Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 64: Past scenes

Jiang Baimian's senses were extremely keen, and he immediately noticed something in this building was aroused.

Then, she saw the Little Jade Buddha in Shang Jianyao's palm, disappearing inch by inch, just like being swallowed by darkness in the Vigilant Church Hall before.

Jiang Baimian's heart moved, and he turned his head to look outside, and found that a thick white mist had risen from the window at some point, making Long Yuehong's figure lying nearby seem to be hundreds of meters away.

"There is a situation." Jiang Baimian turned his head back and informed Shang Jian Yao in a deep voice.

As she spoke, her gaze gradually solidified, because behind Shang Jianyao, the wall that originally carried the employee introduction column was no longer broken, and became very complete.

In the dimmed light, photos were pasted on it, and under the photos was a textual introduction.

Jiang Baimian looked intently and quickly confirmed one thing:

Among the employees of the food company represented by those photos, there is a sales manager named Liu Lu.

This is exactly the same as what Shang Jianyao saw in the psychological shadow of the owner of room "522" before.

At this time, Shang Jianyao also turned his body, and said:

"Back in time?"

Jiang Baimian did not respond to him, but instead set his sights on the four corners of the employee introduction column.

Her pupils dilated again.

There are no missing photos in those four places!

Jiang Baimian settled down and quickly asked Shang Jian Yao:

"Before you said where did you miss the photo?"

Because Shang Jianyao used words to describe it at the time and did not hand-paint the entire employee introduction column to confirm the situation, Jiang Baimian did not know whether the location qualifier he used was relative to him, or whether he used the wall or bulletin board as a reference.

The lower left corner of the employee introduction column can be either the lower left corner of the bulletin board itself, or the left hand side of Shang Jian Yao. The two are just the opposite.

Shang Jianyao let out a sigh:

"Really back in time!"

He raised his hand to a place:


Jiang Baimian was waiting to see, distinguishing the image and the text, and suddenly felt a flash of shadow at the door of this room.

She then sensed a certain electrical signal, but did not perceive the existence of human consciousness.

While Jiang Baimian's "space illusion" was gaining momentum, he cast his gaze to the door.

In the next second, she saw a figure.

It was a woman with short black hair that just passed her ears, a white shirt inside, and a small blue suit outside. She was youthful and exquisite, just like the person in a photo.

"Liu Lu?" Jiang Baimian asked in a deep voice.

Of course, she asked Shang Jian Yao, not the woman at the door.

Shang Jianyao nodded:

"She is rejuvenated."

"Bah, can this be called a child?" The honest Shang Jianyao retorted himself, "It is more appropriate to return to the young age."

Jiang Baimian looked at Liu Lu’s face for a while, and found that she was indeed not like Shang Jianyao’s previous statement. She was in her thirties, or even older. This is just three or four years after she has just left campus, striving to A young girl who shows her maturity and professionalism with her hairstyle and clothing.

The conversation between Shang Jianyao and Jiang Baimian did not affect Liu Lu. The bloodshot but sober girl regarded them as nothing, and walked to the employee introduction column step by step.

Liu Lu stopped in front of the wall and looked at the photos and introduction on it carefully.

Shang Jian Yao, who has a cheerful personality and is good at self-acquaintance, stood beside her and admired with her.

Jiang Baimian groaned a little, and walked over, first looking at the picture that "original" should be missing.

The picture shows a young man, twenty-three or four-year-old, younger than Liu Lu.

He looks Zhouzheng, with crisp short hair, and has no appearance characteristics worth exploring.

Jiang Baimian's gaze shifted down, and he fell on the corresponding introduction:

"Ge Junfei, sales manager, from Tieshan City..."

It's not from Changhe City... Jiang Baimian sighed in his heart.

The Changhe City Union Steel Plant is the original name of the ruins of the steel plant. It is the excavation site of Shang Jianyao's original medical record, and one of the five holy places in Buddhism.

The "Old Tune Team" had previously speculated whether the missing photos corresponded to Fan Wensi and Li Jinlong's son who became a vegetative in a car accident.

Although Long Yuehong had strongly proved that this was impossible at that time, but now that it is truly confirmed, Jiang Baimian was still disappointed.

She didn't delay her time and turned her attention to other photos and text introductions, trying to remember them, and doing detailed analysis afterwards.

In the dim environment, Jiang Baimian just browsed this way and found some details:

Although Tieshan City is a very large city with many outsiders discussing their lives, nearly half of the employees in the sales department of the food company are still locals.

"This shows that the salary is stable, suitable for those who don't have much pursuit?" Jiang Baimian muttered silently, and Liu Lu, who was standing next to Shang Jianyao, took new actions.

As her gaze moved to the side corner, the expression on her face gradually distorted.

