Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 48: 寤meisifu

Fall in love with you reading book net, long night after fire

  Long Yuehong's words echoed in the library, like thunders, which exploded in the hearts of Jiang Baimian and Bai Chen.

   The first owner of "Ark below the Earth", Montis, who is suspected of being the deity of Di Marco, has actually been to Tieshan City!

   To Jiang Baimian's surprise, he did not go in the chaotic era, but before the destruction of the old world.

   Jiang Baimian stood up, walked to the side of Long Yuehong, and took the autobiography in his hand.

   After reading it several times, Jiang Baimian said to Long Yuehong and Bai Chen in surprise:

   "Let's find out when Montis came back, where he was in Tieshan City, and what he did."

   The three of them buried their heads and turned over the autobiography.

   This time, they didn't even filter the punctuation marks.

   I don’t know how long it took, Jiang Baimian and others finally extracted all the content about Montis in the autobiography.

   In the era when he was writing his autobiography, he was not the owner of the family, but he inherited the eldest son who was in the top rank, so his various activities did not take up much space. He was only mentioned occasionally when recording other things.

Regarding Montis’s participation in the tender for the renovation of the old city in neighboring Tieshan City, this family autobiography did not say whether it was successful or not, but Jiang Baimian judged that Montis participated in other family affairs after more than a year. It should be a successful bidding, and I stayed in Tieshan City for a long time.

"Montis was later sent to take charge of the construction of landmarks in the city until the destruction of the Old World... This shows that he left Iron Mountain City a few years before the destruction of the Old World... The'Second Iron Mountain Food Company' was in the old world. Is there a certain weirdness in the world?" Jiang Baimian made a reasonable guess.

This kind of city corresponding to the ruins of the Redstone Market is a fairly developed place in the old world. It is mentioned in the autobiography that the labor cost is very high and the efficiency is low, and the construction of various large-scale projects is no longer fast. Years are really normal.

   "And the "boat under the ground" was built many years before he went to Tieshan City, obviously it has nothing to do with the strangeness of the Second Food Company." Bai Chen felt that things still couldn't really be connected.

   discussed for a while, Jiang Baimian turned his wrist and looked at the electronic watch, covered his mouth and yawned:

   "It's a bit late, let's go back to bed and continue tomorrow morning."

   She feels that there are so many books here that they can’t be done in one battle. Now that some progress has been made, it is better to take a good rest, replenish the spirit, and fight again tomorrow morning.

  Bai Chen and Long Yuehong glanced at the words written by Montis or someone else in the "Sacred Code", and they would not think of new ideas for a while, so they agreed with Jiang Baimian's proposal.

   Jiang Baimian walked a few steps aside, bent down, grabbed his left hand, and directly lifted Shang Jian Yao, letting him lean on himself and accept the support.

   This guy didn't mean to wake up at all.

   Long Yuehong, who wanted to volunteer to help, suddenly flashed a thought and closed her open mouth again.

  The group of four went back to the second basement floor, and came to the two rooms arranged by Ulrich.

   These are both between the two, Jiang Baimian specifically requested to ensure that they can take care of each other.

   "Go back to your room and rest. Try not to get up at night. If you really need it, wake up the other person and never act alone." Before the separation, Jiang Baimian habitually exhorted.

   The bathroom of the double room is outside.

   "Okay." Bai Chen agreed.

   "Yes, group leader." Long Yuehong's heart was pounding when she answered.

   Although this kind of grouping is a habit of the "old tune group" for a long time, and everyone has adapted to it, it is too familiar, and there is nothing to be embarrassed about, but Long Yuehong still feels that it is different now.

   The mentality is different.

   Since he recovered from his injury, he has never slept in the same room with Xiaobai again.

——From the beginning of the city back to "Pangu Creatures", on the way from "Pangu Creatures" to Redstone, the "Old Tune Team" only occasionally find settlements to supplement supplies. They have never stayed in a hotel or rented a room, even No tents have been set up, all in pairs, sleeping in jeep in turn.

   Under the gaze of "all eyes", there is no doubt that it does not feel like sleeping in the same room.

Long Yuehong originally thought that after everyone grew up, the team leader would re-adjust the grouping, and no longer match men and women, so as not to keep everyone uncomfortable. After all, the old situation and the new one no longer exist, and he can barely bear it. Looking at Shang Jian Yao's responsibilities, who knows Jiang Baimian seems to have forgotten this matter and never mentioned it again.

  Long Yuehong didn't take the initiative to help Jiang Baimian help the businessman to meet Yao, but was suddenly afraid of the other party and remembered to adjust the group.

   entered the room, Long Yuehong turned his head to look at Bai Chen:

   "Which bed do you sleep?"

   "It's all the same." Bai Chen took off the tactical backpack behind him and threw it on the bed on the right.

   "Oh oh." Long Yuehong walked to the left side of the bed and sat down.

   At this time, he saw Bai Chen take off his coat.

