Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 159: True or false

  Chapter 273 True and False

  The sound of "Woo" did not affect the "higher unintentional person", Long Yuehong didn't know it, he only knew that he must have a dull face.

  Is this guy trying to communicate with the target in wild animal language?

  The problem is, neither can you!

  On the other side, Jiang Baimian’s mouth stiffened for a few seconds before he recovered.

  I have to say that Shang Jianyao once again surprised her.

  Of course, from a logical point of view, Shang Jianyao’s move is somewhat reasonable:

  Beasts do not mean that they have no wisdom at all. They only have instinct. They can also communicate with similar creatures to a certain extent by using methods such as howling, behavior, and tail state.

  Collaboration is an objective phenomenon existing among many beast groups.

  Beasts are like this. They have "no heart disease", not to mention human beings with degeneration of wisdom.

  Based on this inference, it is indeed possible to try to communicate with them in a way that the "unintentional" can understand to achieve the prerequisites for the "inference clown" to be effective.

  The problem is that no anthropologist has thoroughly studied the communication and collaboration of the "unintentional" group to figure out what their different roars and body language mean.

  Furthermore, this is a “ethnic group” with a short birth. Whether it has developed its own way of communication requires a question mark.

  In the ruins of Marsh No. 1, Jiang Baimian noticed a similar situation, but it was far from normal. It was a special case formed under the influence of Xiaochong and cannot be generalized.

  In addition, after the "higher unintentional person" became ill, if he had been acting alone, he was unlikely to spontaneously produce his own "beast language" and body language.

  In other words, no matter whether Shang Jian Yao mastered "Wuxinyu", the other party would definitely not understand this roar.

  It’s useless... Jiang Baimian was about to say so, Shang Jianyao has changed his words:

  "Strict resistance to resistance, lenient confession.

  "Give up fantasy and accept reality."

  He took the megaphone and shouted in different directions, but no creature came out to "surrender".

  Thinking about it for a while, it may be enough, Shang Jian Yao once again aimed at the road into the mountain, using a loudspeaker to communicate with the expected goal:


  "You are a man, and I am also a man;

  "You have attachments that cannot be let go, and I also have attachments that cannot be let go;

"and so……"

  With the sound reverberating, the mountain was silent.

  Shang Jianyao kept changing the areas that could be affected, repeating it over and over again, but didn't get a response.

   "It doesn't seem to work..." Jiang Baimian exhaled.

  "You can't believe blindly." Shang Jianyao familiarly used the mantra of "Vigilant Sect", and then grafted the idea of ​​"Dragon Sect", "This may be just an illusion."

   "If it is an illusion, it means that it has no effect, otherwise, we have already escaped from the illusion." In this regard, Jiang Baimian is still rigorous in thinking and rigorous logic.

   "I mean, what I just did, what I said, are your hallucinations, in fact I didn't move." Shang Jianyao is very debating.

  Jiang Baimian was too lazy to pay attention to him, and discussed with Long Yuehong and Bai Chen, considering the feasibility of other options.

  At this moment, Shang Jianyao sighed regretfully:

   "Unfortunately, when I was chatting with fake Baixiao, I didn't try to fool him."

  This... Jiang Baimian was taken aback when he heard it, and an idea flashed through his mind.

  She asked Shang Jian Yao and others as confirmation:

  "You said, who played the fake Baixiao who was talking to us at the time?"

   "Of course it is the ‘higher unintentional person’." Long Yuehong felt that this question was inexplicable, and it had been discussed a long time ago.

  He is a little veteran wondering if he is now in the illusion of yesterday.

  Jiang Baimian nodded:

  "As we said before, the performances of fake Baixiao and fake Lin Tong were all simulated by the ‘higher unintentional person’.

"But he couldn't predict what we would ask and what we would say, especially when someone like Shang Jian Yao existed, and the illusion he made at that time had questions and answers, reasonable expressions, and normal reactions, except for those who didn’t know. The more private things are extremely true.

  "Can this be accomplished by a person who has no wisdom at all and only the instincts of beasts?"

  Creating illusions is a technical task.

"Group leader, your judgment at the time was that the subconscious of the'higher unintentional person' was close to the state of artificial intelligence, and through the collection of external signals, the required response was recalled from the huge memory bank." Long Yuehong reminded Jiang Bai Cotton, this is a discussed issue.

  Bai Chen pondered and answered:

   "So, in the illusion, he behaves more like a human."

   "Yes." Jiang Baimian laughed, "The focus is not this, but, if we talk to the dummy in the illusion, does it mean we are communicating with the ‘higher unintentional person’?"

  Long Yue Hongming thought hard for a while:


"For the same reason, the dummy in the illusion is equivalent to a part of his consciousness, and it is the kind that can'communication'." Jiang Baimian further said, "This is communication based on the'big database', but no matter what, It’s better than being unable to talk, you can’t understand me, and I can’t understand you.”

