Elysion Online - Dragon Newt and Summoner

# 919 Magic Fleet Destruction Operations

At the same time that Mel and the others fight.We've decided on a plan, and we're on our way.

Our primary objective is to destroy the Wizard Orb's fleet of magical ships that are targeting the port town of Blumen.The Wizard Orb's Magic Fleet was equipped with a radar that was superior to our imagination and sensed magic.As a result, we could tell from the enemy that we were passing through the sea with a grand, giant saffi.

But it was the same here, with underwater gear Ike detecting the Magic Radar backwards and capturing the enemy fleet.

"Enemy fleet, shields and multiple spiritual boundaries deployed."

How's it going, Ikes?

"All fleets are heading straight for us, Master."

I think so. They know how strong we are.And yet, I was uncomfortable with the fact that all fleets were coming straight in.

"The magic cannon could be used to attack the harbor town or guard the fleet of freelancers, but it's coming at us."

"Are you more confident than that, Mr. Tact?"

"Or some kind of trap. Ix."

"Supplement another fleet behind the enemy fleet.From the magic point of view, it doesn't seem to be a magical ship, Master. "

The enemy thinks similar to us.I just can't let you steal a magic ship.Probably because this naval battle wins with a magic cannon first.No, are you sure you're just holding onto a magic ship?

I'll send a message to Noah to clear up my doubts.

Noah, it's Tact. I want to ask you one question, okay?

"What's up, Tact?"

Is it possible to self-destruct a magic ship?

If you attach the device to the magic engine, you can do it.It's a deliberate runaway way to self-destruct.Are they trying to do that?

I don't think I can forgive Noah for loving the ship.

I don't know about that, but they're coming after us because they know how strong we are.There seems to be another squad, but it caught me trying to use the magic ship's fleet. "

I see. I'm sure the Magic Ship's suicide bombing would be quite powerful, so I don't think I'd have to be more vigilant.


I'll instruct everyone to change their plans.It was unexpected that I, Lily, Aeon, Ikes, Nova, Livina, Leon, Blanc, Sephone, Farida, Arena, Konoja, Chess, Darley, Pulausuke, Luna, Hicks, Stra, Dean, Saffi, Spika, Cruz, Sky Dome, Coral, Sieg, and Evening were shouting into the boulders.But it's not enough to change a fundamental operation.

"Let them regret challenging us in the sea!"

"" "Yes!" "

"Let's go, Safi!"

Bye ~!

I will attack the enemy fleet with Safi.Then magic and magic cannons are shot in one after another.But such an attack cannot be effective against us now.Saffi bites into the magic ship at the head of the enemy fleet every shield and spiritual boundary, and as he pushes, he hits the next magic ship one after another.

The same boundaries and shields collide with each other, breaking the boundaries and shields one after the other. When the saffi passes through, a large wave occurs, the ships on the land side collide with the land side, and the ships on the sea side flow far away.

We also hit the flagship of the enemy fleet, but only the flagship on the boulder was washed away by the sea with its shields maintained.

Safi, who had halved the enemy fleet, crushed the sucked magic ship.I checked the back, and Lily and the others were attacking each other with sky vibrations.The opposing Wizard Orb's Magic Fleet illuminates the surroundings at once.

If we do this, the fleet will be visible to us.Countless gunfire sounded and countless cannons flew at us.I'm sure they have a lot of confidence in their boundaries.Feel like they're just trying to stop the cannon at the border and do us some damage.



When the split body of Peyosuke flies over countless cannons from the sea, it spreads adhesive threads out of the body, tangles all the cannons, and falls into the sea.Excellent. Another squad of opponents has no idea what happened.

"What!? What was that!?"

"The cannon is entangled in something!"

"I can see that!Wow!? What is it!? What's this shake!? "


Cruz threw his tail through the side of the ship from the sea and the knights inside were blown out.And Cruz went out of his way to show up on deck.

"Good evening."

"The monster of the snake bitch! Attack!"

"" "Ha!" "

"Oh? Will you not point a weapon at me? Corrupt!"

Everyone on the spot drops their weapons.

"Good boy, boys. Stone waves!"

Everyone on deck became stones.

"But unlike your father, you don't get along.Well, that's good. There's still plenty more. Hmm! "

The tail tightens and destroys the ship when Cruz puts his strength into it.And Cruz headed for the next prey.

But the knights of Wizard Orbs who are fighting magic on the boulders will fly their own and try to use their magic against us.Then they crash one after the other without using magic.The night sky is Nova territory.

