Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 89: call

Latest website: In the rented car, Shang Jianyao was also excited when he heard Jiang Baimian’s inference:

"Symmetry obsessive-compulsive disorder will be the price of which field?"

Jiang Baimian thought about it and said:

"As the name suggests, I guess it's the'Golden Balance' in June. This old man pays attention to balance, and this is often reflected in symmetry. The corresponding price is symmetrical obsessive-compulsive disorder, which is very reasonable."

"June's'Golden Balance' mainly affects the body, including paralysis. By the way, certain awakened people in this field can also shield premonitions, hide their bodies, and conceal their assassinations." Shang Jianyao recalled the information provided by the company. Information gathered by the team elsewhere.

Jiang Baimian's heart moved:

"The companion of the man in sunglasses, the person on the other side of the frame, is likely to have the ability to hide his body and shield his premonitions. Therefore, the man in sunglasses seems to have only one person active, but he is secretly following one!

"That's why he dare not take off his sunglasses at night."

If a partner who has symmetric obsessive-compulsive disorder sees his big and small eyes, he is likely to be eliminated.

Shang Jian Yao nodded first, then pouted honestly:

"Not too possible.

"An awakened person with symmetrical obsessive-compulsive disorder in the'corridor of mind' cannot move normally.

"On the dust, asymmetrical things abound, especially in the Green Olive District. If I were him, I would be angry when I saw this, and I would want to destroy it when I saw it. In the end, I would either go wherever I went and blow it up, or I would be angry to death. "

When the houses in the Green Olive District were built, they were originally very symmetrical, but after so many years, a lot of chaotic constructions and roads have been invaded. The wires are pulled like the damaged spider webs. They are seriously symmetrical. People with sexual obsessive-compulsive disorder are afraid that they will not have brain congestion on the spot.

In similar discussions, Jiang Baimian never cared about face, only recognized reason.

She nodded gently:


She immediately put forward a new idea:

"Somehow reduced the degree of symmetric obsessive-compulsive disorder, or controlled his impulse to destroy?"

"It is possible, but this is at best a temporary strategy and cannot be maintained for a long time. You should be very clear that relying on external forces to reduce the impact of costs is often counterproductive. Even if it is relatively simple and can indeed produce results, it will take a long time. It takes a period of adaptation to work." Shang Jianyao said fifteen and ten.

I don't know... Jiang Baimian tried to make himself forget the lost past.

She glanced at the side window of the car:

"What you mean is that the person with symmetric obsessive-compulsive disorder will not usually come out, live in a small enough symmetrical world, and only suppress the price and take action when it is critical or when it needs to be transferred?"

"I think so." Zen Master Purdue replied very peacefully.

"Since that person is not hiding next to the target, why is he still wearing sunglasses at night? Is my previous speculation wrong, he is really photophobic?" Jiang Baimian thought about it.

After a short pause, no need to see Yao's answer, her eyes lit up:

"Timid and weak.

"Yes, timid and weak!

"The price of the man wearing sunglasses is probably cowardly and weak!"

This is one of the redundant anomalies embodied in Odick.

Shang Jianyao, who was in charge of driving, rubbed his chin with one hand:

"He didn't take off his sunglasses because his companion or the'Nightmare' represented by the photo frame had warned him about this, and the timid and weak, even if he left the sight of his companion or the'Nightmare', he would not dare to violate it?"

This is the timidity and weakness of the "corridor of soul".

Jiang Baimian was suddenly excited:


"Do you remember that sentence?

"One eye is big and the other is small. It's not a good person. I'll help you dig it out!

"This may be the warning made by his companion or the'nightmare' represented by the photo frame, which was presented in a certain way in the dream, instead of being added by Odick himself!"

Now the logic is smooth!

Shang Jian Yao was equally excited:

"The timid and weak infected man who wears sunglasses, symmetrical obsessive-compulsive disorder comes from this companion or'nightmare', one of mania and insanity comes from the target's companion, or the'nightmare' represented by the'picture frame'. Are the mental illnesses that appear after shock or trauma?"

Wait, why should I be as excited as this guy... Jiang Baimian tried to control his emotions and further said:

"The faint-hearted are often cautious and always consider all kinds of dangers.

"So, the man wearing sunglasses has not been able to track us until now. It's not that he has no choice but that he has too many scruples. There are too many accidental factors that need to be eliminated. There is not enough to face the neighborhoods where Xiao Chong and Teacher Du Heng have been haunted. His courage to try boldly and choose a more circuitous and time-consuming method?"

