Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 52: Another group of people

The archbishop of "Friendly Hand" brought Zug, Shao Liang, Muchi and others, and saw the local bishop Antoniola under the sacred emblem of vigilance.

   The clergyman, who is more than 1.8 meters tall, wears a black cloak, and a minimalist mask, has no grass on his head, and looks quite strong, raising his arms, crossing his chest, and taking a step back:

  "Vigilance is a reminder of God.

   "Archbishop Dello, your room has been arranged."

The thin-haired Archbishop Dello wanted to give Antoniola a hug in accordance with the most formal and sincere etiquette of "Friendly Hand", but seeing his unabashed vigilance, he had to turn his body and show his back to the opponent. , And use the Red River language:

   "Be kind to people and trust each other."

   The differences between the two sects are immediately obvious.

   Moreover, this is different from the Vigilant Sect and the Fear Sect in terms of doctrinal focus. The "Friendly Hand" is completely new and has no similarities with the other two.

   The only thing in common is that the "Friendly Hand" also believes in the "You Gu" who is old in October.

   If the vigilant sect and the fear sect were born from the same source, then the "friendly hand" was picked up outside.

   This is also slightly equal to the fact in a sense.

――In the chaotic age, the "friendly hands" originated from the people who needed to unite against the "unintentional" and various aberrant creatures. Those people relied on watchful help, sincere cooperation, and barely opened a **** path and opened up a different way. The settlements spread this belief in "You Gu".

   The concept of "friendly hands" and the "Salvation Army" have something in essence in common, and the two sides do have a long and close cooperation.

   It was not until the 10th year of the new calendar that the "Friendly Hand" regularly sent people to participate in the general education meeting between the vigilant sect and the fear sect due to the oracle of the "yougu".

   It is precisely because of their existence that the vigilant sect and the fear sect did not repeat the previous few disputes to the big fight, almost killing red eyes.

   To use Zug's self-deprecating words on the road:

   The old age cannot bear that his followers suffered unnecessary casualties due to a little doctrinal dispute, so they sent someone with a "friendly hand" to persuade him.

   When the people who followed him turned around, turned their backs to the Bishop of the Vigilant Sect, Antoniola finished the salute, and Dello, the Archbishop of the "Friendly Hand", had a gentle attitude, and said in a soothing tone:

   "I have been to Hongshiji once, and I have been in contact with the "Ship Below the Ground", which is considered an old friend.

   "I don't know how he is now, can you let me pay a visit?"

  Antonio pulled on a white minimalist mask and said in a deep voice:

   "Di Marco is dead, and the owner of the ‘Ark under the Earth’ has changed."

   "You did it?" Dello acted as if he had heard about this for the first time.

   Antoniola shook his head:


   "There are five outsiders."

   "Are they also old believers?" Dello asked "surprised".

   Antoniola shook his head again:

   "I don't know their beliefs well, but they are definitely not old-fashioned believers. They don't usually live in Hongshiji, and only come here occasionally.

   "Actually, you should have seen them just now. When you entered the church, they just left the hall and returned to the ground."

   "..." After thinking about it seriously, Zug next to him found out that Bishop Antoniola was talking about the four of Bai Chen.


   They killed an Awakened who was considered by Archbishop Dello to be stronger than him?

   When was Bai Chen so good?

   Although her companions seem to be from a big power, they are not so strong, right?

too young……

   Thoughts flickered, Zug with instinctive suspicion, asked:

   "Your Excellency, didn't you say that there were five people who killed the original owner of the Ark Below the Earth?

   "There were only four we saw just now..."

   Antonio La did not conceal:

   "There is another intelligent robot, but I didn't come this time."

   The intelligent robot Bai Chen? Zug felt that things were right.

   But he still didn't want to believe it.

   How many years have passed before Bai Chen has grown to the point where he needs to look up, and has joined a team of unfathomable strength? Moreover, in these years, I am not without gains, it is a far cry from the beginning.

   Archbishop Dello pondered and asked:

   "Which intelligent robot is the main force?"

   Yes, intelligent robots are very restrained from awakened people in certain fields, even if the other party has entered the "corridor of the soul"... After remembering this, Zug subconsciously sighed and felt that it was reasonable.

   "I don't know, I didn't participate, and no surveillance video was left at the scene." Antoniola replied calmly.

