Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 51: Friendly hands

Fall in love with you reading book net, long night after fire

   Long Yuehong and Bai Chen couldn't answer, but Pudu Zen Master Shang Jian Yao looked quite familiar.

   He raised his left palm and whispered the Buddha's name:

   "Nanwu Azi Duoruo Sanhao Sanbodhi, we generally call this Su Hui.

   "Perhaps Montis was a Buddhism in his last life. He fell into a sea of ​​suffering, reincarnated time and time again, until he was awakened, and then he slowly remembered his past and present life."

  Although he knew that this guy was running the train with his mouth full, Jiang Baimian thought about it seriously with the spirit of seeking truth from facts:

  "Does not rule out the situation you mentioned, but it may be very small.

  "So far, only'Fate Link' has demonstrated the potential to accomplish this kind of things, but it has not eliminated the side of its own memory waiting to be awakened.

   "Unless the ‘Bodhi’ realm still has abilities similar to the ‘Fate Link’ but with different details, otherwise..."

   Jiang Baimian did not continue:

  "The two feasible directions currently are:

  "One, finish turning over the remaining books, this will be tomorrow morning; two, enter the ruins of Tieshan City to see if there are any clues left there.

   "If you have time tomorrow, you can visit the bishop of the Vigilant Church and the local Hunter Guild to see if they have collected more information about the ruins of Tieshan City.

   "It won't be a bad thing to be more prepared in this regard.

   "Okay, go back to sleep and stay refreshed."


   The next morning, two modified vehicles drove into the Redstone Market.

   "Why don't you see people here?" Bai Chen's former companion Zug poked his head out of the car window and looked at the surrounding or collapsed or abandoned buildings.

   He glanced at it and felt that he had come to a ruin that had not been explored for a long time, rather than a well-known smuggling node. The only thing with a sense of life here was the plants that raised the fresh green in spring.

   "This is a characteristic of the Vigilant Sect. The townspeople of Hongshiji seem to have integrated their faith into their lives." The old man sitting next to Shao Liang, a young man in a flower shirt, said with a smile.

   He is also a gray man, his hair is thin enough to see the oily skin, the wrinkles on his face are not too exaggerated, the corners of his mouth are always smiling, and he looks amiable.

   "Archbishop, do you mean..." Zug asked respectfully but not humblely.

  Although he also believes in "You Gu," he actually doesn't know much about the Vigilant Sect and the Fear Sect. If it hadn't been for the recent mission to the south, and promote the importance of friendliness and trust, he just happened to be on the way and didn't want to attend the inexplicable general education meeting.

   Before Zug had finished speaking, he suddenly sensed, turned his head abruptly, and cast his gaze on a high-rise building that was still intact.

   "There are people there." He acted as if he encountered a kind neighbor while walking. Although a little surprised, he was more joyful.

   The old man called the Archbishop nodded, saying that Zug's discovery was okay.

   "I'll go over to say hello and ask for the next way." Zug pushed the car door confidently and walked on.

  —Mu, a woman with smokey makeup, sooner or later said that there was someone nearby in Zug, and stopped the car to the side of the road.

   "Hi, friends in the building, we are here..." Zug waved his right hand as he walked to the tall building and climbed the steps leading to the door.

   Just then, a dark grenade was thrown out.

   Zug's pupils dilated.

   With his rich experience, he leaped to the side, flew out of the steps, and shrank to a sheltered place.


   In the sound of the explosion, Zug felt the wall of the steps he was close to tremble violently.

   Then, he found that the person in the building had escaped from his sensing range in the opposite direction and escaped.

   "We are not malicious! Hey, we are here to make friends!" Zug shouted a few times, but no one responded.

   He had to walk back to the modified vehicle and looked at the old man with his body:

   "Archbishop, why don't you stop him?

   "He probably hasn't run out of your sensing range yet."

   Archbishop shook his head and smiled:

   "This is not polite enough.

   "We must first show our kindness in doing things, and believe that emotions can be shared.

   "Say, believe in each other."

   The conversation between him and Zug didn't have a particularly strong sense of superiority and inferiority.

   Chuge heard the words and expressed his understanding:

  "Jealousy is not a new world.

   "Then let's move on, find other townspeople to ask for directions, and use sincerity to dispel their excessive vigilance?"

  Since he joined the "Friendly Hand", he has become accustomed to being kindly treated as donkey liver and lungs. After all, people like them are alien on the dust.

   The archbishop nodded with satisfaction.

   Zug opened the car door, sat back in the co-pilot, and said thoughtfully:

  "We simply went around the lake and found the farmland cultivated by Hongshiji.

   "Now is the season of planting and farming, there must be people over there, and it is not easy to hide."

   Mu Chi and Shao Liang agreed with his proposal.

   I don’t know how long it took, three vehicles finally went around the lake near the northwest of Hongshiji and saw a lot of farmland reclaimed here.

   There are many figures busy in the farmland.

   When they found that Zug and the others approached, they gathered at the predetermined place in a disciplined manner. Some hid behind the simple fortifications, and some stood outside, observing the subsequent changes and posing a gesture of communication.