This is in line with the current situation, and is one of the steps in which bold assumptions are carefully verified.

Shang Jian Yao touched the newly bought cell phone in his pocket that had been connected to the original city communication network, and said with interest:

"So, in which field is the price of cowardice and weakness?"

Jiang Baimian frowned:

"It's not as obvious as symmetric obsessive-compulsive disorder..."


Green olive area, in the room where Long Yuehong and Bai Chen hid.

"As neighbors on the same floor as the target, will we be quietly flipping through the memory?" Long Yuehong said in a little horror.

Bai Chen took his gaze back from the cat's eye, turned his body, and said carefully:

"The probability is not too high.

"According to the plan, in order to avoid the danger of being scanned by the target quietly, when we choose the area to be monitored secretly, we always try to stay away from the room of Laoge and observe through the camera installed in a hidden place nearby.

"We are at the other end of the corridor, and it's not facing the stairs. There is a certain dislocation. It is a place that is unlikely to see strangers coming and going, and the probability of being looked at by the memory is very low.

"Unless the goal is to be very cautious and would rather kill the wrong one, otherwise he shouldn't waste time on us."

If it were not for going to other floors or leaving this apartment, it would be very easy to be seen by other people, leaving the corresponding clues, Bai Chen would definitely choose to hide further away at that time.

Long Yuehong was almost convinced, but considering that Bai Chen was here, he couldn't be too wary of accidents and changed his mind:

"I think it is still necessary to consider the possibility of the other party being very cautious.

"If you think about it, the real ‘priest’ and his piles of false ‘priests’ actually have a similar tendency.

"The awakened people who play with memory, they act like a normal style."

Bai Chen nodded slowly:

"Then start the plan.

"We can no longer modify our memory unknowingly."

She was extremely impressed by the fact that her emotional memory was tampered with by a true "priest" before.

Long Yuehong was startled when she heard it, and hurriedly reached into her pocket and took out a stack of memo papers.

In order to cope with the situation where the target may be the awakened person at the "corridor of soul" level in the "last man" field, they wrote down some key memories in a simple way, just like guarding against true "priests" before, so that it is convenient for frequent comparison and viewing. Has my memory been quietly modified? I unknowingly become a stranger to myself.

When Long Yuehong was flipping through it, Bai Chen walked to her portable computer.

After a while of operation, she called up a software.

This is written by Gnawa. The prototype is the old world software for dialing mobile phone and landline numbers through the Internet.

Bai Chen entered a number and chose to connect.

This is certainly not the mysterious number stored in Avia’s dangerous cell phone, Ole’s granddaughter.

Once the call is made, the result is unpredictable, and it is not yet time to fight.

What Bai Chen entered was the number of the new cell phone that Shang Jian Yao bought.

Now that there are a few pre-plans, and the enemy is supposed to be stronger, then the "old tune team" will definitely not forget to make certain preparations before acting separately.

To this end, Shang Jianyao deliberately implanted a passerby with the idea of ​​"buying a mobile phone on his behalf and helping to access the Internet" and gave him enough money.

After getting the mobile phone and confirming that the number was valid, he and Jiang Baimian left here to visit the Odick family in the Red Giant Wolf district.

As for the network Bai Chen currently uses, the signal comes from Gnawa, and Gnawa has already invaded nearby cell phone base stations.

Toot, toot, toot...

On the computer screen, the software interface displayed the words "Efforts to be connected".

After a few seconds, the text changed to "Calling".

Shang Jianyao's voice followed:

"Hello, two, this is the'Zen and Motorcycle Repair' radio station.

"I am the radio host, the cyborg monk, Zen Master Purdue."

"Be serious!" Jiang Baimian's voice sounded next to him, accompanied by a pop of "hit music".

Shang Jianyao's voice immediately became serious:

"Found an anomaly?"

"Yes. UU read www.uukanshu.com" Bai Chen focused on quickly explaining the matter of someone walking on the wrong floor and his and Long Yuehong's guesses.

On the other side of the phone, Jiang Baimian quickly issued an order:

"Park the car to the side of the road, we will change positions, and you will concentrate on maintaining the call."

"Good." Shang Jianyao did not delay.

Soon, he said to Bai Chen and Long Yuehong:

"Switch to video mode."

Bai Chenfei clicked quickly and completed the corresponding operation.

Then, she and Long Yuehong saw Shang Jianyao's face.

Seeing Yaohou, leaning against the back of the co-pilot seat, Shang said with a smile:

"You hide this window now and pretend that nothing happened."

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