"I knocked down a corner, but I don't think I can suck their blood, Cefone."

"Especially since you seem to be obsessed with bad demons.Anyway, I want you to make a deal with a delicious demon. "

"... I like Livina and Sephone. Nova is delicious, but I don't want to eat these guys."


Konoha seems to agree with Nova.


"Die, monsters!"

"Rude people don't deserve to fly. Atmospheric wall!"

The walls of the atmosphere fell overhead, and Dean was seen in their eyes as they were smashed into the sea.As a result, they were bitten to death.

"Good night, Nova, Livina, Sephone, Arina, Konoha."

Noah and the others are in charge of Lily and Bran, and Farida is in charge of destroying the ship.As I watched the fleet of magic ships, shovelker iron forks appeared from the sea and took hold of many magic ships.

Black iron. They must be stretching and stretching their arms to claw.This is interesting. A lot of magic ships are caught and crushed.But the boundary stands in the way.

Still black iron goes up.When the claw is subjected to high heat, and the weight is added to the claw by further load manipulation, cracks occur at the junction one after the other.

"Shit! What is it!?"

"I don't know, run!"

"Flight! Wow!? Wind? Huh!?"

Naturally, enemies flee before they break, but they die instantly after fleeing and fall into the sea.The wind of Nova's death.Everyone who evolved into a boulder doesn't miss a chance.

Meanwhile, Coral, Hicks, Stra, and Sieg attacked the ship that was lifted ashore.Coral burns the ship to secure the lights, and Hicks, Stra, and Sieg destroy it in pieces with braces.

Then, one after the other, the knights of the Wizard Orb jump out of the ship and try to hide in the forests along the coastline.Coral certainly shouldn't get away easily, and soldiers caught in the tail become charcoal wipers.

But many knights succeed in entering the forest.But we could choose a place to fight. We could choose a place with a forest on the coastline.And the forest is a hunting ground for the Greys.

"We're going to ambush the enemy port town from here."

"" "Yes!" "

They move through the forest at night.Then one of them tramples on Alanea's mine spider and falls into possession of magic and poison.

"Hmm, what is it!?"

"Spider!? This! Wow!? Exploded!?"

A few people realize that killing a mine spider only generates magic and poison.But the enemy felt it, and sealed it in the junction to show it.

"Hmm... hmm? Captain?"

Where is everybody?

"Hey... what's wrong? Huh!?"

When a person shakes a fellow whose words have stopped suddenly, his neck falls.

"Nh... dead...!? Who is it!"

There was a noise, and when I looked behind, there were countless red eyes.Spiders called on Alanea's mission.

"Ha... hahaha... hahahaha!"

He was attacked and killed by countless spiders.Meanwhile, the troops that advanced were miserable.It was Yu Fang who appeared in front of them first.

It's a Summoner!

"Kill him!"


U-tooth uses Magic Loss and all magic is lost.

Hmm, what?

"Magic... Me!"

When the knights of the Wizard Orb pull out the magic sword, it flies somewhere.Gail's electromagnetic operation. But they still have staff and items.

"Don't think I won!"

The captain who shouted so was attacked by the day and night.

Shield Rune!


The nails of the day and night slipped through the rune of the shield and pierced his chest with a single blow.

"Captain!? Me!"

"Know the power of Wizard Orbs! You monster!"

When the items thrown during the day and night stopped, they were returned to themselves, and Gray and Tiger Toru, who had brought the wolves before them, appeared in agony.


"" "Gwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

They returned to death without even saying the last word properly.In the meantime, enemies came into the woods one after the other, but freedom was only allowed in the first place.


"Attract to the woods!?"

"This is gravity!? Wow!?"

Attracted, they collide with trees and fall to the ground.


When the knights fell, the fox appeared.

"No, if you breathe in my realm, you'll be invaded by the evil spirit and the magic poison.Fufu, I can't hear you anymore.Then die as charcoal. Burnout! "

The knights who were not gravitationally manipulated were also miserable.A parasite of meal on a trap of yarn hell and spider hell that had been affixed by Alanea.In addition, there is no escape from the cetian jewelry trap, where the forest itself is the enemy of sniper, day and night, air, and meal manipulation.

But they forcefully broke through the forest by asking the people to say something.To be precise, the gentle Cechians let you out of the woods.

"We're through the woods!"

"Leave the enemy alone! Stay in the harbor!"

"" "Uh-oh!" "

It was Locomoko and Yuwell who stood in front of them, completely like the Special Attacks.

