Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 47: "The devil opened his eyes"

Hearing Jiang Baimian's words, a look of surprise flashed across Song He's face.

   The question asked by the other party is very strange, and it has a clear direction. It seems that I want to explore something.

As a clergyman of the vigilant sect in the corner of Anan, although Song He has rich life experience and sufficient experience, his vision is ultimately limited to a small place such as Hongshiji. The top involves some personnel changes and doctrines of the sect. Disputes, little understanding of the ruins of the city separated by a mountain, which led him to understand that Jiang Baimian wanted to investigate a certain secret, but he could not guess.

  With many thoughts, Song He Kui laughed:

   "Frankly speaking, I only met DiMarco's great-grandfather Montis. At that time, I was just a small person. Hehe, now also, anyway, I have not been in contact with him more than five times.

   "He would leave the ark from time to time, come to the surface, and go to different places. As for where he went, I don't know.

  "Later, he converted to our sect and believed in the old age, he never went out of the ‘boat under the ground’ until he died.

   "The same goes for his sons and grandsons, that is, DiMarco's grandfather and father."

   may have been in the Red Stone Collection for too long, and occasionally need to use the Red River language to preach to the believers, and Song He's speech occasionally brings the grammatical features of this language.

  Uh, why did he convert to your sect and believe in the old age, he was forced to persuade... Jiang Baimian thought for a moment:

   "What kind of person is DiMarco's great-grandfather Montis?"

"I'm so arrogant, so dignified, and his eyes are very deterrent." Song He replied frankly, "His specific character, I have also said just now, I don't have much contact with him, I don't know too much. Starting with me, you might as well ask the old servants and guards of the Ark to look through Montis's collection. Maybe he has the habit of writing diaries?"

   Shang Jian Yao laughed:

   "A serious person..."

   His subsequent words were interrupted by Jiang Baimian:

   "If Montis hides a secret, he will definitely not record it in his diary, unless he wishes to inform others in the right time and in a suitable way."

   "What if he has a diary obsessive-compulsive disorder?" The honest businessman got up.

   Song He's expression has not changed, his tone is still gentle:

   "I just proposed a direction for the investigation."

   "I understand." Jiang Baimian said sincerely, "Thank you."

   Then, she bid farewell and took Shang Jianyao, Bai Chen and Long Yuehong to the door.

   saw that the Tao was close at hand, she suddenly turned around and asked casually:

   "Did your church send someone to check the book collection of ‘Ark Under the Ground’?"

After the establishment of the Ark Management Committee, the "Old Tune Team" actually did not let go of the underground book collections, but at that time they did not know that there was a Buddhist shrine in the ruins of Tieshan City next door. What kind of person "Di Marco" used to be, I'm not very interested in what experience I have had, and my focus is mainly on the part of the book about doomsday.

  —The ancestors of the DiMarco family were apocalyptic enthusiasts. For this reason, a subterranean ark was built, and the family's collection of books will naturally not lack corresponding content.

   Song He's eyes moved slightly, and he nodded gently:

"Sent a few clergy, because there are many technical materials and valuable books related to the old world civilization in the book collection of the "Ark below the Earth". This has a very important role for the future of the Red Stone Collection and for mankind to welcome the advent of the new world. .

   "This is the wealth left to us by our ancestors and humans in the old calendar."

   Speaking of this, Song He changed his words:

   "However, we didn't take any original copies, we just copied them."

   Another meaning of him is that there are many similar books, and the Vigilant Sect has taken away one or two of them.

   "Yeah." Jiang Baimian nodded slowly, "Is there any record worth paying attention to?"

   Song He shook his head.


   Inside the Ark, the second basement, the previous reception room.

   The "Old Tune Team" has found Ulrich, the steward of the front boat.

   "The first owner of the Ark, Di Marco's great-grandfather, Mr. Montis, what kind of person is it?" Jiang Baimian asked straightforwardly.

   Ulrich recalled for a few seconds, considering the words:

   "He died before I was born, but my grandfather was a deacon he appointed and mentioned him to me.

   "His personality is very similar to DiMarco in all aspects, but he is not so manic and tyrannical."

   That is because he has not been locked in the Ark for many years, unable to get out, and his psychology is completely distorted... Long Yuehong "helped" explained in his heart.

