Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 70: Wilderness everyday

The "Old Tune Team" stayed in the outer area of ​​the ruins of Tieshan City for another day. They still did not wait for the special "higher unintentional person". Then they set out to camp north and headed to the first city to explore Huo in the wasteland No. 13 ruins. Mu Reproductive Medical Center prepares.

After driving around various polluted areas and dangerous areas for nearly two days, Gnawa glanced at the wilderness outside:

"There is a homeless settlement nearby. Do you want to go there and replenish some supplies?"

This is the place he passed when he first went south from the city.

As for this wilderness, Bai Chen is not familiar with it, because she has never been in the future.

Jiang Baimian in the co-pilot's position thought for a while and said:


Although the Jeep of the "Old Tune Team" has been modified to have a wider trunk, three military exoskeleton devices and two bionic smart armor still occupy a lot of space, plus bullets, grenades, grenades, and rockets. , High explosives and spare weapons, there are not many places left for the rest of the supplies.

With the help of real "smart navigation", the Jeep passed between a small forest and several round hills and arrived at a settlement built on topography and ruins of the old world.

When the vehicle was more than 100 meters away from the destination, Shang Jianyao suddenly sat upright:

"No one inside."

"They migrated?" Bai Chen made a guess while slowing down.

This is quite common on the dust. The wilderness wanderers will change their predation range due to location information exposure, severe weather changes, environmental problems, distorted creatures and "unintentional people" every few years or even shorter. The reason is to leave the current settlement and move to a safer place.

"Impossible." Gnawa replied in the affirmative. "When I passed by before, they were farming in the farmland behind the settlement."

Human beings who are about to migrate will not do this kind of waste of resources.

The honest Shang Jian Yao immediately retorted:

"Maybe it was just these few days that they were discovered by the slave capture team in the'First City'."

Had to migrate hastily.

Between a carbon-based person and a silicon-based person exchange, Jeep approached the destination.

"There is indeed no human bioelectric signal." Jiang Baimian affirmed Shang Jianyao's previous discovery.

The gate of the settlement is made up of wood pieces, and at this time, it is half-covered and open at the same time.

Bai Chen glanced away and said in a deep voice:

"There is blood underground."

Her observation position is better than Genava, Long Yuehong and Shang Jianyao, while Jiang Baimian is focusing on induction.

Several members of the "Old Tune Team" walked around and saw that there were several pools of blood that had been dark red and black outside the gate.

This gave Long Yuehong a bad feeling.

He remembered what happened to Black Rat Town.

"Attacked?" Jiang Baimian asked Jeep to stop.

She was carrying a grenade gun, carrying a single-soldier combat rocket launcher, and pushed out the door.

Shang Jian Yao and others followed closely and entered the settlement in turn.

Some of the houses here originated from the old world, and some were repaired later, and some were built from wood. These two styles are mixed and bring a unique charm.

Just like the situation felt by Shang Jianyao and Jiang Baimian, there are no human beings here, but there are obvious bloodstains left in many places.

They are either splashed on the wall or splashed far away on the ground, and they can be seen around almost all houses

A massacre...Long Yuehong had such a thought in his mind.

During the next search, he accumulated some doubts:

Since there is a suspicion of a massacre, why are there no corpses here, and only fingers, rotten meat and other things can be found occasionally?

It's impossible for the wanderers who settled here to be blown to pieces, right?

Even if this is the case, the amount of remaining flesh and blood is not right!

Moreover, all weapons in the settlement are gone, including items such as hatchets.

In addition, quilts, blankets, clothes and various foods also disappeared without a trace.

——These must have existed originally, otherwise the wilderness wanderers in the settlement simply cannot survive the winter.

However, there are also metal artifacts accumulated in each house and used to trade other resources, as well as two oil-fired generators.

After checking, Bai Chen pursed his lower lip and said:

"The preliminary judgment is that it was attacked by a group of'unintentional'."

Seeing Long Yuehong's puzzled expression, she simply explained:

"If it is a bandit group or a slave-catching team, neither generators nor metal objects will be left behind. These are sometimes more valuable than slaves.

"If it is a deformed creature or other beast, it will not take away weapons, clothes, quilts and blankets.

"Only attacks by groups of ‘unintentional’ will leave such a scene."