Liu Lu took a step forward, stretched out her right hand, and tore off Ge Junfei's photo and the white sheet with the textual introduction.

Brushing, Liu Lu fluttered with both hands, tearing the photo into pieces.

Shang Jian Yao looked "stunned", raised his hands but forgot to applaud.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Lu also shattered the white sheet.

"Scumbag?" Shang Jianyao said excitedly.

Liu Lu turned a deaf ear to him, completely ignored him, took the fragments, and left the room on her own.

Jiang Baimian's heart moved and quickly followed.

In the corridor at this time, the light is very dim, unlike just after four o'clock in the afternoon, it is closer to six or seven o'clock in the evening, when the sun is only a touch of afterglow.

Jiang Baimian and Shang Jianyao followed Liu Lu, went to the middle of the corridor with her, and turned to the left.

Shang Jianyao glanced at the sign, and took the initiative to stop.

This is a public toilet, and Liu Lu entered the female toilet.

Of course, the polite business Jian Yao cannot trespass.

Jiang Baimian did not try to persuade him to enter by himself.

Then, she saw Liu Lu throw the debris in her hand into a squatting urinal and stepped on the flusher with her foot.

In the sound of crashing, all those things went into the sewer.

After the destruction of the old world, the electricity and water supply in the cities that were not attacked seemed to have remained normal for a period of time... Jiang Baimian thought at will, while watching Liu Lu standing in front of the squatting urinal, looking down, his chest fierce. ups and downs.

She was gasping for breath.

"Why? The air here is not good." Jiang Baimian thought he was contaminated by Shang Jian Yao, and had this inexplicable idea, but found that hey this guy walked in at some point and stood beside him, pointing Give pointers.

"How about polite?" Jiang Baimian asked with his head sideways angrily and funny.

Shang Jianyao glanced at her:


"At this time, you still care about this kind of thing?"

…Which Shang Jian Yao is this? The cowardly but vicious one? Jiang Baimian grinds his teeth.

At this time, Liu Lu calmed his breathing, turned to leave the bathroom, and walked back to the employee introduction column.

When she passed by Shang to see Yao and Jiang Baimian, she didn't even look at them, as if they didn't exist at all.

Back in the original room, Jiang Baimian looked around, planning to take a photo for the employee introduction column and save it for the archives.

She could tell that Shang Jianyao was already eager to test Liu Lu.

At this moment, Jiang Baimian found that Liu Lu's figure seemed a little more transparent.

"This..." Jiang Baimian's thoughts just flashed in his mind, and the surrounding light has quickly brightened. Liu Lu's figure and the complete employee introduction column seemed to be shining into the thin snow of the sun, and it melted all at once.

Jiang Baimian then looked at the window, and as expected, he saw the thick fog there dissipating.

She immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and asked:

"Is there a situation just now?"

Long Yuehong quickly answered:


"The room became very dark at once, and your figures became very blurred. I tried to use the walkie-talkie to contact you, but to no avail."

Bai Chen followed:

"The whole building seems a little darker."

"What about Lao Ge? What's the situation on your side?" Jiang Baimian asked.

Gnavalho's synthetic voice rang:

"I am synthesizing data.

"Well, the preliminary conclusion is that there was a strong magnetic field change in the building just now."

"Why didn't I feel..." Jiang Baimian's voice gradually diminished.

I don’t know which Shang Jian Yao laughed:

"Only in this mountain."

At this moment, the little jade Buddha appeared in his hands again.

Jiang Baimian restrained his mind, looked out the window and said:

"It's almost five o'clock, do a search again at the end to see if there is anything more here, and then withdraw from the ruins before dark, and come back tomorrow."

"Yes, team leader!" Shang Jianyao replied very loudly, and he didn't know which nerve was wrong.

After half an hour of hard work, the "Old Tune Team" confirmed that the internal situation of the Second Food Company was the same as before Shang Jian Yao used Xiaoyu Buddha.

They returned to the car and UU read www.uukanshu.com and headed to the edge of the city.

On the way, several people did not discuss, and planned to brainstorm after camping.

Driven on, Bai Chen said sharply:

"'Salvation Army' car."

The dark vehicles coming from the other direction are the cars of Xu Datong and Li Shouyi.

Shang Jian Yao pressed down the car window and waved his arm:

"You are finally here!"

Xu Datong poked his head out of the co-pilot position of the dark vehicle:

"We have been to the Second Food Company and found nothing, and we were attacked by a strange'high-level unintentional', which broke the door of that building."

Ah? Long Yuehong couldn't help but tilt his head.

He suspected that he had heard it wrong.

Not long after the "Old Tune Team" left the Second Food Company of Tieshan City, although the door there was open, it was intact!

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