Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 63: try

After getting off the jeep, the affectionate Shang Jianyao made another suggestion:

"Would you like to fire a signal flare in the air to tell Xu Datong that their second food company is here?"

"Are you not afraid of the enemy coming?" Long Yuehong immediately thought of the problem with Shang Jianyao's proposal.

Shang Jianyao, who was not wearing a mask, suddenly laughed, making Jiang Baimian familiar with it inexplicably.

Shang Jianyao followed:

"Isn't this a good thing?

"We'll ambush ahead of time. When the enemy sees the signal and rushes over, we just fall into the trap."

"Uh..." Long Yuehong was a little persuaded, and couldn't find out what was wrong for a while.

Jiang Baimian said "heh" and teased Shang Jianyao:

"Do you think the IQ of the commissioner of the Eighth Research Institute will be so low?

"If I were them and found that someone was firing a flare here, and it happened to be located at the second food company I was looking for, I would definitely choose long-range saturation bombing. Anyway, my destination is to destroy this Buddhist holy land, not to protect it. , Come here as convenient and safe as possible."

"The special commissioners of the Eighth Research Institute are relatively concealed, and the personnel are small and sophisticated. This is not their home field. Can they get weapons such as missile vehicles and cluster rockets?" Bai Chen raised objections.

Weapons that can undertake long-range saturation bombing are either very difficult to obtain, only large forces have more control, or they need enough manpower to operate. For example, dozens of hundreds of large-caliber artillery can also cover the second at a longer distance. This area of ​​the food company is just relatively inaccurate, and it has to mobilize a lot of people in one breath, unlike the style of the special commissioners of the Eighth Research Institute.

Jiang Baimian explained with a smile:

"As the big villain and behind-the-scenes man, it is right to secretly support some forces and teams.

"Otherwise, who will pass the information to them, who will prepare supplies and safe houses for the special agents? Think about it, when we were attacked in the city, the special agent was also assisted by the team.

"We must not underestimate the Eighth Research Institute. Perhaps there are medium-sized forces in the surrounding area taking orders from them, and we can always pull out a team with sufficient firepower to cooperate with the special commissioners."

Jiang Baimian felt that compared with the Eighth Research Institute, "Pangu Biology" was no longer suitable for the role of "big villain".

"Yes." Shang Jianyao snapped his right fist and left palm, "just like the company!"

"..." Jiang Baimian held the bazooka with one hand, "Go in."

This time, she didn't let Bai Chen and Long Yuehong stay outside to take charge of the response. The previous incident about Building No. 4 in the second district of the ruins of the steel plant let her know that in similar scenarios, more people can observe from multiple angles. See different things.

As for the Jeep, it was parked in a very close and relatively hidden place, and the Second Food Company had only seven floors in total. Even if the "old tune team" climbed onto the rooftop, Shang Jian Yao was enough to remotely influence this electric car.

——Someone really wants to approach and try to drive away the jeep, Jiang Baimian can also sense the electrical signal.

The five members of the "Old Tune Team" were divided into three batches, headed by Shang Jianyao and Jiang Baimian, and successively entered the food company.

The first floor here is no longer what Shang Jianyao saw in the psychological shadow, there is almost no residue of wrapping paper scattered everywhere, or the dumped or standing transparent plastic boxes and a large number of counters are all gone.

"It's just like a locust crossing the border..." Long Yuehong looked at the mottled walls and cracked ground, and said sincerely.

This is the result of the relic hunters who come to explore day after day and year after year.

Upon hearing this, Jiang Baimian nodded gently:

"This also shows that here is the same as the Buddhist sacred place in the ruins of the steel factory. There is no abnormality on the surface. The hunters of the relics have searched and even the stones are about to squeeze out the oil."

"Yes, yes." Shang Jianyao echoed.

He is one step ahead of Jiang Baimian and is responsible for leading the way.

In the next ten minutes, the "Old Tune Team" carefully searched the empty first floor and observed the situation inside from the window to confirm that there was nothing wrong with it.

Following this rhythm, they all came to the third floor and came to the room where Shang Jianyao found the employee introduction column.

The wall has been blown up to tears, and the photos posted on it have either turned into scorched traces or completely disappeared. The same is true of the textual introduction.

"A battle broke out here, at least a grenade gun was used." Bai Chen observed the scene and gave a preliminary judgment.

Jiang Baimian said with an "um":

"The destruction of the employee introduction column is like an unintentional spillover."

In other words, no one is deliberately destroying the corpse.

"Yes." Gnawa agreed with Bai Chen and Jiang Baimian's words.

"This way it will be more difficult for us to find the missing photos..." Long Yuehong frowned and said.

If the wall is still intact and the employee introduction column still exists, the "old tune team" can use the high technology of Gnawa and some of the instruments he carries to analyze the lost photo and the traces left by the corresponding introduction to see if it is useful Clues.

Seeing that there was no worry on Yao's face, Shang said eagerly:

"So it's surprisingly winning!"