  Although this is a common sight before, Bai Chen also wears a long-sleeved camouflage T-shirt in it, which is impossible to expose, but Long Yuehong still feels uncomfortable inexplicably, clearing her throat inaudibly, and casting her gaze to the side.

   "Don't you go to wash?" Bai Chen took out the toiletries.

   "Oh oh." Long Yuehong stood up abruptly, rummaging around.

   can openers, iron combs and other items popped up from time to time, and were taken back.

   After finishing all these things, they lay down on the bed. Long Yuehong opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling shrouded in darkness, unable to sleep for a long time.

   He didn't know when he fell asleep, he woke up in the middle of the night.

   may be because she has been a little nervous, Long Yuehong feels more urinary.

   He heard Bai Chen breathe long, apparently sleeping soundly, and didn't want to wake her up, so he had to toss and turn, trying to hold back.

   He lay on his side for a while, on his back for a while, then lay on his side in the other direction for a while, constantly adjusting his posture, looking for the least uncomfortable state.

   Suddenly, he heard a rustling voice from Bai Chen.

   "Are you awake? I want to go to the bathroom." Bai Chen said.

   "Okay." Long Yue turned over and sat up in red.

   The two got together, put on their weapons, left the room, and came to the next door.

   "You go first." Long Yuehong pointed to the bathroom door with a gentlemanly demeanor.

   Bai Chen didn't refuse, and walked in quickly.

   As her figure disappeared in front of her eyes, Long Yuehong suddenly felt the wind in the corridor cold and cold, and only a few wall lamps were turned on and dim and dim.

   He remembered the situation during the battle against Di Marco-in the gloomy atmosphere of horror, he was invaded by a ghost and could hardly control his body.

   Di Marco will not have a little breath left, and exist in a ghost-like state, floating in the "boat below the ground", right? Long Yuehong became more afraid as she thought about it, there was always a feeling of someone watching her in secret.

   He rolled his eyes, slowly turned his body sideways, and carefully looked back.

   The next second, he saw a pair of eyes.

   The eyes that come out from behind the monkey mask.

  Long Yuehong calmed the beating heart, and blurted out:

   "Why don't you have a voice?"

   "It will noisy others." Shang Jianyao explained in a suppressed voice.

   "..." Long Yuehong couldn't care, "Why did you wake up?"

   "Sleep for too long, I need to go to the bathroom." Shang Jian Yao was righteous.

   "Why are you alone, group leader?" Long Yuehong frowned and asked.

   "At this distance, she can rely on induction, she doesn't need to get up at all." Shang Jian Yaohun replied indifferently.

   He turned to ask:

   "Did you find anything in the library before?"

   "Yes." As soon as Long Yuehong answered, Bai Chen walked out of the bathroom and said, "It's your turn."

   "Wait a minute, let me talk about what I found first." Shang Jianyao took off the monkey mask and looked curious.

   Panicked Long Yuehong took a breath, gritted his teeth, and decided to finish the speech quickly.

   "Let me come." Bai Chen walked between him and Shang Jianyao.

   "Okay." Long Yuehong was inexplicably happy.

   After he finished urinating and washing his hands out, Bai Chen had already told Shang Jian Yao the general situation.

   Shang Jian Yao rubbed his chin and said to himself:

   "Montis thought he was possessed by the devil? He didn't know it was an awakening?"

   "He probably hadn't been exposed to related concepts at the time." Long Yuehong expressed his opinion.

   Seeing Yao did not answer, Shang hurried into the bathroom.


   The next morning, the "old tune group" who had had breakfast once again came to the library in the "boat below the ground".

   Shang Jian Yao did not go to Montis’s "Holy Code" and the DiMarco family’s autobiography, looked at Ulrich~www.readwn.com~ and asked sincerely:

   "Are there any occult books here?"

   "There are some." Ulrich replied, "Although Mr. Montis is a devout believer and doesn't like occultism at all, some of his parents and grandparents love this, and they have brought back up books to the Ark."

   "Take me to see." Shang Jianyao said bluntly.

   After listening to the conversation between the two, Jiang Baimian said thoughtfully:

   "Do you suspect that Montis thought he was possessed by the devil and tried to find the corresponding source and solution from the occult?"

   Papa, Shang Jian Yao clapped his hands.

   In the morning, he was refreshed and in good condition. He couldn't see that he was suffering from mental damage.

   Soon, he, Ulrich and Long Yuehong moved back to the three stacks of occult books.

   When Ulrich left, the four members of the "Old Tune Team" divided the work and worked together, and each was responsible for part of the inspection.

   flipped through, Long Yuehong found out:

   Some words and sentences in the book were drawn with blue and black pens at the bottom.

   He immediately reported the situation, and Jiang Baimian, Shang Jianyao, and Bai Chen successively stated that the books in their hands also had similar conditions.

   After comparison, they found that the words and sentences that were drawn are related to spirit, soul, and spirituality.

   This involves different occult theories, including ether theory, animism, etc.

   As the inspection progressed, Bai Chen found new clues at the end of a certain book.

   The blue and black pen wrote a word with very heavy strokes in the blank area:

   "The price?"

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