Elysion Online - Dragon Newt and Summoner

# 918 Operation Fergus and the Man Become Invincible

Time goes a little further, at the same time we fight.Mel and the Knights Freetier's Griffon unit have decided to head to the Sage's meadow, where Fergus Mac Roych's unit has no sign of moving at all.

I was just bored at home before I left.

"If you're going to Fegles, I'm going with my concubine!"

Princess Diodra wants to go.Mel and the others persuade him.

"Calm down, Princess Diodora, because I don't know if Mr. Feggles is still here."

"This time, scouting means a lot, and if you share it, I'll transfer it right away."

"Mmm... okay, I promise."


I noticed something in Mel's kitchen when he called me before we left.

"Tact, can I have this?I don't know what's going to happen. "

"That's right. Keep it for everyone."

"Thank you. I'll be right back."


So Mel and the others set out to the grasslands of the wise.Find the enemy troop boundary without any problems.

"I see it. That's it."

"Yes, would you like to warn me?"

That's right.

But there was no reply.

"Even if I name Princess Diodora, it's unresponsive... creepy"

"Yes, it's strange that it hasn't moved all the time."

"Anyway, I warned you.Let's attack. "

"Yes, Miss Aetis."

Yes! Attack!

Griffons' attacks and bombardments are hindered by powerful multiple spiritual boundaries.Wizard Orb's military power is known for its boundaries, number of top wizards, and magic skills.

"The strength of the bond is only boulders."

"We will destroy the border. Please let me down."

Very well, good luck, Lord Mel.

Mel and the others descend on the ground.

"You kinda dropped me off, sister."

"... it was weird when I was flying.They're attacking, so they can attack with magic. "

"If you can't attack from this multispiritual juncture, just go outside and attack."

"But if that happens, we'll get attacked, so we can't help it."

"I agree with you, but this won't win the war.He must be after something.We need to break through those boundaries to find out.Everybody, let's do it! "

At Mel's behest, everyone starts attacking.Mel and his class-changed friends destroy the Spirit Boundary one after the other, but every time they destroy, a new Spirit Boundary is affixed from within, and it's hard to break through.


"It's true!"

It's obvious that you're buying time.

"We'll have to destroy it all at once with a big move... I'll do it. Power explosion!"

Yuko holds the Magic Sword Megalo Lucion, and Yuko's mind explodes.

Let's go, let's go, let's go!

When Yuko hit the ground with the Magic Sword Megalolukaon, a tremendous shock wave that exceeded the supremacy hit the Multiple Spirit boundary and vanished without trace.But Yuko falls with disadvantages.

"Stream Destroy Yuko! Let's go!"

"... I'll hit him with this one day."

"Ahahah... well then, we'll go too."

When Mel and Aetis attacked the enemy from the sky, the enemy's troops shifted at once.

"What the hell! I thought I could fight at the corner."

"I left my tent behind and retreated!?"

"I wonder... what's all this chest noise? Everybody!Hurry up and check the tent!If there's anything strange, report it! "

"" "Yes!" "

Check the tent with the Freetier Knights.Then Cago discovered something.

"Hey! There's a big hole in this tent!"


When Mel and the others entered the tent, there was a mysterious hole enough to allow people to pass through.It was Mirai who first noticed the identity of this hole.

"... Sister, no! We have to hurry back to Trent's Forest Fort!"

"What? What...?!?"

Everyone on the spot has a sharp decline in stats.Magic is also sealed.


"... it was too late"

"Mirai, explain what's going on!"

"... I think this hole is trying to connect to Trent's forest fortress."

Mel and Reka also noticed.

"Are you going to attack the Trent Forest fortress from the basement!?"

"I thought you were going to bypass Mount Yellowossa, but if it's underground, it's almost straight. Maybe it's not underground, so it's out of the Nine Tails area."

"Huh? Isn't that bad?It's not the knights at the fort, it's the Beast Demon Guild. "

There were not enough knights, and Aura and the others were temporarily in charge of guarding the fort.

"I heard a good thing."

The mysterious voice threw Yuko into the tent.Then the magic of fire is thrown one after the other.Cago guarded this, but Yuko was dead.

"Yuko sister!?"

"I'm an idiot who left Yuko behind because of the recoil, but I can't allow Yuko to attack if she doesn't move!"

Angry Mel, Mirai calmly uses resuscitation items on Yuko.


"Gh... thank goodness. Mirai.I'm in a burning tent. "

He was thrown into the enemy.

"After killing? Worse! More enemy troops were deployed than that."

Wizard Orb's troops were deployed as Mel and his tent burned out.And the man who led the unit was someone I knew.

"Whoo... did you have any resuscitation items?My name is Fel Diad. Until Captain Fergus destroys your fort in one blow. "

The info is coming.

Urgent Quest "Deal with Fergus' Attack": Difficulty S

Time limit: 30 minutes

Deal with Fergus' attack on Trent's Forest Fort.