Speaking of this, Bai Chen summed up:

"Many wilderness wanderers believe that the'unintentional' who lack food in winter are the most aggressive and the most dangerous. In fact, the'unintentional' in spring is the same. After the long winter has passed, the'unintentional' who can survive are often exhausted. I need food urgently."

Jiang Baimian has only experienced the attack on human settlements by the "unintentional" group only a few times while serving in other brigade of the Ministry of Security. With their help, the settlements attached to the "Pangu Creature" have successfully passed the crisis. , Did not encounter the disaster of this kind of extinction.

At this time, she sighed:

"The wanderers who can survive in the wilderness will not relax on this kind of thing. It seems that they are crushed by their strength..."

"It's also possible that there was no strong group of'unintentional' here, but a group of people suddenly migrated after the beginning of spring." Bai Chen recalled the situation he had encountered and heard about.

Jiang Baimian glanced at the silent Shang Jian Yao, and didn't know what to say for a while.

"Now, what should I do?" Long Yuehong asked.

It is obviously impossible to exchange supplies. What he wants to ask is to take a break here and set off tomorrow, or take advantage of the early days and continue on the road.

Shang Jian Yao suddenly turned his head and asked Gnawa:

"Are there other settlements for wilderness wanderers nearby?"

"There are three more within twenty kilometers," Gnawa replied.

Bai Chen said immediately:

"They probably haven't been attacked yet.

"The food harvested from here is enough for the ‘unintentional’ to survive for a long time. In this case, their aggressiveness will be much reduced."

This is the same as many wild beasts lazily not wanting to attack people after eating.

Moreover, hunting too much in one breath and cannot be preserved for a long time, which will cause great waste. For the "unintentional" with an IQ slightly higher than that of the beast, it is better to continue "stocking".

Shang Jianyao laughed and offered to offer:

"Do you want to clear that group of ‘unintentional’?"

"With their demonstrated strength, if they launch an attack, the other three settlements should not be able to resist..." Jiang Baimian groaned, "You can try, but you can't be reckless."

For the current "old tune group", this is a matter of convenience and will not be too difficult.


Towards the evening, when the clouds on the horizon were still red, Gnawa and Long Yuehong collected, compared and analyzed environmental information, and the "Old Tune Team" tracked down the target group.

They hide in a larger hill and occupy a hidden cave.

Gnawa put on the "Chameleon" bionic smart armor, sneaked to a closer place, and made a careful observation.

"There are four "unintentional guards" at the entrance of the cave. Their weapons are shotguns, rifles, shotguns and submachine guns." Genawa returned to the jeep and made a report.

"Their weapons are not weak... they ransacked the gains from the settlement of the wilderness wanderers before?" Jiang Baimian said, half puzzled and half emotional.

Bai Chen pursed his lips and said:

"This is on the one hand, on the other hand, judging from the previous scene, their own firepower is not weak."

Gnawa continued:

"From time to time, there will be a unique aura overflowing in the cave, making the four guards ‘unintentional’ tremble with fear."

"Fear and trembling?" Jiang Baimian said to himself.

"A ‘higher unintentional person’?" Shang Jianyao was a little excited.

Long Yuehong suddenly realized:

"It's no wonder they can crush the former settlement of the wilderness wanderers."

This group of "unintentional" is not only full of firepower, but also has a leader equivalent to the awakened!

"From this point of view, their origins are likely to have certain problems." Jiang Baimian said thoughtfully.

The number of "advanced unintentional people" is quite small~www.readwn.com~ Only in the ruins of big cities, "intentionless people" may appear after thousands of thousands, and the "intentionless people" in this cave, according to the grid Nava observes, there will be no more than fifty.

Of course, there are exceptions to this kind of thing, and no matter how small the probability is, it means that it may happen.

After pondering a little, Jiang Baimian gave the order:

"Wear well equipped and prepare plans for accidents.

"Xiao Bai, enter the sniper position; Xiao Hong, you and Lao Ge are in front, and I support you; hey, you will exert influence at the end to control the audience."

After a busy time, Bai Chen, who was wearing a military exoskeleton device, followed Gnawa to a sniper spot he had just found during reconnaissance.

This is located on top of a half-dead tree, and the four "unintentional people" guarding the entrance of the cave can be seen nearly 300 meters away.

PS: I recommend a book, Xiaolong’s "13 Mingke Street", which is still a familiar style and a familiar taste.

The brief introduction is: I like to sit on an empty street at night, listening to the whispers of "them", and enjoying the hustle and bustle of "them".

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