Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 79: Find a helper

Jiang Baimian glanced at Long Yuehong and nodded slightly:

"Do not rule out this possibility."

"If it is caused by a'nightmare', according to the previous case, what happened in the dream should be reflected in reality. But even if Boss Ugo died of suffocation in a dream, reality cannot take the initiative to put it on himself. Such a plastic bag directly shows various characteristics of suffocation and death." Gnawa analyzed the information related to "real dreams" and gave his own views.

"Yes, yes." Shang Jianyao, who is habitually echoing, is currently.

Bai Chen nodded afterwards:

"Either Hugo's boss abused him too violently and an accident occurred, or someone suffocated him and died, but faked the scene of the suicide."

Among the members of the "Old Tune Group", Bai Chen and Ugo have known each other the longest and have the deepest friendship, but she has recovered very quickly, and now she can't see the slightest abnormality, she seems to be used to seeing the death of her acquaintances a long time ago.

"Old Ge, you come in to check the scene, and be careful not to damage or leave anything." Jiang Baimian stood up and left the task to Genawa who was more professional than himself.

She had already put on her gloves and began to search the entire room.

She picked up sewing needles, old knives and other items one by one, put them back in their original positions, and then opened the drawer of the table.

There are coins and banknotes in the drawer, and a stack of documents half a thumb thick is placed.

Jiang Baimian swept his eyes and found that this was the layout of the "primary city" army in the periphery of the wasteland No. 13 ruins.

Boss Ugo has contacted General Focas and got the information we need? If they are not lost, it means that the death of Boss Hugo has nothing to do with this? As the thoughts turned, Jiang Baimian picked up the stack of documents and flipped through it briefly.

After confirming that there was no entrance to the North Shore Mountains, she put the files into her tactical backpack.

After doing this, she checked the bed and bathroom again, and found no traces worth paying attention to.

At this time, Gnawa also completed his work.

He said with a slightly synthetic baritone:

"Because the corpse cannot be dissected, I cannot accurately give the time of death. The preliminary judgment is between 11 o'clock last night and 1 o'clock in the morning.

"No one else left any traces on the scene, but Boss Ugo should have been alone..."

In the middle of the night, Boss Ugo suddenly got up and abused himself with a sense of suffocation? Long Yuehong felt that this couldn't convince herself.

In terms of the work and rest of the people in the city at the beginning, that point in time was almost equal to the state of being asleep.

"What should I do now?" Long Yuehong deliberatedly said, "Leave it to the'Hand of Order' to deal with it?"

Jiang Baimian shook his head:

"Once we call the police, we will definitely receive the attention of the'Hand of Order.'

"This is not a good thing for the wanted criminals in the'First City' who are offering high rewards."

This was what Long Yuehong was worried about earlier, and he deeply agreed:

"It's better to pretend that you haven't found anything and leave here quietly.

"Guests in the hotel will notice that something is wrong with Boss Hugo."

Jiang Baimian pointed to the door:

"Have you forgotten that there is a camera? Have you forgotten that a guest in the hotel saw us?

"As long as someone reports to the police, the ‘Hand of Order’ will definitely notice us."

Long Yuehong wanted to say whether to break the camera and the corresponding surveillance video, and at the same time let Shang Jianyao go to "convince" the two tourists who stayed in the hotel just now, but after careful consideration, he felt that this place is no silver three. Hundred taels.

The more coincidences there are, the more the "Hand of Order" pays more attention, and the awakened ones in the "Last Man" field may be directly asked for help.

"Then what to do?" Long Yuehong could see that the team leader had a plan.

Jiang Baimian cautiously walked out of Wu Ge's room and closed the wooden door smoothly:

"Go to the ‘true self-taught’ people and let them handle it.

"They have an inextricable relationship with the high-levels of the'First City', and it shouldn't be a problem to help us cover it up.

"Huh, fortunately, the hotel's business has deteriorated during this time, and no one came in or out when we checked the scene."

Long Yuehong suddenly remembered that the "True Self Teaching" had a stronghold nearby, where the "Old Tune Team" had seen General Focas naked and beat him.

As the team leader, Jiang Baimian took off his gloves and headed for the hotel door.

"Side door..." Shang Jianyao reminded him quietly behind him.

Jiang Baimian's waist and abdomen had outstanding strength, forcibly twisting his body.

Under the guidance of Shang Jianyao, several members of the "Old Tune Team" left the hotel from the side, walked through an alley, and came to an apartment.

This apartment has only five floors and looks ordinary.