"Wait first." Jiang Baimian retracted his gaze to examine the broken wall. "We searched all the rooms here separately, not letting go of every crack in the wall, to see if the lost photos would be hidden inside."

Frankly speaking, she is not too sure about this. Let's not mention whether the originally hidden photos will be found and taken away after so many years. It is only the original one who tore the corresponding photos and introductions. Purpose, let her think that these two things are likely to be torn or burned on the spot-take away a photo and the corresponding introduction separately, either for confidentiality or special emotional needs, and the former has a greater probability and thoroughness Destroying the "evidence" is the best way to keep it secret.

In this way, the five members of the "Old Tune Team" completed the search of the entire building in just over an hour. This was mainly due to the fact that there were very few things left on the scene and many places were clear at a glance.

"Nothing was found." Long Yuehong reported to Jiang Baimian about his situation.

"I didn't find it either." Gnawa said immediately.

Shang Jian Yao decided not to make an exception:

"Me and Dabai are here too, but she thinks it's too clean, not as dirty as she thought, and there is no rat feces and all kinds of feces everywhere.

"In addition, the bones of Liu Lu that should have existed are gone. I don't think any relic hunter will take this kind of thing with him?"

"What if someone is a bone fetishist?" It was another Shang Jian Yao who retorted Shang Jian Yao.

Bai Chen replied:

"In the case of the dust, this possibility is lower than that someone puts the bones back into the soup."

The vast majority of wilderness wanderers are still desperate for food and clothing, and there are not so many strange sexual addictions.

Shang Jian Yao smiled:

"Have you forgotten the price of'abnormal sex'?

"Since there are people who like car exhaust pipes, it is not impossible to fall in love with bone frames."

This remark is reasonable and well-founded, and Jiang Baimian and others cannot refute it.

After being silent for a while, Bai Chen directly talked about his guess:

"I think someone was looking for a place to be buried."

"Who?" Shang Jianyao listened to the story with a face.

"I once possessed her'abnormal'." Bai Chen replied, "She is the first object of'him' to possess, and maybe she has some subtle feelings."

"Why?" Gnawa couldn't understand.

Bai Chen opened his mouth, unable to find a suitable language to express it.

Long Yuehong tried to help, but couldn't think of a reason.

"Intuition! Women's intuition!" Jiang Baimian taught three elm bumps, "You must be careful enough to realize the subtle emotional possibilities."

"Oh..." Gnavalho's synthetic voice actually deduced the meaning of "greatly inspired".

Obviously, this is an imitation of Shang Jian Yao.

"Sufficient thoughts?" Shang Jianyao glanced at Jiang Baimian suspiciously and curiously.

"Don't I?" Jiang Baimian almost became angry.

Fortunately, she remembered that she was currently in the weird Buddhist sacred place, and there might be some danger lurking around, so she forcibly interrupted the topic.

She sternly said:

"Well, since the conventional methods have no effect, we will now use the restored medical records of the ruins of the steel plant and the Little Jade Buddha.

"Xiaohong, you climb out of the window to see if there are additional changes from another perspective. Xiaobai, you are waiting under Xiaohong. On the one hand, you can prevent him from having any accidents, and on the other hand, you can observe the building as a whole.

"Old Ge, you should also go outside, set up various instruments for debugging, and collect the most objective environmental data."

"Yes." "Okay." "No problem." Long Yuehong, Bai Chen and Genawa answered one after another.

After they were all in place and completed the preparatory preparations, Jiang Baimian said to Shang Jian Yao:

"It's time to start.

"Try the restoration of the medical record first."

Shang Jian Yao had taken out the "six beads of consciousness" at some point, and while turning it around, reciting the Buddha's name, he unfolded the original medical record that was placed in his pocket.

Because he was sitting cross-legged, his back was straighter, and the price of "Six Perception Beads" was quite obvious. Jiang Baimian's face muscles moved slightly.

She is not stereotyped, and she can even make colorful jokes because she has been with the security forces, but the price is too contradictory with the rosary, Buddha's name, and Baoxiang's solemn expression, which makes people feel absurd.

Shang Jian Yao calmly ~www.readwn.com~ recite the medical record in the tone of chanting Buddhist scriptures:

"Nanwu Ahan Duoruo San Miao San Bodhi, name Fan Wensi, gender female, age 52 years old, married, married, address: Family Area 2, District 2, Room 302, Building 4..."

In the ethereal and solemn voice, Jiang Baimian looked around and found that everything was as usual.

When Shang Jian Yao finished reading, she picked up the walkie-talkie and asked the team members outside:

"Is there a situation?"

"No" repeated three times.

Shang Jianyao put away the restored medical records and the "Six Perceptions" with a look of confusion:

"I have an effect in the psychological shadow..."

Jiang Baimian did not try to analyze, but thought for a while and said:

"We will discuss it later, and try out Xiaoyu Buddha."

Shang Jian Yao immediately took out the green little Jade Buddha in the lake and placed it in his palm.

Just after he finished this action, Jiang Baimian suddenly felt that his surroundings seemed a little darker.

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