   Seeing this scene, Zug almost wiped his eyes moved.

   This is normal vigilance!

   The people in the ruins of the city just now were extremely mentally ill!

   Well, the only question is, do you all have to wear masks?

   "We want to ask for directions." Zug waved his hand outside, expressing his intentions.

   He learned the previous lesson, shortened the sentence, and quickly said it in Dussy and Honghe.

   Among the group of "farmers," a man wearing an indigo theatrical mask summoned up his courage, took a few steps forward, and asked in Honghe language:

   "Where do you want to go?"

   "Be wary of the church." Zug responded loudly.

   The man breathed a sigh of relief, and it was no surprise that the church was wary of strangers looking for it.

   He pointed to the southeast and said:

  "Go straight along this road, and when you fast into the ruins, you can see the church.

   "If you accidentally turn off the road and look for it in the surrounding farmland, we still have many people busy over there, so I can correct your route."

   "Thank you!" Zug trumpeted his hands and placed it to his mouth.

  He then asked again:

   "How many powers does Redstone Set have now?"

  "The original Greyspeakers, the Honghe people and our people in the ‘boat below the ground’.

   "But everyone believes in'You Gu' and obeys the orders of the church."

   Zug smiled relievedly.

   He suddenly turned his body, turned his back to the group of people "under the boat", and praised sincerely:

   "Single is weak, but the group is strong."

   This is the etiquette of "friendly hands", which means trusting the other party and willing to hand it over to them.

   asked again what is "a boat below the ground", Zug waved goodbye to the group of people and walked back to the car.

   The archbishop in the back row retracted his gaze to look outside, and said:

   "The one in the'Boat Below the Ground' is not a simple character."

Shao Liang, a young man in a flower shirt, smiled and said:

   "Can you have a great bishop?"

The archbishop was silent for a few seconds and said:

   "This is very possible.

   "It's just that his state is not too right."

   The driving Muchi didn't expect the owner of "Ark Below the Ground" to be so powerful, he blurted out and asked:

   "Is he a vigilant sect, a fearful bishop?"

   "No, he is just an ordinary believer." The archbishop replied simply.

   Hearing this, Zug twisted his head:

   "Archbishop, you are very familiar with "Ark below the Earth"..."

  The Archbishop smiled kindly:

   "When I was young, I would have heard about the owner of the Ark from the "Hand of God" at the time, so I ran over and stayed for a while."

   "Then you must know where the vigilant church is..." Zug said in amazement.

   I don’t need to ask someone for directions at all!

Archbishop    smiled:

   "This is all forty or fifty years ago, I am so old, how can I remember the specific path?"

   During the exchange of several people, two modified vehicles drove to the vigilance church.

   just drove for a while, and they saw that the original outskirts of the barren fields had been reclaimed, and many people were working.

   The archbishop thought about this and ordered Zug:

  "Go and ask in detail about the situation of the'boat below the ground'.

   "Hey, I don't know how that old friend is now..."

   Zug immediately agreed, and when the car stopped, he pushed out the door, and found a girl wearing a ghost mask nearby.

   Considering that the other party is a vigilant sect, he deliberately kept a sufficient distance and asked in a loud voice:

   "Are you from the "Ark Below the Earth"?"

   "Yes." The girl didn't deliberately amplify her voice, and Zug could barely hear her clearly.

  Because the other party spoke in gray soil, he changed back to his native language and continued to ask:

   "Who is the current owner of the Ark?"

   "Master?" The girl said in confusion, "There is no master, now the management committee is in charge."

   Ah...Zug almost doubted his ears, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com couldn't help but walked forward two steps, scared the girl back again and again, scared the surrounding "farmers" quickly came to support, drew guns from different places.

   Zug raised his hands without paying attention to the image:

   "Where is the original owner of the Ark, extinct?"

   "It was overthrown and died in the hands of our five presidents." The girl's voice was a little proud.

   Zug's eyes moved slightly, resisting the urge to question, and returned to the car.

   He repeated what he had just learned.

   "The owner of the Ark was actually killed..." The archbishop was obviously a little shocked.

   Shao Liang, a young man in a flower shirt, doesn’t have a clear idea of ​​how strong Fang Zhou’s original owner is. He just sneered and said:

   "Be wary of the church, just watch those five people deal with their followers?"

   "Well, this matter seems a bit complicated, we went to the vigilance church and asked it carefully." The archbishop has suppressed his redundant expression.

   The vehicle continued to move forward. Not long after, Zug and others finally arrived at the Vigilance Church.

   They walked into the blood-red hall with a little gold under the gaze of a pair of eyes hidden in the dark.

   "This color is too..." As a believer of "You Gu", Shao Liang, a young man in a flower shirt, barely resisted the ridicule of the aesthetics of the same sect.

   Zug saw four familiar figures.

   They just entered the elevator and went down.

   "Bai Chen and the others?" Zug stared for a while and nodded slightly.

   He intends to wait to say hello, if the other party will return to the lobby.

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