Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 158: Fatal experience

  Chapter 272 Deadly Experience

  This... Jiang Baimian narrowed his smile and explained the question just now:

   "You said, why does the ‘higher unintentional’ have to enter Tarnan?"

  Long Yuehong replied subconsciously:

   "For hunting..."

   Before he finished speaking, he discovered that something was wrong:

   There are obviously "prey" in the mountains, such as the Bai Xiao team just now, the "high-level unintentional man" did not attack them, but ran around for a long time and ran to Tarnan to kill.

  Even if he thinks that the prey here is weaker and less vigilant, and it is a better place to forage, after he had eaten enough last night and was scared back, he shouldn’t attack again so soon.

  Be aware that the nickname of "wonderless disease" is "reversion disease", which means that human beings degenerate, lose their minds and thoughts, and become creatures resembling beasts.

   Even if it is a beast, it is frightened in a certain place, and after discovering the most feared thing, it will inevitably stay away from there in a short time. Unless the stomach is hungry to a certain degree and there is no other food, it will try again.

  This is true for beasts, let alone patients with "no heart disease"?

   "This is not reasonable..." Bai Chen helped Long Yuehong to say the second half of the sentence.

  Shang Jianyao made a contemplative expression:

  "Maybe he thinks the human flesh here is more delicious...

   "For good food, choose adventure."

  This is to save others by oneself? Jiang Baimian grumbled, looked back at the small city of Tarnan, thoughtfully said:

  "Is there something here that attracts him?"

  As soon as she finished speaking, she suddenly realized that her meaning was very similar to what Shang Jianyao said earlier, and quickly added:

  "Something other than food."

  "What else would the ‘higher unintentional’ pursue?" Long Yuehong muttered to herself in confusion.

   "Courtship." Shang Jianyao gave the answer.

  Next, he explained seriously:

  "In Tarnan, there is an old lady who is his former sweetheart and a partner who has experienced life and death together.

   "Even if he is afflicted with ‘unintentional disease’ and forgets everything, he still remembers to find her, protect her, so that she will never be harmed."

  It made me a little touched...Long Yuehong followed Shang Jianyao’s thoughts, and found that this was an epic and touching story.

  And the most important point is that he did not find the original version, and can't remember which broadcast story is like this.

  This shows that Shang Jianyao has developed from “reading books” to weaving stories by himself.

   "It's quite reasonable..." Jiang Baimian imagined the situation described by Xia Shang Jian Yao, and felt that it was both beautiful and touching.

  If the “higher unintentional person” did not treat humans as prey, and gnawed blood and blood, then the imagination would be even better.

  Bai Chen pursed her lower lip and said nothing.

Without giving Shang Jianyao a chance to continue, Jiang Baimian continued:

  "This is a possibility, the other is that something is attracting him."

   After a few seconds of silence, Jiang Baimian picked up the phone and dialed a number:

   "Hey, Zhou Guanzhuo?"

  Zhou Yue’s voice rang on the other end of the phone:

   "Haha, I recognize you this time, you are Xue Shiyue, Qian Bai team!"

  Her tone was filled with pride.

   "There should be a note of my name in your address book..." Jiang Baimian replied with a slight movement from the corner of his mouth.

  Zhou Yue coughed:

   "I have dreams everywhere, why take it seriously?"

  Don’t give Jiang Baimian a chance to continue this topic, she asked:

"Is there a problem?"

   "It's like this..." Jiang Baimian roughly described the situation of Bai Xiao, Lin Tong and their team, "They are now going to your side."

  "Okay, I will carefully distinguish the true from the false." Zhou Yue replied in the affirmative.

   Jiang Baimian then asked:

   "Zhou Guanzhu, why did that ‘higher unintentional’ hold on to Tarnan? There is not only such a human settlement in the Chilar Mountains."

  Zhou Yue was silent for a moment:

   "This may have to ask him."

   Zhou Guanzhu, you and Shang Jianyao may have a common language... Jiang Baimian could not get any answers, so he hung up after a few words of politeness.


  Tarnan northeast intersection.

  Zhou Yue, wearing a white robe and tied with a hemp rope, was sitting cross-legged on the futon, looking at Mount Chilar.

  Hanging a gossip mirror around her waist, a vanity mirror tied to her forehead, and a non-intelligent combat robot stood on each side.

  Different from the airtight fortifications of the "Old Tune Team", Zhou Yue did almost nothing to decorate, except that a wooden sign was erected behind him, on which a dragon symbol was inlaid with broken lenses.

  This is the holy emblem of "Broken Mirror".

   "It's strange, what does he have to do in Tarnan..." After putting down the phone, Zhou Yue muttered to herself in confusion.


  Tarnan, northwest, on the banks of the Moville River.

  Jiang Baimian glanced at the sun slowly setting, and said to Shang Jianyao and others:

   "Have something to eat now and take turns."

  Long Yuehong gave a "um":

   "I'll go to the trumpet first."

  After finishing speaking, he took a plastic bottle prepared in advance, and walked a few steps. With the cover of the jeep front, he opened the crotch to solve his personal problems.

