to greet you.



Under the friendly greetings of Pikachu and Gengar, Raidenmon could only let out a sad cry and lay on the ground, losing its ability to fight.

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