Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 54: Recovered data

The magazine in Bai Chen's hand no longer had a cover and many pages in front, and it looked tattered. She had even seen the title from the header.

   "Feed the journal found in that psychological shadow." Bai Chen handed the magazine in his hand to Jiang Baimian.

   The paper used in this magazine is very good. Even after decades, the yellowing and brittleness is not serious, and it feels tough and slippery.

   "Lin Broken?" Jiang Baimian did not conceal his surprise. He took over the "People" journal and quickly browsed only a half of the interview.

   In the interview, the young woman called a genius scientist mainly talked about her outlook on life, world outlook, and values, without mentioning what she is currently researching or where she works.

   After a simple translation, Jiang Baimian thinks this is a very normal old world scientist, and there is nothing worthy of attention.

   You need to know that before the destruction of the old world, every big country had advanced science and technology, and even if there were not one hundred people who could be called scientists and very young people, they would definitely exceed fifty. Not every one of them would join the nine major research institute projects.

   Jiang Baimian settled down and decided to read the interview from beginning to end for confirmation.

   Anyway, there is only a small part of this interview, and all the text does not exceed six thousand.

   While reading word by word, Jiang Baimian's expression became a little serious.

   She discovered that when Lin Sui was talking about her own worldview, she said something like this:

   "Many previous sci-fi works have uploaded human consciousness and memory to computers and virtual networks. In my opinion, this may be a prophecy...

"The human beings in the future may exist in the form of conscious life. As long as they are backed up, even death is not the end of everything. But this requires us to construct a corresponding philosophy to solve the problem that I am me. At the beginning Just put the ethical contradiction between the body and the backup under control..."

   These few words that seemed to be imagining the future made Jiang Baimian a noun in his mind:

   "Eternal Life" project!

   Is Lin Sui one of the hosts of the "Eternal Life" project, the chief scientist of a certain research institute? Jiang Baimian suppressed his excitement, read the interview sentence by sentence, and then pointed out the corresponding content to Long Yuehong and Bai Chen.

   Long Yuehong, who was deeply impressed by the mechanical monks and the "immortal man", easily understood what the team leader wanted to express, and sighed with regret:

   "This magazine is so badly flawed that there are no introductions, otherwise we can know where Lin Sui is from, what school he attended, and what institution he worked for later..."

The information mentioned by Long Yuehong that it is useless may be really useless, and that it is useful may involve very key secrets, which makes people creepy and sweaty just to see it. For example, if Lin Suiyi is a native of Tieshan City, there is Where are the immediate family members working for the Second Food Company? For example, did she once studied at the No. 1 Senior High School in Bingyuan Taicheng?

   If she is suspected to be one of the hosts of the "Eternal Life" project, if she has a connection with the Buddhist Holy Land, then the matter is really intriguing.

  ――At present, most "immortal people" have converted to Buddhism, believe in "Bodhi" or "Zhuang Sheng", and call the original research base as Liuli Pure Land!

   "First of all, we ruled out the possibility that Lin Sui was a vegetative." It was Shang Jian Yao who woke up at some point.

   This conclusion is obvious, because this journal was published a week before the destruction of the old world.

   Jiang Baimian gave a "um":

   "She doesn't seem to have anything to do with Fan Wensi and Li Jinlong in the ruins of the steel factory.

   "I'm thinking, will there be clues about her in the Liuli Pure Land of the Order of the Monks..."

   Shang Jian Yao was instantly excited:

   "If I have a chance, I can try to join the monks' order and mix into their glazed pure land."

   He seems to want Zen Master Purdue to live up to his name.

   After an exchange for a while, several members of the "Old Tune Team" continued to read other books, newspapers and magazines.

   Approaching the evening, they completed the filtering and found no more clues.

When    left the cliff camp, Shang Jianyao cheered up and used words to lift the previous "thought guidance" effect, lest the mountain monsters here are too warm and hospitable and attract malicious people.

   All members of the "Old Tune Team" have to admit that in this kind of place and in this environment, vigilance is the best choice.


   After returning to the Ark, Bai Chen and others were delighted to find that Gnawa had arrived.

   This intelligent robot is cleaning up the dust from his body.

   "You didn't drive?" Long Yuehong was quite surprised.

   Genava replied with a slightly synthetic baritone:

   "If I drive an electric car, I will consume electricity, and the car will also consume electricity. It's better to hurry on the road with a solar charging board on my back. This can save energy and the speed will not be too slow.

   "If you drive a petrol car, you need to go around a big circle and spend more time in order to ensure the supply of gasoline."

   After careful and rigorous calculations, he concluded that "walking" is the most energy-saving way.

   "Old Ge, you can't do this!" Shang Jian Yao was heartbroken.

   "Why?" Gnawa expressed puzzlement.

