This indifferent voice startled everyone.

This is the god of death and destruction in mythology, Hades Dragon Knight Latina. How dare someone speak like this in front of him?

When everyone looked towards the source of the voice, they saw a figure wearing a dark vortex mask.

And he was even walking slowly towards Hades Dragon!

He seemed to be completely unaware of the horror of Hades Dragon. Facing this extremely terrifying surging energy, he not only did not stop, but continued to move forward.

His steps were steady and powerful, and he did not look panicked at all.

"Hey, wait, don't come near!"

""That's Pluto Dragon Giratina!"

Bai Yang wanted to stop him immediately, but Lin Yan ignored him.

The other people from the Bai family were even more stunned. They dared to get close at this time. Isn't this a clear sign of seeking death?

However, Bai Yuexin widened her eyes.

She always felt that... this figure seemed a little familiar?

She always felt that she had seen the back of the man in the black vortex mask in front of her. She felt that she had seen him somewhere. Both the steps and the voice were very familiar.

Could it be the master?


It must be the master!

Apart from the master, no one can be so calm in front of Giratina.

She has been training with the master for three years. As a qualified secret love girl, she has long imprinted Lin Yan's every move in her heart.

When this familiar figure blocked Giratina, it turned out that... The despair in Bai Yuexin's eyes was instantly swept away, replaced by excitement and joy.

Didn't the master say that he would not come?

But he suddenly showed up at this critical moment.

Could it be that... the master has been protecting me secretly all along?


That must be the case!

The master must be interested in me, otherwise he would not follow me around to protect me!

Bai Yuexin, Bai Yuexin, you understand now, you are not going one way!

You must seize the opportunity and confess your feelings as soon as possible!

Looking at Lin Yan's back, Bai Yuexin's face flushed, and her heart was beating fast. Jumping on the ground...

If Lin Yan knew about this, he would probably be speechless.

Well, what about personal protection? That's totally overthinking.

He actually saw a hole in the sky, and then Giratina poked its head out from it.

Who knows what kind of idiots these Bai family members are, to be able to summon Pluto Dragon!

Actually, Lin Yan didn't intend to care about it at first, and let nature take its course.

But think about it carefully. If it is a disaster of the level of Giratina, if it is left unchecked, then Hangzhou City will inevitably suffer a devastating disaster.

After all, his parents are still living in Hangzhou City. If Hangzhou City... If affected, his parents might also be in danger.


He did break into this secret place without buying a ticket. Helping the Bai family a small favor can be considered as buying a ticket.

He thought that after wearing the black vortex mask and doing some disguise, he would not be recognized.

Little did he know...

Lin Yan had completely underestimated the horror of a girl in love at this time.

Not to mention wearing a mask, even if Lin Yan was wrapped in three layers of clothes, Bai Yuexin might be able to recognize him.

And more importantly, this wave created a little misunderstanding.

Now Bai Yuexin might have thought of it in a completely wrong way.


At this moment, Giratina looked down at this ignorant human.

It was the human who stole his platinum orb, but he dared to challenge him?

Being provoked by the little ant, the Pluto Dragon was completely furious!


The next moment, Giratina’s entire body burst out with a terrifying aura, which then gathered in Giratina’s mouth and gushed out as a dragon’s breath that pierced through the sky, destroying everything it touched, and even the surrounding space seemed to be faintly torn apart!

""Be careful!" Bai Yuexin shouted hurriedly.

Everyone around had closed their eyes. This terrifying dragon breath was beyond their understanding of the elves' strength.

Even a champion-level full-strength attack was far inferior to it!

At this moment, Lin Yan looked at the surging dragon breath and shook his head helplessly.

"These first-level gods really don't like to communicate properly."

If that's the case, then I'll beat you into submission!

Lin Yan raised his fist and punched at the dragon breath that seemed to destroy the world!


At this moment, the whole world changed color.

In the eyes of everyone's astonishment, the dragon breath that almost tore the space apart, in the moment it touched Lin Yan's fist, was instantly shattered, and turned into light spots scattered on the ground and disappeared.

There was a little white smoke on Lin Yan's fist, and he looked at Giratina in the air with an indifferent expression.

The next second, Lin Yan's figure suddenly disappeared from the ground.

When he reappeared in the sight of everyone present, he had already appeared in front of Giratina, flashing by.

And Giratina also reacted quickly, and immediately swung a huge claw towards the position where Lin Yan flashed, and an overwhelming offensive that was enough to shake the space and tear the void came head-on.

Shadow Claw!


Lin Yan kicked directly, breaking the shadow claw that was enough to annihilate the mountain!

Countless shadow energies dissipated, turned into light spots and disappeared.

The dark purple energy quickly dissipated without a trace under this kick.

At this moment, even Giratina couldn't help but show astonishment.

The man in front of him... was clearly just a fragile human, how could he possess such terrifying power!

"Since you don't accept it!"

"Then I will beat you until you surrender."

Lin Yan's indifferent tone did not give Giratina any chance to think.

Before he landed, he raised his hand.

A serious punch!

At this moment, the airflow around him exploded instantly like a dynamite with a burned fuse, and then these airflows slowly lingered together, and a terrifying force condensed on Lin Yan's fist. The surrounding space made a crackling sound, as if it could not bear the weight, and the whole world was almost shattered under the power of this punch.


How is it possible?

At this moment, the legendary Pokémon with a divine position, Giratina, known as the Hades Dragon, actually showed a trace of fear in his eyes!

The next second.

When this punch hit Giratina, accompanied by a terrifying sound like a nuclear explosion, the scales of the Hades Dragon were instantly shattered, and countless divine blood splashed out.


The Pluto Dragon could not help but let out a whine.

The terrifying power swept over and directly knocked it out!

Then, it was sent back to the crack in the sky with its body.

With the closure of the reversed world, this secret realm also returned to normal.

Not only that.

The aftermath of this punch spread and turned into a violent storm. The stone altar on the ground was hit by the terrifying power and turned into a pool of powder on the spot. At this moment, the door to the spirit world opened by the altar burst out with an amazing suction force. The elves who had escaped from the door were like being caught by an invisible net and were all sent back to the door.

Then, the door to the spirit world shattered, and the passage connecting the two spaces disappeared.

The entire secret realm returned to silence.

Compared with before, there was only one more figure, a mysterious man wearing a black vortex mask on his head.

It was as if nothing had ever happened.

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