   "What about the circumstances other than the character?" Jiang Baimian asked.

   Ulrich looked at Shang Jian Yao, who was still wearing a monkey mask:

"He used to be a believer of an ancient religion in the old world, and he would often carry the "Holy Mantra" of that religion with him. Di Marco and his father and grandfather always wore old world clerical costumes. Their hobby was to receive him directly or indirectly. Come.

   "But he finally believed in the old age, joined the sect, and found peace in the last few years of his life."

   That's because the same person has a consistent clothing aesthetic tendency...Long Yuehong replied again in his heart.

   Religion... classics... Jiang Baimian muttered silently.

   Bai Chen asked:

   "Is the "Sacred Book" still in the library, the one that Montis always carries with him?"

   "Yes, the sect just took away a few other scriptures." Ulrich was quite sure.

  Because Shang Jianyao has reached the level of drowsiness and barely supporting, Jiang Baimian, who doesn't need to worry about the subject's deviation, said with an "um":

   "Do you know which books Mr. Montis reads most often? Does he keep a diary?"

   Ulrich shook his head:

  "He is not a person who likes to record.

   "Moreover, he and DiMarco's father, grandfather, and even DiMarco himself hate others for prying into privacy and never let people know their reading preferences."

   Jiang Baimian was silent for a few seconds, then asked:

   "By the way, the family autobiography we saw last time is still there?"

It was an autobiography compiled by the Di Marco family before the destruction of the old world. The "Old Tune Team" had previously turned over the part about the doomsday and the Ark, and found that the ancestor was indeed too enthusiastic to think about building the Ark. Instead of getting any news in advance.

   This time, Jiang Baimian decided to go over it again, carefully checking the skipped and rough scan a few times.

   "Yes." Ulrich replied calmly.


   is located in the library room on a certain floor of the boat below the ground.

   Ulrich picked up the "Holy Code" in a dark red cover that was placed on the middle desk, and handed it to Jiang Baimian:

   "This is the one that Mr. Montis often carries."

   Jiang Baimian took it with one hand, and looked at the surrounding bookshelves, and felt that this place was more like a library than a library.

   "You can go back and rest," she said to Ulrich.

   Ulrich did not insist on staying here, because he didn't know whether he was suitable for participating in the next thing.

   After Ulrich left the library, Jiang Baimian said to Long Yuehong, Bai Chen and Shang Jian Yao:

   "I read this "Sacred Book", you read those autobiography of the Di Marco family again, hey, if you are dizzy, you should sleep against the bookshelf for a while."

   "Okay." Shang Jianyao said with his eyes closed.

   He slowly slipped to the ground~www.readwn.com~ and fell asleep on the spot.

   It's really informal... Long Yuehong mumbled and picked up a book of autobiography Ulrich sent to the desk.

   Time passed quietly, accompanied by a slight rustling of books.

   I don’t know how long it took, Jiang Baimian saw the part about **** and the devil in "The Holy Code".

   Suddenly, she found that in the blank space at the bottom of a page, someone wrote a paragraph in dark blue ink.

   The discourse composed of Honghe text is:

   "I woke up from the darkness, and the devil opened his eyes."

   I don’t know why, but Jiang Baimian’s back is a little bit cold because of the slightly scribbled sentence.

   She quickly flipped over the back part, but couldn't find a new "comment".

   There seems to be only such an extra "content" in the entire "Sacred Code".

"Look at this." Jiang Baimian greeted Long Yuehong and Bai Chen to come over, while speculating, "After the destruction of the old world, the words that Montis left when he woke up in the Ark for the first time? I have already figured out what abilities I have acquired, and my mood is complicated and difficult to contain, so I wrote this sentence and feel like I have become a devil?"

  Long Yuehong was about to get up and walked to the group leader, his eyes suddenly swept to the last sentence of his autobiography:

   "In order to develop the family construction business, the eldest son Montis was sent to the neighboring country Tieshan City to participate in the tender for the renovation of the old city..."

  Long Yuehong's pupils dilated and blurted out:

   "Team leader!

   "Montis has been to Iron Mountain City! Before the destruction of the old world!"

   There really is a certain connection between the two!

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