Giratina poked his head out of the crack and looked at the secret realm of the spirit world that was gradually covered by the reverse world.


Where is this?

Wasn't I thrown into the reverse world by the boss? It seems that my sentence has not yet been completed...

So, how did I appear in this place?

What's going on with these humans on the ground?

Compared to the extremely terrified people on the ground, Giratina was also confused at this time.

He was sleeping well in the reverse world, but he was suddenly summoned by a mysterious force.

Giratina was also furious at this time.

In his eyes, no one is qualified to summon him unless it is Arceus.

Even the other two of the three dragons of time and space are not allowed!

What's the result?

After all, in his eyes, the twin dragons of time and space are two fools who make trouble all day long!

Only he is the smartest!

But this time being summoned made him extremely angry!

He slowly drilled out of the crack of the reverse world, looking down at this world and the group of humans below, intending to see who dared to summon him.

After scanning the altar...suddenly, He noticed a familiar object on the altar!

Hmm? Isn't this my platinum orb?

Thousands of years ago, Arceus forcibly separated the platinum jade that held His origin power from Him to punish Him for His bad temper.

Then he threw the platinum orb into the real world and Him into the reversed world.

Giratina also tried very hard to find the platinum orb, but he never found it. He thought he would never be able to enter the origin form in this life!

Unexpectedly, today he could actually recover the platinum orb here!

But then, Giratina looked at Bai Yang and others. His smart brain turned and he came up with an answer!

This group of humans dared to touch his platinum orb, and they also tried to summon and drive him with the platinum orb!

In this case, let them understand the huge gap between gods and humans.

There is no need to be reasonable if you have strength, let alone a bad-tempered divine beast like Giratina.

He had no intention of negotiating with a mere human. He began to condense a shadow ball in his mouth, aiming it at Bai Yang and the others!

A terrifying energy quickly shrank towards Giratina's mouth. The purple light of the shadow ball filled the dark void. The whole world seemed to be eclipsed by the purple-black energy. All matter had lost its original meaning!

"That's... Giratina!"

Bai Yang's pupils suddenly shrank, and he looked at Giratina in astonishment. He couldn't help but feel a deep sense of powerlessness in his heart!

The birth of a divine beast will destroy the world!

Even if it is a third-level god, the arrival will bring a natural disaster rarely seen in nature!

And if it is a first-level god like Giratina, humans can't even imagine what their appearance in human society means.

The word"god" is enough to explain their power!

This is a terrifying existence that humans can't imagine!

In fact, humans only regard these first-level gods as legends and dare not regard them as real elves!

And in front of them, a legendary Pokémon appeared in front of them!

""Megalodon, use wide area defense!"

Bai Yang reacted very quickly, and he hurriedly shouted to Metagross.

Upon hearing the voice, Metagross quickly stood up and tried his best to create a huge protective barrier before Giratina's Shadow Ball came down, trying to resist Giratina's attack.

However, when the Shadow Ball from Giratina's mouth spewed out, in the dull eyes, this protective barrier that was enough to block the King-level Pokémons was shattered without even a wave. The

Metagross that supported the protective barrier was blown away by the overflowing aftermath, and fainted on the spot and fell to the ground, falling into a state of near death.

"Is this... the power of the mythical elves?"At this moment, Bai Yang's face was also very ugly, and there were gray ripples in his eyes.

He did not expect that this ritual would eventually summon the Pluto Dragon Knight Latina, who only existed in the legend.

For the first time in his life, despair appeared in his eyes.

Just a random move can destroy the wide-area defense created by the giant gold monster at will, and even affect the surrounding space.

If such a legendary existence descends on the earth, not only Hangzhou City, but even the entire human alliance will face a catastrophe.

"Sorry, Yuexin, I got you involved." On the side, Bai Yang turned his head and glanced at Bai Yuexin, saying with great guilt.

""It’s ok, uncle. I wanted to come here on my own. I never regret it as a member of the Bai family!"

No regrets?

No, actually she regretted it! She was just trying to comfort her uncle!

However, what she regretted in her heart was not the terrifying power of Giratina or the imminent death!

She was desperate that before she died, she couldn’t even muster up the courage to confess to Lin Yan.

Bai Yuexin, you coward, why didn’t you tell your master about your feelings earlier?

It’s been three years, three whole years, and she even practiced the confession process more than a dozen times.

As a result, she still didn’t dare to confess to her master! She was even almost killed by the Ling family. The eldest lady got there first.

Now, I'm afraid there will be no more chances. Right now, there was only regret and despair in Bai Yuexin's eyes.

In mid-air, Giratina looked down at this group of humans with pride.

He would never show any mercy to the humans who dared to summon and drive him or even tried to resist.

Giratina opened his mouth again, and the dark purple shadow ball condensed in his mouth again, and the surrounding area suddenly appeared with a destructive wave that was enough to terrify people!

Bai Yuexin closed her eyes, and she recalled the little boy who protected her in the past.

���It would be great if Master Guo was around.

After all, he was omnipotent.

At this moment, a calm and indifferent voice echoed in the void and reached the ears of Pluto Dragon:

"You have crossed the line."

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