Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 78: "Follow Up"

Going downstairs and getting in the car, Long Yuehong looked at the situation on the street through the rear glass window.

He saw outside a civilian clinic not far away, a dozen people lined up, their faces were not very good, or pale, or tired, or haggard.

As far as Long Yuehong’s perception is concerned, such a situation is absolutely abnormal, because most of the residents in Green Olive District are struggling with food and clothing. They are not particularly ill. They would definitely not choose to see a doctor. Stand by yourself, hold on.

It doesn't make sense that there were so many very sick people in the neighborhood.

After thinking about it, Long Yuehong thought of her encounter last night and the mission of the Hunter's Guild, and said in a guessing tone:

"Are these people who had that nightmare last night?"

"Yes." Bai Chen, who was on the same side of Long Yuehong, agreed.

"Let me see, I see." Shang Jian Yao yelled and crossed Genawah and Long Yuehong.

Long Yuehong ignored this guy and said to herself:

"But the nightmare last night came to an abrupt end. None of us had symptoms of dizziness, nausea, or fatigue."

"This may vary from person to person." Jiang Baimian said, "We are all tried and tested fighters. We have good strength and firm will. Even in the dream, relying on instinct is definitely better than green olives. The majority of the residents in the district stayed on for a long time. When the time came to scare the'nightmare' away with the help of Xiao Chong and Teacher Du Heng, those residents were likely to be overtaken by monsters and flooded by darkness before then."

So there were corresponding symptoms and some discomfort appeared.

Gnawa moved the metal-cast neck up and down, and supported Shang Jianyao's body with his hands:

"There must be more people affected than the line at the clinic. Most people face this situation, they will choose to support the day, get a good night's sleep, and see if they can recover."

He made this judgment based on the human behavior pattern library he established.

Jiang Baimian gave an "um" and said to Bai Chen:

"Let's go, go around the Ugo Hotel again."

This can effectively conceal the fact that they live nearby.

As the jeep was moving forward, a few security guards in gray-blue uniforms came out of the clinic and raised their hands to signal Bai Chen to stop.

Long Yuehong hurriedly glanced at Shang Jianyao, who had just sat upright, and signaled him to prepare for "mind guidance."

Tuk, tuk, tuk.

One of the security officers bent over and knocked on the glass window in the passenger seat.

The disguised Jiang Baimian pressed down the car window and asked pretendingly:

"Sir, what's the matter?"

The security officer asked seriously:

"Did you have nightmares last night?

"how is it like?"

Jiang Baimian raised the corner of his mouth, took out his hunter badge and shook it:

"Sir, we saw the task of collective dreams in the guild yesterday."

She didn't say that she just watched the missed, nor did she mention that having a nightmare was not affected, but her actions and language made people naturally understand in the direction she hoped:

This is a group of relic hunters who took over the task and came to investigate today. They did not live here last night, and there is no doubt that they did not have nightmares.

The security officer who asked the question did not conceal his disappointed expression and waved his hand:

"Don't make trouble, be safe!

"What's the matter is notified as soon as possible!"

"Yes, sir." Jiang Baimian raised his hands indifferently and bowed, making himself behave like an old fritter hunter who has been in the city and surrounding areas for a long time.

After she closed the car window, Bai Chen drove the jeep around the block.

On the way, in order to act realistically enough, the "old tune group" stopped the vehicle from time to time and asked passers-by to see if they had nightmares and what kind of nightmares they had.

After only asking five people, they got three affirmative answers, and the nightmares of these three were almost the same:

Inside the wilderness or abandoned buildings, hidden in the dark, monsters with **** pale palms and alternate elbows supporting the ground were chasing after them. Eventually, due to lack of physical strength or misfortune, they tripped and was shrouded in coldness. They woke up, more or less today. All have a little headache and dizziness.

"It's almost the same as the group leader guessed." Long Yuehong said convincingly.

Jiang Baimian looked out the window and sighed slightly worried:

"It would be great if the influence of'Nightmare' only ended here..."

She was afraid that the problem would get worse and worse, and eventually it would be out of control.

At this time, Jeep arrived at the khaki three-story building where the Ugo Hotel was located.

As a relic hunter who came to this neighborhood to investigate the "nightmare", it is reasonable and normal to conduct door-to-door inquiries.

As soon as he entered the lobby, Shang Jian Yao sighed regretfully:

"No one is here."