As soon as he entered the apartment, Shang Jian Yao took out the blue and white loudspeaker, facing the stairs leading to the basement, said in a deep voice:

"You have been discovered!"

Jiang Baimian couldn't help raising his empty right hand and covering his face.

She pressed her voice and said:

"We are friends of Boss Ugo, something happened to him."

Soon, a man dressed in ordinary clothes appeared in the shadow at the bottom of the stairs.

He clenched his fist and hammered his head slightly:

"I will live forever!"

The current Shang Jianyao did not imitate, and seemed to be immersed in the sadness caused by the accidental death of Boss Ugo.

The "True Self-Teaching" believer stepped up the ladder and said to Jiang Baimian and others:

"Follow me."

There was a piece of emery cloth in his throat.

Shang saw Yao's good faith, and was the first to follow this man.

They came all the way to the innermost room on the left side of the apartment and saw a thin half-old man.

The old man's brown hair was mixed with a lot of silver threads, and his black robe was mostly patched.

His appearance and temperament are ordinary. If he stays at the door of the apartment, he will probably be regarded as a doorman.

"What happened to Ugo?" the old man asked.

After asking, he remembered to introduce himself:

"You can call me Cliff, a ‘Dreambreaker’."

Jiang Baimian, who doesn't know much about the "True Self Teaching", nodded lightly, which was regarded as a tribute.

She waited until the door was closed before she answered:

"Boss Ugo is dead."

"Cause of death?" Cliff's face changed slightly, and he quickly returned to normal.

"Suffocation." Jiang Baimian said concisely without adding any extra description. "He put a translucent blue plastic bag on his head. The time of death was probably between 11 o'clock last night and 1 o'clock in the morning. Nothing else could be found at the scene. Traces left by people..."

Cliff didn't interrupt her narration, waiting for her to finish before nodding:

"We will conduct further investigation on the specific situation, thank you for your notification."

Jiang Baimian said with an "um":

"When you were investigating, please help conceal our existence. You know, we are still wanted."

"No problem." Cliff made a promise. "When you asked Ugo to get the information, you found out that something happened to him?"

"Yes." The reckless Shang Jianyao responded positively, "We found the information in the drawer of his room, and it was not lost."

"Excuse me, please confirm." Jiang Baimian took off his tactical backpack and took out the stack of documents. "See if there is anything missing or extra."

Cliff looked at her up and down, approvingly said:

"Very cautious."

He then took the file and turned it over carefully and said:

"no problem."

While recovering the information, Jiang Baimian deliberately said with emotion:

"We visited Boss Ugo today, in fact, we wanted to ask about the collective dreams of the Green Olive District, who knows that he has already obtained the information we want.

"Your efficiency is too high, it's less than twenty-four hours."

Cliff was silent for a moment, and said truthfully:

"Because we ourselves are planning to go to the wasteland 13 ruins to explore the secret laboratory."

"Maybe we can cooperate at that time." Jiang Baimian said politely.

Cliff turned to the recent anomaly:

"We have noticed that collective dream, and we are looking for the source of the problem.

"This matter is not that simple. It may bring great danger to investigators. You'd better not participate."

"Thank you." Jiang Baimian expressed his gratitude.

After leaving this apartment and returning to the jeep all the way, Shang Jian Yao rubbed his chin and said:

"The "True Self Teaching" is already investigating the source of the collective dream, and the death of Boss Ugo may be related to this..."

The time of Ugo's death was indeed too close to the time of the nightmare last night, which made people feel a little skeptical.

"Yeah." Jiang Baimian nodded, "Cliff seems to be so skeptical, at least he gives me the feeling."

Hearing the exchanges of his teammates, Long Yuehong suddenly wanted to understand a question.

He made a voice ~www.readwn.com~ to seek discussion:

"The reason why others had nightmares and nothing happened, it was just a little dizziness, nausea, fatigue, and insomnia, but Boss Ugo suffocated to death strangely, is it because he awakened his ‘dream’ ability?"

Most people were unable to conduct effective detection in the face of that nightmare, but Ugo could!

The driving Bai Chen thought carefully, and agreed with Long Yuehong's guess:

"I think so."

As soon as she finished speaking, Shang Jian Yao and Jiang Baimian blurted out at the same time:


"not good!"

"What's wrong?" Long Yuehong shuddered.

Jiang Baimian leaned his body, frowned and said:

"Odik also possesses the awakener ability in the'dream' aspect."

"Don't have an accident." Shang Jianyao prayed beside him.

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