Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 55: "The strong meet"

After listening to Jiang Baimian’s explanation, Long Yuehong weakly raised his steel right hand:

   "Team leader, I mean, how did you know that the group of people was going to investigate the cause of the destruction of the old world and the five holy places of Buddhism?"

   Isn’t it just looking for mountain monsters to inquire about the ruins of Xiatieshan City?

   Jiang Baimian "Uh" made a sound:

"The ruins and valuable things in Tieshan City have long been evacuated, and there is probably nothing left in the secret place after so many years. The only thing worthy of being investigated by such a powerful force as the'Salvation Army' should be the Second Food Company. This Buddhist holy place."

As one of the first urban relics to be "developed", the ruins of Tieshan City were ploughed over and over again by people. Except for the "abnormal" buried deeply and involving the second food company, one of the two biggest old-timers, there is no reason to do anything else. It can be concealed from batch after batch of large forces members and relic hunters.

"And investigating the Buddhist sacred place, the high probability is to uncover high-level secrets, not purely against the Buddhists." Jiang Baimian did not say anything to death, "This is the most logical reasoning, but there may be exceptions, when the time comes, and Try it out after the group touches."

  Long Yuehong is still a little worried:

   "Team leader, you are not afraid that they are obviously members of the'Salvation Army', but secretly they are cooperating with the Eighth Research Institute?

   "If we share with them the gains from investigating the causes of the destruction of the old world and the origin of the ‘unintentional disease’, it might lead to death."

  Even if the group of people are not the special commissioners of the Eighth Research Institute, there is still the possibility of leaking the information of the "Old Tune Team", making the Eighth Research Institute pay more attention to this side and send more powerful people to erase the clues.

   Jiang Baimian laughed and said:

   "Don't worry, I'm not a fool. I'll talk to others as soon as I go up. Of course, I have to slowly test and decide what can be said and what can't be said according to the situation.

   "Go, let's go!"

   She waved her hand and took the lead out of the reception room on the second basement floor and turned to a certain direction.

  Bai Chen and Long Yuehong hesitated and did not speak, Shang Jian Yao smiled on their faces.

   Honest Gnawa hurriedly shouted:

   "Wrong way, the elevator is over there!"

   "..." Jiang Baimian smoothly put the delicate monk mask on his face.

  At this time, Shang Jian Yao approached Gnawa and started a "whispering" with him:

   "Dabai became the awakened, and the price he paid was ‘luo idiot’."

   Would you like to be so loud? Jiang Baimian grinds his teeth.

   Shang Jian Yao finished speaking, immediately put on a monkey mask with a hairy face and a sharp mouth, and fled to the elevator.

   Most of his mental injury has recovered, and his condition is particularly good in the morning.

   Jiang Baimian calmed down and followed behind.

   She slowly noticed a problem in the past two days:

  A certain or several of Shang Jian Yao has a strong hobby of acting, and after returning to the Redstone Collection and taking out the monkey mask again, he became more and more "lively"...

   "The price of'Road Chi' corresponds to the field of'Broken Mirror'?" Gnarva didn't keep up with Shang Jianyao's "rhythm" and had to discuss with Long Yuehong on the side.

   Just know it, don’t say it, haven’t you noticed that Da Bai is going faster? Long Yuehong muttered in his heart, hating iron for not making steel.

   He was worried that Gnawa would continue to question him, and he was helpless, nodded with the most perfunctory attitude, and simply replied:


  Bai Chen walked beside the two of them, and at some point he put on a faint smile.

   The five members of the "Old Tune Group" had just taken the elevator and arrived in the church hall. They saw that Zug and several people had paid homage to "You Gu", planning to find the hidden Vigilant sect members and make friends with them.

   "Bai Chen!" Zug saw the group of them sharply.

   He moved closer enthusiastically, walking extremely fast.

   Mu Chi, a woman with smoky makeup, and Shao Liang, a young man in a floral shirt, followed closely.

   After arriving in front of Bai Chen, Zug glanced left and right, his eyes suddenly fixed on Gnawa.

   The intelligent robot with a height of 1.9 meters and a silver-black metal skeleton, wearing a dark green military uniform and red eyes, wore a horse-faced mask on his face as he went into the countryside.

   Zug was surprised, the first thought that flashed through his mind:

   Can smart robots grow and become bigger?

   He remembered that the intelligent robot before Bai Chen was as tall and low as her, and the "skin color" was not silver and black.

   After a short while, Zug's common sense told him that it was impossible.

   He began to suspect that the reason why Bai Chen had a new companion and was willing to leave the familiar area was because her original robot was destroyed.

  -It can be repaired if it is broken.

   "Good morning." Bai Chen nodded to Zug politely, politely but distantly.