   Shang Jian Yao explained seriously:

  "As a human being, we must learn to be lazy and enjoy, this is the driving force of technological progress.

   "I know, you don't feel tired, but you have to pretend, or you won't be gregarious!"

when! Gnawa shook his right and punched his left palm:

"I see!

   "Disadvantages can make you more like a person."

   "You were alone." Bai Chen interrupted.

  In order to prevent Gnawa from going astray, Jiang Baimian decided to interrupt Shang Jianyao's useless thinking guidance.

   She cleared her throat and said:

   "Old grid, are the equipment ready?"

   "You can repair and extract data." Gnawa pointed to the tactical backpack behind him.

   Jiang Baimian immediately took out the two mobile phones from the ruins of the steel factory and handed them to Gnawa:

   "Let’s start now."

   Genava immediately entered the working state.

   Waiting until the next morning, he took the printed document and gave out:

  "The two phones started to store data two years before the destruction of the old world, but some old photos were imported.

  "Only a few of these photos have been restored, and they are all photos of a family of three.

  "Only a few recurring words were extracted from the rest of the data. They are:

   "Renhui Hospital, Harbor Home, rent, progress..."

  Renhui Hospital...Where did Fan Wensi and Li Jinlong's son who became a vegetative volunteer participate in a new type of treatment? Jiang Baimian asked thoughtfully:

   "Didn't you mention the specific location? Hospitals and communities with similar names exist in many cities in the old world."

   "It has been physically damaged and cannot be recovered." Gnawa expressed regret.

  Bai Chen grasped another detail:

   "Did the two phones start storing data at the same time?"

   "Yes." Gnawa gave an affirmative answer.

   "How could Fan Wensi and Li Jinlong suddenly change their phones to new phones at the same time?" Bai Chen wanted to express whether there was any hidden reason behind this.

   And this may be a clue.

   "Isn't it normal to buy one for yourself when buying a gift for your lover?" Shang Jianyao, who values ​​feelings, thinks this is not hard to understand.

   Then, honestly he retorted:

   "It was obvious that they received a large amount of compensation after their son was bumped into a vegetable."

   "The time doesn't match, it's at least a year in between." Long Yuehong shook his head in denial.

Although they have not yet been able to determine when Fan Wensi and Li Jinlong’s sons were in a car accident and were knocked into a vegetative state, judging from the term "years" in the medical records, it should be three years or more before the destruction of the Old World, and Fan Wensi, Li Jinlong changed his mobile phone at the same time two years before the destruction of the old world.

   Honest Shang Jian Yao gave his reasons:

"In the first year or two before receiving compensation, they did not dare to consume, frugal, and spent all the money on the rehabilitation of their son. It was only after they found that he really couldn't wake up and had to try new free treatments. I remembered that my phone was almost completely broken."

   This is a very reasonable explanation, so reasonable that Jiang Baimian, Long Yuehong and Bai Chen were silent.

   Gnawa glanced at each side and decided to remain silent.

   After a long while, Jiang Baimian sighed and said:

  "If Renhui Hospital is the place where Fan Wensi and Li Jinlong’s sons receive new types of treatment, then Gangwan Homes is likely to be the community where they rented. This can be confirmed from the side of the term ‘rental’.

   "Think about it, your son, uh, you don't have a son yet. In short, after your relatives are sent to a certain hospital for a new type of treatment, will you rent a house nearby and visit regularly?"

   "Yes!" Although there is no son, Gnawa had a daughter, and the answer was categorical.

   Long Yuehong imagined such a scene:

   "But why did Fan Wensi and Li Jinlong return to the steel plant?"

As soon as   's words fell, Long Yuehong thought of an explanation:

   After discovering that the new treatment seemed to have no effect, their hope was completely shattered...

   Jiang Baimian shook his head:

   "The destruction of the old world was not long before the Spring Festival. It is normal for Fan Wensi and Li Jinlong to go back to their hometown to see their relatives."

   "Indeed." As a duster, Long Yuehong understood very well.

   exchanged for a while, Jiang Baimian told Genawat to put away the two mobile phones, and then said:

  "Since there is no information about the ruins of Tieshan City, we will leave it alone for the time being.

   "Now, let's visit the team that is suspected to be from the Salvation Army."

   "Why?" Long Yuehong asked puzzledly.

   Jiang Baimian laughed:

  "The investigation into the causes of the destruction of the old world and the five sacred sites of Buddhism is not the privilege of a team and a force alone.

  "Why can't we talk to them and exchange information?

   "This will not cause us any harm to the company."

   Seeing Long Yuehong and Bai Chen still do not understand, Jiang Baimian further explained:

   "This is the same as the research of theoretical physics in the old world. The results are for all mankind, and the hidden value cannot be compared with the exchanges, discussions, disputes and competitions between each other."

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. Apex novel mobile version reading URL:

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