The "person" here refers to the boss of Ugo.

In fact, there are still some scattered rooms on the first floor, and there are a few guests. Therefore, Shang Jianyao didn't confirm that Boss Ugo was present until he entered the lobby and observed the environment.

"Go to'Teach me'?" Jiang Baimian muttered to himself while suppressing his voice.

Now she can control the volume freely, without worrying about whispering too loudly being heard.

At this time, the front desk was empty, and the wooden door of the room behind was closed tightly.

As Bai Chen looked around, two guests from the hotel came back at the door. They walked through the hall and rubbed their foreheads, chatting casually:

"I thought I could get a good night's sleep when I was out of the wilderness, but I had a nightmare. I was so scared that I couldn't sleep in the middle of the night."

"Me too. Maybe it's because of the pressure recently. If this is still the case, I plan to go to the clinic to find a doctor to dispense some medicine. Although it is certainly not cheap, as a relic hunter, it is more important to maintain a good condition."

"I wonder if something is wrong in this block. The boss didn't get up in the morning and opened the door, or I helped him do this thing."

"Really? You drove it?"

"Of course. You came out too late, I opened the door before you arrived."

Hearing the conversation between the two hotel guests, Bai Chen's eyes flickered, vaguely having a bad premonition.

She hurriedly cast her gaze to Jiang Baimian, and found that the group leader's brows were also slightly wrinkled.

"Even if Boss Ugo really goes out to do errands, he won't forget to open the door of the hotel." When the two guests returned to the room, Bai Chen said his thoughts.

Shang Jian Yao glanced at the room behind the front desk.

The wooden door was closed tightly, and no sound came out.

"Go and see." Jiang Baimian was giving orders on the surface, but actually walked to the front desk by himself.

Gnawa, Long Yuehong, and Bai Chen dispersed naturally and entered the combat position, ready to open fire to cover their teammates.

Shang Jianyao followed Jiang Baimian, carefully observing her direction.

"Well, I'm not lost." Shang Jianyao was quite relieved.

Just a few meters away, the target is so big, I can see clearly, can I still get lost? Jiang Baimian tried to keep his expression serious.

She bypassed the front desk and arrived at Ugo's room, then stretched out her right palm and twisted the handle.

The wooden door slowly retreated, Jiang Baimian's nose twitched, his expression suddenly became serious.

As the door of the room opened, the scene in the room completely caught her eye:

A bed was placed against the left wall, next to it was a wood-colored table. The table was messy piled with sewing needles, old knives, black leather whips, multiple ropes, and only a small half of candles.

The dark-skinned hotel owner Ugo, with his upper body naked, fell on his back on the floor, his face tightly covered with a translucent blue plastic bag.

His eyes were round, his lower body showed signs of incontinence, and a faint stench filled the room.

He has no sense of being human, he has lost his life.

The sorrow on Jiang Baimian's face flashed by, half side of his body, and said in a deep voice to the team members outside:

"Boss Ugo is dead."

died? Boss Ugo is dead? Long Yuehong couldn't accept it.

Yesterday the hotel owner was fine, and promised the team leader to contact General Focas. Why did he suddenly die today?

Shang Jian Yao raised his left palm and sighed:

"Nan Wu Azi Duoruo San Miao San Bodhi, I hope he can ascend to bliss."

Jiang Baimian walked into the room step by step, always paying attention not to damage the scene.

When Shang Jianyao arrived at the door~www.readwn.com~, she squatted down and roughly checked.

After a few minutes, Jiang Baimian straightened up his back and said in confusion:

"The cause of death is like suffocation.

"From the situation of the scene, Boss Ugo put the plastic bag on his head, tightly tied his mouth, and suffocated himself alive..."

As someone else, Jiang Baimian must think that this was a scene deliberately forged by the real murderer, but what happened to Ugo, to the devout believer of the "True Self Teaching", she thinks it is not impossible.

These people always seek to abuse themselves in various ways, hoping to feel the "true self" through similar behaviors.

This is equivalent to dancing on the edge of a cliff. A slight accident may cause you to break your body.

Without waiting for others to respond, Jiang Baimian added:

"The time of death was probably between eleven o'clock last night and four o'clock in the middle of the night."

Last night... Long Yuehong's heart moved, and she blurted out in horror:

"It was not caused by that ‘nightmare’, was it?"

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