  Bai Chen showed a thoughtful expression:

  "Team leader, do you mean that Shang Jianyao can directly influence the ‘higher unintentional person’ with the ‘inference clown’ through dialogue with the dummy?"

"But isn't this the same as using the'Inference Clown' for'artificial intelligence'?" Long Yuehong looked at Shang Jian Yao, "I remember Shang Jian Yao said that he couldn't sense consciousness from them. Can't use power to influence."

  Jiang Baimian laughed:

  "Didn’t you say it yourself? Gnawa, they don’t have consciousness, but that ‘higher unintentional’ does!

  "Since most of the prerequisites are met, the only difference is whether you can really understand it. I think the possibility of success is quite high and it is worth trying."

   "That's what I mean." Shang Jian Yao, who had been listening, nodded in satisfaction.

   "Heh, you come to be the team leader!" Jiang Baimian laughed back angrily.

  This guy looks like a leader.

  Shang Jianyao immediately turned his head and looked at Longyue Red Road:

  "Have you not changed your pants yet?"

   "..." Long Yuehong almost vomited blood.

  Jiang Baimian provided suggestions:

  "At this time, you should say ‘dreams everywhere, why take it seriously? Maybe it’s just your illusion that I didn’t change my pants’."

  It's really uncomfortable to wear...Long Yuehong quickly took out the other pants from the tactical backpack and went into the jeep to change it.

After    came out, he couldn’t help complaining:

  "Why does that ‘higher unintentional’ always target us?

   "I have been creating hallucinations here again and again, without going to Zhou Guanzhu and the others."

   Jiang Baimian showed a thoughtful expression:

   "This is a good question."

  Bai Chen thoughtfully said from the perspective of her own habits:

   "Maybe because he thinks that we are the weakest and the most suitable breakthrough."

"This is really a sad answer." Jiang Baimian laughed at himself, "Yes, other places are combinations of sects and robots. Maybe there are'broken mirrors','scorching doors', and'golden balances'. 'These executives provide a deterrent.'

   "That's it." Shang Jian Yao shook his right and punched his left palm.

  He quickly flipped through a large sheet of white paper and a water-absorbent pen, and drew on the Jeep window to paint something.

  Long Yuehong took a few curious glances, but because Shang Jian Yao was blocked by her body, she failed.

  After a while, Shang Jianyao put away the pen and clamped the paper to the door of the car facing Mount Chilar.

  Compared with before, there are many more patterns on the white paper, including:

  Simplified baby pictures, a human face without facial features, an iron tower, a pair of eyes-like suns, a furnace with a door, a woman hidden in the shadow behind the door, a dragon symbol, and a balance.

   "It's safe now." Shang Jianyao nodded in satisfaction.

  One, two, three...Long Yuehong silently counted eight holy emblems that hold the age.

  Jiang Baimian of course would not be convinced of this approach, but I have to admit that it made her a little amused and a little more happy.

   "I remember that some sects and sects seem to be incompatible with water and fire, and there is a big contradiction." Bai Chen commented on Shang Jianyao's "Picture of Heavens Responsible for the Blessed Years" from a reasonable direction.

   "At this time, they don't account for so much." Shang Jian Yao answered "instead" the executives, with an extremely sincere expression.

  I don’t know if it really worked, or if the "higher unintentional person" had changed the breakthrough point. Then, by the early morning of the next day, the "old tune group" was not affected by hallucinations.

  Long Yuehong is very grateful for this. He doesn't think he can overcome the "death experience" brought by hallucinations.

  After the sun jumped out of the horizon, a member of the Robot Guard brought a number of auxiliary combat robots from Tarnan to prepare to replace the "old tune team" and watch a new day.

  After the handover, Long Yuehong breathed a sigh of relief, got on the car first, and turned the Jeep around.

  At this time, Shang Jianyao said to the member of the Robot Guard:


  "You are a man, and I am also a man;

  "You have attachments that cannot be let go, and I also have attachments that cannot be let go;

"and so……"

  Ha, what do you do with the robot using "inference clown" As soon as Long Yuehong flashed such an idea, he saw the member of the Robot Guard and its auxiliary robots disappear instantly!

  "This..." Long Yuehong's pupils suddenly enlarged. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

  The next second, he found that the Jeep was not facing Tarnan, but the intersection with the most mines!

  He glanced at left and right blankly, and saw that the sky was still dark, only the light bulbs that provided lighting for the wooden sign and the mirror were still on.

  Illusion...I don't know when we started to enter the illusion...Fortunately, Shang Jian Yao is a persistent person and didn't forget what to do... Soon, Long Yuehong came to his senses and exhaled like an afterthought.

  Bai Chen also had a similar reaction.

  Jiang Baimian looked around and nodded slightly:

   "This illusion is a bit powerful.

  "It can actually affect our sensory experience of the passage of time..."

   Before she finished speaking, she found that Shang Jianyao was lost in thought.

  "What are you thinking?" Jiang Baimian asked curiously.

  Shang Jianyao replied:

   "I'm wondering if I have made friends with him."

  (End of this chapter)

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