   "Friendly Hand" Archbishop Dello sees this, and can no longer contain his doubts:

   "They are outsiders and don't believe in old age. You just watched them break into the ground of the church and kill the owner of the ark?

   "The owner of the Ark is a faithful believer."

   Even their own sect, which is known for its friendliness, can't do this kind of hacking!

  Antoniola's voice lowered unconsciously:

   "I have acquiesced in the old age."

   Dello was shocked and looked around:

  "The boss acquiesced in killing the owner of the Ark?

   "Then why don't you do it yourself? With the strength of your sect, it is more than enough to accomplish this.

   "The incident happened suddenly, too late to ask for the support of the fearful bishops?"

   Antoniola did not answer anything, but raised his hand again and saluted:

   "Vigilance is a reminder of God."


   In the afternoon, the "old tune group" followed another smuggling team and went deep into Tieshan.

They had already screened the remaining books in the Ark in the morning and found no more valuable clues. In addition, they took time to visit the Vigilance Church, visited the warning person Song He and Bishop Antoniola, and obtained some Iron Mountain City from them. Information on the ruins.

   The meeting place agreed upon by the management committee of the "boat below the ground" and the mountain monsters was at the corner of a mountain road.

   There is a cliff on one side and a cliff on the other side. The terrain is very steep.

For the mountain monsters, once the smugglers show hostility, the companions hiding on the cliffs will push the boulders down and mess up the situation, while others rely on their talents to climb down the cliffs and disappear into the dense forest. .

   The four members of the "Old Tune Team" got off the jeep one after another and waited by the car.

   After about ten minutes, a group of mountain monsters with bluish complexion, sharp teeth, and green fangs, swung vines, and flew down from the cliff.

   Like the murlocs, they were also vigilant enough, and after a little inspection, they found that there were four more strangers this time.

   Before they could speak, Shang Jian Yao had raised the blue and white loudspeaker and shouted weakly:

"do not worry:

   "You are human, we are human;

   "You are here to trade resources, and we are also here to trade resources;


   In order to save the spirit, this time Shang Jian Yao uses the "inference clown" he is more familiar with.

  The mountain monsters were instantly "persuaded", nominated a representative, and asked:

   "What resource do you want to trade?"

   He uses a grayish language with a dialect touch.

   Jiang Baimian went up the first two trails:

   "We exchanged three boxes of flour for information about the ruins of Tieshan City."

   These three boxes of flour were exchanged from the "boat below the ground" with surplus munitions.

The representative of   Mountain Monster was stunned for several seconds before saying:

"Just ask."

   Jiang Baimian starts with the simplest question:

   "Have your tribe explored the ruins of Tieshan City in the chaotic age?"

  "In the beginning, it didn't. It was too dangerous. After the ‘unintentional’ was cleared a lot, our elders tried to search for food~www.readwn.com~ The representative of the mountain monster answered quite skillfully.

   Jiang Baimian immediately asked:

   "Did your elders encounter any weird things there? Have you collected useful items or information?"

  The mountain monster shook his head like a rattle:

   "For a long time, we have been mainly looking for food, clothes and quilts. Other items that we occasionally moved back were sold out after someone went up the mountain to trade.

   "Uh...There were many powerful'unintentional people' in the ruins of Tieshan City at that time, possessing terrifying abilities, we only dared to walk around, and there was nothing weird about other places."

   Jiang Baimian thought for a while and said:

   "Have you brought back newspapers, magazines, and books?"

   Generally speaking, unless you encounter scholars who study the old world, it is difficult to trade such items.

  The mountain monster represents the bluish face with a slightly strange expression:

   "Yes, there are. We use them to make fires, paste walls, mattresses in the local shop, and make teaching materials for children.

   "But someone asked about this two days ago, and looked at it on the spot, and didn't pick out any book."

   Someone asked? Just two days ago? Jiang Baimian's eyes suddenly became sharp:

"Which people?"

  Shang Jian Yao followed, "shocked" and distressed:

   "You guys, you are not vigilant enough!

   "How can you bring a stranger back to the place of the tribe?"

   The mountain monsters were silent at the same time, and it seemed that it wasn't until this moment that they realized that this was a very serious problem.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. Apex novel mobile version reading URL:

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