Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 71: 2 people

Bai Chen adjusted his posture and took aim slowly, Long Yuehong wearing the "Black Marsh Iron Snake" bionic smart armor and Genawa wearing the "Chameleon" bionic smart armor dived towards the hidden cave.

"You don't need to think about'guidance of thinking'. They don't understand what you say, so it should not be effective." Jiang Baimian reminded Shang Jianyao with his head tilted.

Although she knew that with Shang Jian Yao's combat wisdom and experience, it was impossible to be unclear about this, but she was always afraid that he would suddenly switch to trying a different personality, so it was a reminder, but it was a "warning."

Shang Jianyao, who was doing the pre-war warm-up there, responded indifferently:

"If you don't keep up, they will dump you."

His warm-up movements were based on the broadcast gymnastics learned by Wang Fugui, and he looked lively and smartly.

Hearing his words, Jiang Baimian's breathing was stagnant, gritted his teeth, stared at Long Yuehong's back, and drove the military exoskeleton device, step by step to catch up.

The reason she didn't anchor Gnawa was that this intelligent robot had hidden its figure with the help of the "Chameleon" bionic intelligent armor and disappeared from her eyes.

Although Jiang Baimian can still sense the presence of electrical signals, he always feels that this is not safe enough and chooses seeing as "reality."

Soon, Long Yuehong saw the four "unintentional people" who were acting as guards outside the cave.

They are all men, just like ordinary "unintentional people", their backs are slightly rickety, their eyes are muddy and bloodshot, their hair is messy and oily, and their facial muscles are deformed to a certain extent.

At this time, they were all wearing clothes that were not well-fitting and had many stitches. They were holding rifles, shotguns, shotguns, and submachine guns.

As far as the regular teams of large forces are concerned, there are too many types of weapons, which is not a good thing. After all, every type of ammunition must be prepared, and each type of firearm must be repaired, which particularly affects the logistics efficiency, but even the relic hunters can't care about this. Point, not to mention there are "unintentional people" who use it up and throw it away.

Long Yuehong looked at the four "unintentional people" with full concentration, waiting for Bai Chen to fire the first shot.

In the rather faint movement, a bullet flew quickly and plunged into the head of the "unintentional" holding the submachine gun.

His head was like a bright red flower, blooming all at once.

It was like a signal flare, Long Yuehong and Jiang Baimian jumped out of the hidden place at the same time, and clashed towards the cave.

During the rush, they did not forget to suppress the firepower with the assault rifle and the submachine gun that came with the military exoskeleton device.

In the intensive gunshots, one of the three "unintentional people" blossomed on their heads and died under Baichen's gun. One Genawa who was sneaking close to his body pressed the trigger, and one was shot several times. Blood splattered

When they fell to the ground, an "unintentional" in the cave noticed the movement and jumped out.

This is a woman with a dirty face and a peaked cap on her head.

With her gaze locked on to overtake Long Yuehong and rush to Jiang Baimian, half of Jiang Baimian's body suddenly became paralyzed, making it difficult to control the military exoskeleton device, and dumped to the side.

At the same time, the woman raised the shotgun in her hand.

Jiang Baimian's eyes suddenly became misty, and the shotgun of the female "unintentional" was raised by two inches.


A large amount of iron sand was sprayed into the air.

"Space Illusion"!

Jiang Baimian used the "space illusion" to make the enemy's judgment wrong and aimed at a place where there was no one.

As the "unintentional", the woman had a beast-like instinct. After a shot was ineffective, she sensed the danger, and quickly retreated into the cave and escaped from another exit.

But at this time, her feet didn't listen.

"Lack of limb movements"!


Jiang Baimian, who fell on the ground, blasted a rocket towards the entrance of the cave.

The explosion engulfed the "higher unintentional person" and tore part of her body apart.

In the smoke, Genawa and Long Yuehong rushed into the cave one after another.

The first thing that caught their eyes was the human corpse hanging from a high place, gently swaying with the wind and waves triggered by the explosion just now.

These corpses were completely stripped, and some even lost their skin, revealing flesh and blood.

There are dozens of them, and they are the wilderness wanderers in the settlement where they were attacked before.

Seeing this scene, Long Yuehong's eyes turned red.

He took up the "Berzer" assault rifle in his hand and fired at the "unintentional" who had just avoided the aftermath of the explosion.

With the sound of da da da da da da da da da da da da da, a "unintentional" was hit by a bullet before he could react, or blood holes appeared one after another on his body, or his body became incomplete.

