After getting rid of Thundermon, Xiaozhi and his group continued to go deeper. The interior of this abandoned building was extremely complicated, and the passages were intricate, like a maze.

Therefore, Xiaozhi and his group felt tired after spending a lot of time and still couldn't find the right way.

Looking at the left and right intersections in front of them, Xiaozhi and his group also showed helpless expressions.

The dim passage had no end, and it was impossible to determine which road was correct.

Serena panted slightly and asked, "Where should we go next?"

Yulijia shook her head, saying that I was just a child and it was not my business!

Xitron thought for a moment and suggested, "It's too inefficient to continue like this. Let's split up."

While speaking, he took out two identical watches from a huge white backpack, handed one to Xiaozhi, and then explained, "These two watches are a pair, with positioning sensing functions. We will be divided into two groups, one group will carry one. If one side finds the correct intersection, press the red button on the watch, and the other group will find it based on the sensing."

Listening to Xitron's words, Xiaozhi hesitated for a moment and sighed, "It can only be like this."

They have wasted a lot of time in this maze-like passage. If they continue, they can afford it, but Miss Junsha's safety cannot be guaranteed.

The grouping began. As expected, Xiaozhi and Salina were in one group, and Xitron and Yulijia were in another team, and they went in different directions.

Under the building, in a secret base that had obviously been transformed, Miss Junsha was watching the surveillance screen and talking to the floating squid king.

There was respect in her tone. Obviously, this was not Miss Junsha's intention!

"They are separated. The best way at this time is to separate and eat them. As long as we control three of them and take them as hostages, the boy with Pikachu will have to be cautious no matter how strong he is."

The Squid King nodded, with a hint of satisfaction in his eyes. Fortunately, he had an idea and thought of using Miss Junsha to complete his plan.

Facts have also proved that his previous decision was not wrong.

The only thing is that he was unlucky and accidentally met Xiaozhi, but now there is still a chance to make up for it.

The Squid King walked out of the secret base. He was ready to do what Miss Junsha said and take the lead in getting rid of the yellow-haired brother and sister who looked easy to bully.

In the passage.

A faint starlight flashed in the dim passage, like stars, bringing a ray of light to the passage, but for Xitron and Yulijia, this was undoubtedly not good news.


The starlight floating in the air was emitted from the suction cups of the Squid King's body. At this time, the Squid King looked at Xitron with a trace of disdain in his eyes.

Stupid human, didn't expect it!

How does it feel to be played around by the great Squid King?

Xitron didn't care about the Squid King's gaze and asked, "Squid King, what do you want to do? Why do you want to control Miss Junsha? Answer me!"

He was eager to know the truth, especially the power behind the Squid King.

In his opinion, even if the Squid King itself is a very evil Pokémon, Pokémon should not have the idea of ​​controlling other creatures to rule the world.

Therefore, Xitron believes that the Squid King is definitely one of the Pokémon controlled by evil forces.

Such a force is simply a cancer in the Kalos area. As the owner of the gym, he has the obligation to eliminate it.

The Squid King shook his head, and the sense of superiority he had just felt disappeared. After all, I am strong and you are weak. It is undoubtedly not a wise move to question him without knowing the situation.

He was not in the mood to show off in front of such a person!

Fortunately, Xitron didn't know, otherwise he would be depressed to death.

He is the gym leader of Miare City, the genius boy of Miare City, and one day he will be despised by a Squid King!

The Squid King's sucker-like body exudes a confusing light. It is the power of hypnosis. He is trying to control Xitron and Yulijia.

Xitron took a step back, his expression was a little surprised, as if he was frightened, his eyes gradually became blurred and dull.

Then he and Yulijia followed the Squid King mechanically.

Seeing this, the Squid King nodded with satisfaction. Next, he only needed to find a way to separate Xiaozhi and Serena, and then he could catch them all in one fell swoop.

What the Squid King didn't notice was the smile on Citron's lips before he was controlled, and the watch on his wrist that kept sending signals.

On the other side, Xiaozhi directed Pikachu to get rid of a giant bee blocking the passage, and suddenly lowered his head with a slight smile on his lips.

Serena noticed Xiaozhi's strangeness and asked in a low voice, "Xiaozhi, is it the plan?"Did you succeed in rowing?"

Xiaozhi nodded. He had already noticed the hidden camera, but he didn't make it public.

Instead, he pretended to be lost and wandered around in the corridor of the building, in order to confuse the Squid King and let him relax his vigilance.

Yes, Xiaozhi swore that he was pretending to be lost.

"Geng Gui~"

Geng Gui's voice came from behind Xiaozhi. He raised his head and looked at the Gengar who suddenly appeared from behind, grinning with big teeth, and asked, "Geng Gui, have all the cameras been solved?"

Geng Gui made an OK gesture with his small round hand and nodded, "Geng Gui~"

All solved!

Xiaozhi turned his head and looked at Serena, "Everything is ready. The Squid King should have just controlled Citron and Yulijia, and should still be wandering in this corridor now."

"Geng Gui has destroyed the camera in the corridor. Now the enemy is in the light and we are in the dark. We must hurry to find him."

"Well! "

Salina narrowed her eyes and chuckled. As expected of her boyfriend, he had a smart mind.

In this way, the clever squid was outsmarted by its own cleverness and was fooled by General Xiaozhi!

So, never treat others as fools, because you don't know if you are also being treated as a monkey by others at this moment!

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