Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 88: Extra exception

The latest website: "Tidy and symmetrical?" Jiang Baimian asked rhetorically with confirmation.

Lauris pointed to the coffee table quite surely:


"Look at..."

Uh, if Xiao Hong were here and heard these words, she would have post-traumatic stress disorder again... Jiang Baimian's thought suddenly flashed through his mind.

Of course Lauris couldn't hear her bellyache, so she continued:

"There should have been a vase, a wooden box with tissues, and two cups for drinking water.

"But he said that the vase and the wooden box cannot be symmetrical and must be removed."

Following Lauris's words, Jiang Baimian and Shang Jianyao turned their eyes to the coffee table, and found that there were only four ceramic cups for drinking water left on it-two of which were added because they came to visit.

Symmetric obsessive-compulsive disorder? When Jiang Baimian regained his gaze, he glanced at Shang Jianyao.

Shang Jian Yao nodded to her.

However, Jiang Baimian couldn't understand what he meant by nodding now.

Do you agree with Lauris, or do you hear my voice?

Lauris didn't notice the secret interaction between the two, and sighed:

"It's actually okay, it's just a little tired, so I have to pay attention to the placement of items, as well as my own clothes and hairstyle.

"Well, Odick will not be angry about this, he will just silently fiddle with these things as he wants, very persistent."

This reminded Jiang Baimian of the sentence "One eye is big and the other is small. I'm not a good person. I'll help you dig it out."

It is also a manifestation of symmetric obsessive-compulsive disorder, but it is more violent and crazier.

After Shang Jian Yao finished listening, he rubbed his chin:

"Other than this, what else?"

"It's nothing." Lauris slowly shook her head, seeming to still remember the details of getting along with Odick in the past two days.

She was silent for a moment, and said hesitantly:

"One more thing, I don't know if it counts..."

"Although, it's up to the healer to determine whether it counts." Shang Jianyao, who loves to play the role of Qiuxinqiuqi, said in the tone of a senior psychiatrist.

Lauris was very grateful to him for the initial cure of Odick, and she believed in his medical skills, so she no longer hesitated after hearing this:

"He seems to be timid and weaker than before.

"Before going out to the Hunter's Guild today, he looked in the mirror and talked to himself for a while before plucking up his courage."

Shang Jian Yao nodded:

"This is a type of post-traumatic stress disorder.

"To put it simply, the tragic result of the previous fight against the'nightmare' left him with a psychological shadow. He is no longer as confident as before. He is prone to fear of things with certain risks, and he is prone to appear weak in front of the strong.

"This requires long-term treatment, but it's not a big problem, so don't worry too much."

"I understand." Lauris breathed a sigh of relief. "No wonder I insisted on letting him stay at home for the past two days and not to see the church members. He actually agreed. This is impossible in the usual way. Well, he is only cleaning up. I was very insistent on the placement and placement, and I chose to listen to me for other things."

Jiang Baimian and Shang Jianyao repeatedly inquired several times, and finally confirmed that Odick had no other abnormalities.

Fearing that Bai Chen, Long Yuehong, and Genawah had an accident, they did not wait for Odick to return home. They offered to leave, went down to the first floor, and got back in the rented car.

In order not to implicate the Odick family, they drove the vehicle into several uninhabited alleys around, and then set off on the correct road back to the Green Olive District after turning around.

——After more citizens joined the army, the city became quieter during the first day of the day, and there were many secluded places without shops until people passed by for more than ten or twenty minutes.

"At present, Odick has four more abnormalities: mania, symmetric obsessive-compulsive disorder, timidity and weakness, and insanity." Jiang Baimian, the co-pilot, summed up the gains of this visit.

"It's really miserable..." The compassionate Zen Master Pudu sighed sincerely.

Anyone sharing one of them will affect their normal life, and Odick won four at once.

Before Zen Master Pudu finished his words, the jealous Shang Jian Yao added:

"So this thing can't just be forgotten!"

Shang Jianyao, who values ​​feelings, then said:

"If you can solve the ‘nightmare’ minions and find clues to deal with ‘it’, maybe it can help Odick really recover."

When I saw Yaos, Jiang Baimian couldn't get in touch.

When the voice echoing in the car calmed down, she exhaled:

"The madness caused by the influence of'Nightmare' will cause so many problems in one breath?"

In her cognition, there should be only one insanity or mania.

Although symmetric obsessive-compulsive disorder is severe to a certain degree, it can be regarded as a mental illness, but it is often not linked to madness.

Being timid and weak is not even a mental illness.