"What's that?"

"Golden sheep?"

"I don't care! Push it in!"

Me ~!

The locomotive glows with afterglow.


"Son of a bitch... in a glowing sheep's minute..."

When these knights look at Locomoco, Yuwell and I look at each other and petrify them.Petrify the Magic Eye.The other knights also tried to see dazzling things and became prey to Yuwell's petrified magic eyes.

Gems unlocked!

Petrified knights vanish, but still remain.

"I'll take care of the rest, Blade."

"I'll take care of it. Ah, Lord Locomoko, I need a light."


Enemies naturally appeared from other places, but they waited for love fire and Japanese fox.

"Just the two of you?"

"There are over a hundred of us! Do it!"

"" "Ooh!" "

The Japanese fox tells them.

"Too little, Chimoto Torii!"

"What? Guha!?"


Torii, who came down from above, is holding them all.

"Love fire, halfway there."


While the love fire rushes and slashes the immobile enemy, the Japanese fox approaches slowly.

"Get off me, you human enemy!"

"Nothing, that's fine.We just need to be on Tact Han's side.If that Tact Han is your enemy, I can't help it. Purgatory! "


The knights bound to Torii were burned to death in a burning hell.The knights watching this try to escape from another place, but when a blizzard strikes, the combination of Izuki and Lumi ambushes and defeats the enemy one after the other.

They did, but it was the moonlight night that waited for the number to pass through the blizzard.

"" "You're lying..." "


The knights blown away by the shock waves returned to the snowstorm.

Until now, as expected, my miscalculation is to the sea.The Wizard Orbs were resisting the Ions' control of the weather and the ship was advancing.I was also somewhat resistant to the Aeons' attack.The strength of the magic ship still shines.

"Did you just come in?"

Still, the ions are moving on my modified course, forcing the enemy fleet to their target points with current maneuvers.We joined them and drove them to the point of operation.

Searchlight! Strafing!

The enemy fleet lit up the enemy fleet with searchlights made by the Saba Cans from a fleet of freelancers with the Golden Heind as their flagship, which was waiting on Yoichi's orders.We don't go out of our way to illuminate enemy fleets.This is the difference between us and the Wizard Orb fleet.

Then Snavicona, which was already the firing system of the magic cannon, took the lead of the magic gun.Aim for the enemy flagship, of course.Aeons struggle to stop with the vortex.

"I'm going for a flashy shot in a long time!Magic Cannon! Fire! "

Saba can pulls the trigger and hits the enemy flagship directly, but he just disappears.How sturdy was the union?But our attack is not over yet.Yoichi will give instructions to all ships.

All ships start firing at once! I will destroy all enemy fleets here!

"" "Ooh!" "

Enemy fleets are being dropped one after the other by gunfire and arrows.The escaped Knights of the Wizard Orb flew, attacked our fleet, but the class changed, and Yoichi, who was the masterpiece of the shooting, and Sharlow, who kept Lilaps' spears from the full moon, were thrown down.

Separate teams watching this would have gone to the rescue, but they're not going anywhere.

"Wow! Burn! Burn!"

"No, it's not burning! Freeze it!"

"That didn't work either!Wow! "

"Ha... haha. I can't do it anymore... we're going to die from the blue demons... Ah... here we are. They suck us out."

It was Puyosuke who robbed them of their war.Puyasuke drinks the whole ship and disappears.Attempting to attack does not work for Puyosuke. Gravitational manipulation attracts the knights to Puyosuke and destroys them one after the other without even leaving bones.

They will want to escape, but the sunset and Cruz are holding them back.In the evening, the rock is thrown from the mouth of the turtle, and the nearby ship is attacked by snakes.

The victory is increased when the enemy is completely silent.

"You won! Tact! Tact?"

No, not yet.

Everybody stay alert! Info hasn't arrived yet!

Everyone will be alert to my words.Then Ikes reacts.

"I sense a strange magic. This magic… Master!There are aliens hostile to us here! "


Is there an alien presence on Exmaquina's planet here?I thought it might be possible, but I didn't expect to meet him so soon.

"No ~... you broke it flashy.It has nothing to do with me. "

He stood on the wreckage of an enemy flagship.I can only tell that my body is completely black and quite tall.I triggered identification, but I couldn't even identify my name.But Ikes knew him.

Nia Lattep!

The existence of aliens is a Kurtulf myth!Among them, Nia Lattep is known as the Trickster and must have been a fairly powerful god.I was ready for an unknown battle that I had never experienced before.

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