  Long Yuehong saw this, and a heart fell back to its original position.

   Zug, who was not wearing a mask, laughed and said familiarly:

   "Unexpectedly, you turned out to be the honorary chairman of the management committee of the "Ark Below the Earth"."

   At this time, Archbishop Dello, who was wearing a white robe, "Friendly Hands" walked up to them.

   Seeing him, Shang Jian Yao suddenly took two steps forward.

   His gaze cast from behind the monkey mask and collided with Dello's.


   In the church hall, the wall lamps lighted up at the same time, and then quickly turned dark.

  Zizi, these wall lights are bright and dark, and everyone hears a clear electric noise.

   The members of the vigilant sect hiding in the dark subconsciously shrank to a deeper place to make themselves a little safer.

   The awakened person of the "corridor of the soul"...Zug, Mu Chi, Shao Liang and others felt a bitter, their expressions changed slightly, and their instincts took two steps back.

   Upon seeing this, Jiang Baimian walked to the side of Shang Jianyao, and asked in a low voice:

"what's going on?"

   "I didn't do anything." Dello spread his hands, turned his body, and handed his back to the "old tune group".

  Shang Jianyao nodded and approved his words, and said with a smile:

   "When two strong men meet, shouldn't there be similar scenes to enhance the atmosphere?"

   You directed and acted the scene just now? Good thing, in the future, you can't watch old world entertainment materials for more than two hours every day! Take the essence and get rid of the dross! Jiang Baimian was heartbroken.

   What kind of old world entertainment materials are these? What kind of "poisoning" this guy is?

   "How do you know that I am a strong one?" Dello returned to his body and smiled kindly.

   "Your hair told me." The sincerity on Shang Jian Yao's face was blocked by the mask.

   "Huh?" Dello touched his little hair suspiciously.

   Jiang Baimian took a silent breath and spit it out slowly.

   She took a step to her side and blocked half of Shang Jian Yao behind her:

   "He means that Zug's attitude towards you and your age indicate that your status is not low, and your strength must be very strong."

   "Your observation is really keen." Dello solved the doubt in his heart.

   He did not hide his curiosity, and asked kindly:

   "I heard that you overthrew the rule of Di Marco, the former owner of the Ark Below the Earth?"

   "Right." This is a well-known thing in Redstone Collection, and Jiang Baimian doesn't think there is anything to hide.

   "You don't seem to stay here most of the time, and you haven't taken a lot of resources from here, why do you want to do this?" Dello asked again.

   Shang Jian Yao raised his right hand and pressed it on his left chest, replied in a loud and serious voice:

   "To save all mankind!"

   Dello and others were obviously startled.

   Several seconds later, Zug suddenly realized:

  "Are you from the'Salvation Army'?

   "There are not many'Salvation Army' who still adhere to this ideal, except for those old people."

   "No." In order to prevent Shang Jian Yao from talking nonsense and misleading friends he knew before, Bai Chen took the initiative to deny it.

   Jiang Baimian turned his wrist and looked at his watch:

   "Sorry, we still have things, we will talk later."

   "Okay." The members of "Friendly Hand" are always friendly.

   Watching the "old tune group" walk out of the vigilant church, and get on the jeep they drove here from the entrance of Iron Mountain last night, Zug said with sincere emotion:

   "It's really strong~www.readwn.com~ There are really awakened people at the level of ‘corridor of mind’."

   Dello nodded slightly:

   "And he is not the leader of this team."

   Obviously, that tall woman is.

   Hearing these words, Zug, Mu Chi, Shao Liang and others were silent again.


   After nearly a year, the "Old Tune Group" entered the Redstone Collection again.

   Here is the same as before, there is no obvious change, most of the personnel have hidden vigilantly enough to ensure safety.

   The only exceptions are the local hunter guild and the Visa Trading Company affiliated to the Ark.

   "Why didn't you meet Viere?" Long Yuehong said casually.

   Jiang Baimian responded with a smile:

   "After that incident last time, he shouldn't want us to appear in front of him again."

   Since Vier can't stop the "old tune group" from going, he can only avoid it by himself.

   While talking, Jiang Baimian and others came to the public security station at the bottom of the underground shopping mall.

   Tan Jie, the current town guard captain and sheriff of the public security station, sat behind his desk and looked at the group of acquaintances blankly.

   He imitated Han Wanghuo, without wearing a mask, to win the trust of all the townspeople.

   "I heard that you received a group of people from the'Salvation Army'?" Honest Shang Jian Yao has always been direct.

   Tan Jie, who has black hair, brown eyes and a baby face, responded succinctly:

   "They want to buy a batch of military exoskeleton devices from "United Industries," and they plan to visit the ruins of Tieshan City."

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. Apex novel mobile version reading URL:

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