Moreover, there is no necessary connection between these four abnormalities. In the field of mental illness, only mania and confusion often occur together.

Jiang Baimian initially suspected that being timid and weak, as Shang Jianyao said, was the psychological shadow left by Odick's "nightmare".

At this time, Shang Jian Yao had become calm:

"So it seems that Xiaobai's guess at the time was correct:

"One eye is big and the other is small is what Odick saw in the'Nightmare.' "I'm not a good person, I'll help you dig it out" is Odick's own words after he developed symmetric obsessive-compulsive disorder."

Upon hearing these two sentences, Jiang Baimian said to himself:


She pondered for a moment, and suddenly turned sideways to look at Shang Jianyao:

"Why can't it be an infection?

"Before we set off to visit Odick and Lawris, we did not guess that the extra anomalies in Odick may be due to some things he felt at the time, or the traces left after being infected by ‘crazy’."

Shang Jian Yao slowed down, let his right hand leave the steering wheel, and rubbed his chin:

"If it is infection or imitation, it must have a source or a reference object."

"There is a person on the left, a person on the right, and a small picture frame in the middle. This is very symmetrical in itself, as I said at the time." Jiang Baimian has an active thinking and a calm expression.

Shang Jian Yao thought for a while and said:

"You mean,'picture frame' or another person, has symmetric obsessive-compulsive disorder?

"Through the'nightmare', they'infected' this problem to Odick?"

"Maybe..." Jiang Baimian replied uncertainly, and then suddenly sat upright, "If this is the case, the reason we are tracking the target is always wearing sunglasses, I am afraid it is not because of photophobia or want to cover up. Appearance characteristics, but because his companion has symmetric obsessive-compulsive disorder, his failure to do so will inevitably lead to infighting!

"When he asked for directions at night, his companions lurked around!"


Green olive area.

Gnawa sits in the room, while noting to replace the high-performance battery that needs to be recharged, while idle and idle, directly using all the cameras as "eyes" to do real-time monitoring.

This rental house is diagonally opposite, separated from it by a corridor, in the room near the stairs, Bai Chen and Long Yuehong are quietly lurking.

No one lived here, the tables, chairs and benches were covered with obvious dust. Before Bai Chen and Long Yuehong took advantage of the silence in the corridor and no one was passing by, they directly unlocked and hid in.

Here, they can see the stairway through the keyhole and peephole, and with the help of a camera installed in a hidden location, they can observe whether there is any abnormality in the rental house where Gnawa is located.

Long Yuehong went through the several situations listed before in his mind over and over again, so as not to forget the corresponding plan.

"Don't be too nervous, the more nervous you are, the easier it is to forget the details you shouldn't forget and make mistakes you shouldn't make." Bai Chen relieved Long Yuehong while looking outside through the cat's eyes.

Yes, I can't be nervous, I have to make Xiaobai feel that I am calm and reliable...Long Yuehong took a breath and exhaled it slowly, so as to calm her mood.

I don't know how long it took, Bai Chen suddenly pressed his voice and said:

"Someone is coming up."

Long Yuehong subconsciously leaned to the door.

Bai Chen glanced back at him, his voice lowered:

"You use a computer to watch.

"Don't squeeze in the door together, it is very suspicious in the sense of the awakened."

"Okay..." Long Yuehong gently retracted to the side of the organized table.

Bai Chen's portable computer has been turned on, using the temporary base station of Gnawa as the signal source, and displaying the image taken by the surveillance camera at the door.

Long Yuehong glanced at it and saw a man dressed in the same general appearance entered this floor and turned to the right.

It is noon now, and many people who are not far from their work place choose to go home for dinner. It is not a matter of fuss that someone is infested.

However, the man stopped at the entrance of the rental house where Gnawa was.

He stretched out his hand to pat the door of the room, and his voice was so loud that it passed directly to Bai Chen and Long Yuehong:

"Open the door! I'm back!"

He took a few seconds and then tried to unlock the key on his waist.

At this moment, Gnawa deliberately imitating human voice came from behind the door:

"Who are you?"

"Who are you?" The man was surprised~www.readwn.com~ He then glanced left and right, patted his forehead and said:


"Walking on the wrong floor!"

He didn't apologize, turned his body, and walked quickly towards the top of the stairs, as if he wanted to escape the embarrassing scene.

This seems to be just an accident.

But Bai Chen didn't care, and whispered to himself:

"Is the memory affected by someone?"

"If this is the case..." Long Yuehong habitually echoed.

Then, he was shocked:

"As neighbors on the same floor as the target, will we be quietly looking through our memories?"

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