Fel Diad, who had fought before me as a disciple in Master Scaaha, stood in front of Mel.Mel said he checked the sky.

"You're using a very appeasement line."

"I will do anything to win this battle.And if you call us appeasement, who are you with the monsters? "

"You poor thing. You are."


Fel Diad looks angrily at Mel's words, but Mel continues.

"We all know.Aliens, Summoners, and Tail Monsters are all good kids.The evidence is that the freetier is full of smiles.It's really pathetic that I don't understand. "

"Mm-hmm. Moh-mov, you're ruining your life knowing heaven."

"I'm sorry, but what you're doing only looks like harassment."

"Really. As the same wizard, I despise you."

"Hmm. Sounds like a loser.All troops attack! "

Magic pours down.


"I know, Castle Guard!"

A transparent castle appears when the cago holds a large shield, guarding everyone inside.

"Wow... what a sturdy and great defense."

"I'm sorry to be touched, but the situation sucks.Somehow we have to tell the fort about the crisis.If they drop the fort, we'll be pinned down, and Aura and the others in the fort will launch another attack to destroy the fort in one blow. "

"Yes, of course! But don't be trapped in the border."

"From what I've seen, it looks like there's a massive blockade on the inside, and one that's weakening us on the outside.We can't help it. "

Lisa answers the Freetier Knight's words with confidence.

"Then I'll break it this time!Ah, but maybe it's not good to be weakened ~ sister. "

"You don't have to say that. We don't have much time here. I'll use the trump card, Lisa."

"" "A trump card?" "

Mel takes out the trump card. It was a Locomoco and Airy cookie I had made.I gave it to you before we left.

"" "What the hell!" "

The Freetier Knights were amazed.But I certainly have an idea of Aetis.

"Is this the cookie Tact made?"

"Yeah, I made it just in time to fight.I got it as a trump card.This will restore the debilitating effects and increase the speed of the Griffons.As we fight them, Aetis, hurry up and alert Aura and the castle at Trent's Forest Fort. "

"I understand."

Buffs occur when everyone eats cookies.

"Let's go!"

When Cago unlocked the Castle Guard, everyone moved in unison.Mel, with the exception of Lisa, headed for Fer Diad's unit, and Lisa and Aetis headed back.

"Hmm. Stupid. Can this bond be broken?"

"Cheerful, gloomy, energy fusion! Super Focus!"

Lisa's fist feels super dangerous.

"Ogi! Tai Chi Kung Fu!"

The Wizard Orb's proud boundaries collapse with a single blow.A technique to be called the fist version of the tai chi bracelet that the love fires remembered, characterized by the destruction of the same walls and buildings as the fist collapse.It was impossible to maintain the blockade that prevented any attack, and even if the magic of the blockade was destroyed.

"Huh!? Boundary!?"

Yuko shows up in front of Fel Diado, who is surprised. It's instantaneous.

Just in return, Calamity Caliber!

Fel Diado's weakness is determined by the calamity of the crotch.Everyone thought this was a win, but Yuko gets a counterattack from Fel Diado.

"Damn it... it must have been a direct hit."

"Hmm. Did you think my crotch was in a hurry?Indeed, I couldn't overcome my weaknesses here before.But I was finally able to overcome it.By losing it! "

Everyone complains about Fel Diad's shock speech.

"Hey, you. Are you crazy? You're telling me you abandoned a man to lose his weakness."

"What are you talking about? I'm a man warrior."

"Heh? But just now?"

"Why do you decide it's not a man because there's no place here?Speaking of which, I'm a man! "

Cago and Recca are debated.If you were to say such a grand thing, you wouldn't be able to say anything back.

"I abandoned this place and became deputy commander of the First Knights of Wizard Orbs!Now, if you can kill this invincible Fel Diad, kill it!Destroy the Griffons who escaped with advanced spells! "

"I won't let you!"

"Sedition! Fufu, you're not coming!"

Uzataka! Eat this motherfucker! "

Lyrapse throws a spear at Cago, but it gets hit by Fel Diado's body.

"It's no use. I can't kill anyone right now!Now, watch your knights die with your eyes! "

The Aetis were exposed to the advanced magic of a total attack, but were revived by the effects of Locomoco cookies, leaving the space.


"That's a shame. The Summoners aren't the only ones with the power of a freetier."

"An item or something of automatic resurrection!This has been done, but apparently you are the main players in the free-tier.I want you to stay here. "

Mel and the others fought against Fel Diad, but failed to pass any attack on Fel Diad, causing a time-out.

Trent's forest fortress has been destroyed.There will be no damage from the success of the quest. "

Looks like Aetis and the others made it.

"Looks like we've accomplished our goal.Let me pull it off for today. "

Fer Diado and the others are no longer metastasized.Now Mel and the others have to drop the fallen Trent Forest fortress before they can return to the Freetier and be stopped from heading for reinforcements.

However, using the tent, each carpet could be used, so it was immediately necessary to report the situation to Louis, who intercepted and gathered information.

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