  This is a plan they have discussed in advance. The purpose is not to walk too much, so as not to be affected by hallucinations, judge the wrong direction and distance, step on the landmine, or fall into a trap.

  As for the very embarrassing question, the importance is very low.

  Of course, in order to prevent the smell of the guard area from becoming unpleasant, the “Old Tune Team” collected a batch of plastic bottles in various booths and the robot guard warehouse.

In the sound of   Halalala, Long Yuehong squinted his eyes comfortably.

  Suddenly, he found that Jiang Baimian, Shang Jianyao, and Bai Chen all looked at him with strange eyes.

  This...Long Yuehong is a bit at a loss.

  Wait, didn’t I go to the front of the car? In an instant, Long Yuehong woke up and quickly looked down at the crotch.

  It's already wet there.

  And the plastic bottle in his hand has not even been unscrewed.

  The series of actions he just did was just an illusion!

  It's like relaxing yourself completely after successfully searching for a toilet in your dream.

  At this moment, Long Yuehong didn't know what expression to use to deal with.

   "It's very insulting." Jiang Baimian commented on the impact of this hallucination.

  This is also indirectly comforting Long Yuehong.

  Shang Jian Yao converged his expression, and said to Long Yuehong in a straight face:

  "I need to do an identity verification.

   "When was the last time you peeed on your pants?"

   "Go!" Long Yuehong became angry from embarrassment.

   "Correct response." Shang Jianyao didn't feel scolded at all.

  As soon as his voice fell, he suddenly saw Jiang Baimian, Long Yuehong, and Bai Chen raising their hands and aiming at him with their guns.

   Their expressions are like seeing a monster, a "unintentional".

  Shang Jianyao moved his hands slightly, and kept it as it was, as if what was going on in front of him was just a drama.

boom! boom! boom!

  Jiang Baimian, Long Yuehong, and Bai Chen fired separately.

  Shang saw Yao standing there, motionless, as if trying to courage with someone.

  Almost at the same time, he felt severe pain, and his whole body curled up involuntarily.

  In one or two seconds, Shang Jianyao gradually lost consciousness due to the unbearable pain and the rapid passing of life, and his vision went completely dark.

  In the dark silence, the babbled argument slowly reverberated, getting louder and louder:


   "It must be fake."

   "Don't want to scare me!"

  "I think we need to be more cautious. Collect more clues first, and if we have enough evidence, we can draw conclusions."

   "What is noisy? Discuss rationally."

   "I want to say please."


  In the sound of arguing, the darkness slowly opened a hole, and a brilliant light came in.

  Shang Jian Yao opened his eyes and saw Jiang Baimian, Long Yuehong and Bai Chen all looking at him with concern.

   "What happened to you just now?" Jiang Baimian asked solemnly.

  She saw Shang Jianyao's whole body twitching just now, the bio-electric signal was also disturbed, and her forehead was covered with cold sweat.

   "Almost killed by an illusion." Shang Jianyao said seriously and nostalgic, "I kind of miss the nightmare horse. Its'real dream' is more profound than the illusion of death just now."

   "What's going on?" Long Yuehong had a vague guess.

Shang Jianyao described his "experience" just now, and finally said:

   "Probably because he hasn't really died yet, so he can't simulate the most real feeling."

"Can this be the same?" Jiang Baimian exhaled, "'True Dreamland' is directly related to your consciousness, and the impact must be greater. Well, no matter what, this use of illusion and'reality' 'Dreamland' is indeed the same in the same way, and it is also very similar to the'fear' in the realm of'Yougu', you have to be guarded, don't be scared to death."

  Long Yuehong once again felt anxious and uneasy.

  This is the most powerful enemy he has faced so far.

   "We can't bear it passively all the time." He sighed and said his thoughts.

   "Yeah." Jiang Baimian nodded and looked at Shang Jian Yao, "Plan No. 5."

   "Okay." Shang Jianyao picked up the loudspeaker placed on the roof of the jeep.

  At this time, he sniffed and said to Long Yuehong:

   "So it's not an illusion that you pee."

   "...Go away!" Long Yuehong responded angrily, and the fear of UU reading www.uukanshu.com was much less.

  Shang Jian Yao smiled, raised the loudspeaker and pointed it at the road leading to the Chilar Mountain.

  This is one of their plans:

  Use a loudspeaker to amplify the distance of the "inference clown", and learn how to influence the enemy remotely like Redstone Ji Tan Jie.

Although the "advanced unintentional man" is closer to the beast and may not understand human words, the "inference clown" does not seem to work, but Jiang Baimian thinks that the "Baixiao team" in the illusion has questions and answers, and feels that the enemy To a certain extent, or deep in the subconscious, there is still human intelligence, and you can try to exert similar influences.

  So, after watching the real Bai Xiao team leave, she discussed with Shang Jianyao and Bai Chen for a while and made up such a plan.

  As for whether it will work in the end, she can't be sure.

  Huh, I hope this guy can find some "easy-to-understand" rhetoric that can be accepted by even "higher unintentional people"... Jiang Baimian responded to his expectations, and he also helped Shang to see Yao thinking about "speaking".

  At this moment, Shang Jianyao used a loudspeaker to make a sound into the distance:


  (End of this chapter)

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