Long Yuehong was about to change the magazine, and her mind suddenly buzzed, and a strong, instinctive fear emerged in her heart.

He began to shiver. He forgot to use his weapon. He saw a man with dark skin that looked like a half iron tower coming out from the depths of the cave.

The man’s hair is like a chicken coop, his eyes are cloudy, and he is full of fierceness, just like another "unintentional".

He was wearing only a pair of canvas trousers, his upper body was naked, and his mouth kept roaring.

The trembling aura permeated, and Long Yuehong's legs softened, almost unable to bear the weight of his body.

At this time, Gnawa, who will not be affected, is fighting fiercely with several "unintentional people" who hide their bodies with the help of the rocks in the cave and are quite skilled.

Some of those "unintentional" use individual combat rocket launchers, and some carry sniper rifles that are more suitable for long-distance, which can threaten Gnawa to a certain extent.

Of course, Gnawa doesn’t care too much, because he is now wearing a layer of "chameleon" bionic smart armor. He just thinks that these enemies must be suppressed due to the environment in the hole to avoid the shock waves and fragments generated by the explosion from hurting his heels. Jiang Baimian coming in.

As for Long Yuehong, there is the "Black Marsh Iron Snake" bionic smart armor, and Genava doesn't think it needs to worry too much.

At Jiang Baimian, that substantive fear seemed to have turned into a hammer, hitting her heart again and again.

However, when she had just entered the cave, not only did she not tremble, she did not tremble, but she looked excited.

Another "higher unintentional person"? The one that Old Ge said before? Such a small group of "unintentional", there are two "high-level unintentional", it is indeed very abnormal... Jiang Baimian discarded the individual combat bazooka, with the suffocating fear, picked up the grenade. gun.

"Irritation disorder"!

Because Gnawa had detected this information before, Jiang Baimian modified his reaction to similar stimuli in advance, turning fear and fear into excitement and excitement.

The inspiration for this modification came from Shang Jianyao.


A grenade flew towards the sturdy, dark-skinned "advanced unintentional man", and his legs, who had wanted to avoid it, lost their proper movements.


The upper body of the male "advanced unintentional man" was hit by a grenade, shrouded in an explosion, and instantly torn apart.

Immediately afterwards, the "unintentional" who "hide and seek" with Gnawa jumped out one by one, "brave" incomparably.

In the sound of da da da da da da da da, they fell under Gnawa's fire.

On the other side, Long Yuehong returned to normal and rushed towards the depths of the cave.

He skillfully replaced the magazines of the "Berster" assault rifle, and constantly used short shots to clear the enemies along the way.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in his eyes.

This is a "unintentional" who is less than ten years old.

Except for the muddy eyes, the muscles of the face and the teeth in the mouth have undergone some abnormal changes for biting and chewing. There is no obvious difference between him and a normal human child.

He bent his back and looked at Long Yuehong vigilantly, his body trembling constantly, his eyes filled with tears filled with fear, and he looked helpless and pitiful.

Long Yuehong hesitated for a moment, and did not pull the trigger.

At this moment, the young "unintentional" did not know when he took out a grenade that pulled off the tab, and threw it at Long Yuehong with a fierce light in his eyes.

Long Yuehong's pupils froze, reflexively rushed to the side, and curled up in midair.


Long Yuehong avoided the front, but a large number of fragments were driven by the aftermath and hit the bionic smart armor on his body, failing to penetrate.

The only place he was not protected was the T1 type mechanical arm, which was harder than the "Black Marsh Iron Snake".

Hu~www.readwn.com~ When Long Yuehong panted and rolled and stood up, the young "unintentional" just now had been beaten into a sieve by Jiang Baimian.

Following the fall of one after another, the assault squad came to the depths of the cave, where only two young female “unintentional” and a few children behind them were left.

The two "unintentional" stared at Long Yuehong and the others extremely tightly, blocking the fierce cubs whose average age was not more than five years old behind them.

They whimpered, trying to scare away the enemy, but their whole people trembled uncontrollably, showing their inner fear.

They never step back.

Jiang Baimian and Long Yuehong slowed down at the same time without launching an attack.

At this time, a grenade passed them and flew into the depths of the cave.

Amid the rumbling explosion, those figures fell down.

Genawa came to the side of Jiang Baimian and Long Yuehong, and said in a slightly synthetic voice:

"They are now the enemies of mankind, and being kind to them is a crime against mankind."

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